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Posts posted by BergelomeuSantos

  1. 1 hour ago, Fenreir said:

    everytime i see an original Path of Radiance or Radiant Dawn cover, my soul hurts a bit. i've searched for them before, but it's impossible to find them except for few overpriced and used copies.

    guess i'll have to emulate those as well.

    Same for me. However, in my case, I DID find one. Years ago. The problem is: I didn't even know what was Fire Emblem back in the day, so I wasted the opportunity to play what would become one of my favorites games of the franchise for only 50R$.

    2 hours ago, _Legault_ said:

    Years. Every time Nintendo releases a new Fire Emblem or FE Amiibo I bought it immediately. 

    Even with FE7?

  2. 55 minutes ago, Coreyographed said:

    Well let's not forget that his skill triggers when the battalion's HP is 0 as well, so if he does lose the battalion partway through the map he still has an extra source of damage.

    This and because he has easy access of vantage. In other words, he can rush with a battalion, ''kill them off'', enter vantage range and have a +5 bonus. We don't know for sure which kind of Bonus we are going to get by battalions, but there might be one for purposes like this.

  3. Wrong guy? Yes. Good job. 

    17 minutes ago, Cysx said:

     This guy's innocent! We were about to put him in villain jail without a second thought, when he might really be a good guy!

    This?...I don't think so. This is Fire Emblem, remember? 

    Edit: Wait a second.. @SimplyUnknown might be right! I actually forgot about the old dude. He has similar hair, clothing (you can see some of it alongside his hair) and nose. However, if I'm going to gamble, I would say that the ''Dead-Woman'' photo is old too. This would make him into a Finn of some sorts (Appearing in Part 1 and 2), but 5 years isn't...much for you to grow like that. (However, the Dead-Woman might be older than the events of Part 1, I don't know) My 2° Gamble is simply that those two are related, but not the same person.

  4. I love almost every single one of the designs in Echoes, but...

    Sages and Dread Fighters are...er..

    Dread Fighters are cool and all but they don't feel to belong to the Mercenary Class-Line. In any other game where a Mercenary isn't the same as a Myrmirdon, the Dread Fighter would act as a cool and fitting 3rd promotion for the Swordmaster or as a Swordmaster. In a Mercenary line..it doesn't. (Especially with that ''Blam-Shazam!'' effects on the Normal Guy Sword Swinger)

    Sages are cool and I don't hate their designs and they can be sometimes fitting, specially for Nomah. However, let's face it, Sages are Bishops in Echoes. Look, I love to use Bishops on Fire Emblem, but there's a reason I never pick the Bishop Option when promoting a Mage: I don't like my Light-Weight Mobile Mage to be limited by..that. (I forgot the name and don't want to use the word ''dress'')

    By the way, the Soldier Class-Line Design must be my favorite.

  5. (Only played FE4 once)

    This guy is a beast. This is the best resume that I can give. With his High Stats, Horse in Horse Emblem, Skills, Good Growths and Tyrfing, he completely destroyed my 1st Part. He also have access to Lances, giving him more Weapon Triangle Advantage and 1-2 rng weapons. (+5.0)

    However, I don't know much about his personality. His personality seems to be going to ways: ''Funny and Lazy'' (especially on the Translation that I used) (which I hate on Sigurd) and Honored and  Chivalrous (like in his FEH incarnation) (which I love), or just both. So...+3.5 (I don't recall much from FE4. Does he gets more mature by the events of the game?)

    Bonus!:He was my First 5-Star unit in Heroes. +1.0


  6. This got me thinking for a while..Hm...

    Well, there are way worst games out there that I played, but the only ones that I seem to recall now are Crappy PS2 games.

    Especially ''Barbie and the 12 Dancing Princesses''. I was young, had nothing better to do and had 2 sisters.

    The game isn't Bad-Bad, but it literally made me crash my head to the ground and think about my live choices. Good thing it only costed me 2 days and a talk with my dad to make a 100% file.

  7. 1 hour ago, Rezzy said:

    Would I be able to ask a kind soul who's good at making sprites to spritify me?

    Well, it's not going to be me. Sorry.

    However, there's something that I wanted to point out: I remembered that some time ago (1/2 years) a guy made a program for easy Gba-Portraits. It's idea is simple: Choose a Hair, Body and Face from any of the existent GBA-Portraits and make a new one. Example: Fae with Hawkeye body. You could also change colors and see a preview of your portrait as a class.

    The only thing I don't know is about the Color Scheme and Portrait Height, but you should be able to ''mold'' them afterwards. Anyway, it should be of some help (maybe not to you, but someone else).

    (Also, please note that I'm only talking about it. I do not have the license of the author or something) 

    Anyway, this seems to be the Latest Version of that Program. It was made by TheFlyingMinotaur:



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