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Posts posted by BergelomeuSantos

  1. Well, it varies a lot depending on the condition of levers and buttons, but my favorites have always been fighting games and fast pace games (mostly beat'em ups and 2d shootings like Metal Slug). My list should be common enough, but here are some of my favorites:

    The King of Fighters (mostly 2001/2002). KOF 2001 is my absolute favorite fighting game, especially because of the history that I have with it. Half of my friends were made just by the pure joy of failing specials and getting a hard counter on the face.

    Metal Slug X. If there's one game that I'm kinda of proud to say that I spent numbers of hours just by training to do a no-hit run, this must be it. X is not my favorite of the franchise, but it is definitely my most played.

    Captain Commando. This one is a classic. Finding one around here was enough motive to break down the pig bank.

    Samurai Shodown I/II. Probably the pearl of fighting games around here. There's even legendary tales about a machine that only appears once a year (which is true, since it comes with a small festival) which had the maximum high score. I did saw this ''Legendary Machine'', but there was, like, 30 people ahead of me.

    Marvel x Capcom Series. Last, but not least, we have this marvel'ous (sorry) fighting game. This one is on par with Captain Commando, only that this one has a strange luck. That luck being that the machine was ALWAYS either free or with a discounted price, FOR NO REASON. Hell, I even found one with 2 coins already inserted! (I did make sure that it was ok for me to use them, though)

  2. 40 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

    Ferdinand asks for D+ Heavy Armour and 6 Dex.

    Caspar asks for D+ Brawling and 6 Str.

    Wait, really?!  Only 6 points?! Jeez, so that's how I recruited Lysithea so early..

    Well, I came back to give the update:

    I should say sorry for actually mistaking my Brawling Rank. It was D, not D+/C. With that said, I didn't have the chance to go Brawler.

    However, I did get lucky and passed on a 67% Armored Knight certification. Since my Armor Rank was at mid-way at D, it took only one battle to get the ranking to D+.

    Since I didn't need any Axe Levels, I used only gauntlets and easily got into C.

    I recruited the fuc-

    Seriously, I was about to punch the bag next to me when Ferdinand started the recruitment dialogue with the same line as the reject recruitment (is this supposed to be torture?!).

    Without knowing, I ended up recruiting all the other students. That should be good enough for my first playthrough, right?

  3. 8 minutes ago, Chaotix said:

    You should have enough time then that you don't really need to worry about it.

    Take the exam for Grappler rather than Armor Knight, and use that to train up your Gauntlet rank (you get a big bonus to gauntlet exp with it). And just do faculty training to get Armor rank to D+ since you're almost there. 

    Hm..I see. My only hope is that Grappler can be achieved by Rank C Gauntlets.

    Thanks for all the help! I really appreciate that! These 2 units could be very valuable to my team after Sylvain abandoned the knighthood (I made him follow the brigand path instead of the cavalier one) and Felix becoming a Swordmaster with only C on Gauntlets.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Chaotix said:

    There's one month where all of the Knights of Seiros are off-campus hunting for the murderer of a certain important story character. I assume that's where you are at now. That's another reason why it's a pain to raise armor rank.

    The requirements for Armored Knight are Axe C and Armor D, so with only E+ axes I don't think you can even attempt it. However the good news is that means you do have Armor D already. It should be possible to get it up to D+ with the remaining time you have left for faculty training and you won't need to worry about Armored Knight.

    Gauntlets are easier because you can equip them on any non-magic, non-mounted class. I would certify Byleth for the Fighter and Grappler classes once you can, and then only use Gauntlets for the next few missions and paralogues. As long as you are also Faculty training Gauntlets with Rhea, Catherine, and Alois (once you finish Armor training), you should be able to hit C+ in time.

    Yes, that's precisely where I'm at the time. Didn't mention it because of possible spoiler for anyone who might have the same trouble in the future.

    I'm starting to hate axes, I tell you. Since I didn't reclass into axe wielders before beginning this paralogue, I'm using the good'old Mercenary.

    I just got Axes Rank D if that's enough for Armor Knight. Should I start on gauntlets? Oh, by the way, they're on Rank C and Armor is almost a D+. 

  5. 27 minutes ago, Chaotix said:

    Depending on how far along you are, you might just be screwed, unfortunately.

    The paralogue timers do indeed give you a hint on when the timeskip occurs, and on top of that you cannot recruit units at all in the final month pre-timeskip.

    Armored Knight is hard for Byleth to qualify for unless you also happened to be training Axe rank. Unfortunately, pre-timeskip only Gilbert and Alois can train you in Armor Rank. It's kind of a pain to get it to D+ and you really have to be planning for it from the beginning.

    Gauntlet rank is a bit easier because Byleth has a strength in it, and there are more potential trainers - I think Rhea, Alois, and Catherine off the top of my head.

    If you can pass the Armor Knight exam, by all means grind auxiliary battles with gauntlets. If you're on Normal mode you can do this indefinitely.

    If you can't pass the Armor Knight exam, the only thing you can do is Explore and do faculty training at every possible opportunity, and hope that it will be enough. Make sure you've bought the Armor rank bonuses from the statue rewards. Each faculty training will give you +20 rank exp (or +30 if you get a "Great") plus bonuses, so you can math out in advance if it's even possible to get your ranks that high.

    Well, I just checked up on my status..

    It seems like I only have 2 months before the time-skip. My armor ranking doesn't seem to give me much trouble but..I just noticed that I have a E+ on Axes..yep. I should have paid more attention to my Byleth's skills levels (his higher skill level is at freaking C+ with swords while all of my units have at least one B+! ).

    My idea WAS getting training from Gilbert and the others instructors of Armor, but I couldn't find them anywhere at my last Explore Session. I also made a little mistake and got into a Battle before seeing if I could pass Knight (I DO meet one of the requirements, so I should be fine with a few save-loads, right..?)

    Also, I'm on hard mode. No easy skill levels for me..

    I believe that I got 1 or 2 armor related bonuses from the statues, but none from axes (and only one for gauntlets?).

    Edit:Ah, I also have the ''Knowledge Gem''. Should this be of help as well? I always have equipped with Byleth, but it didn't change much from what I see.

  6. Very well, this is my first time playing the game and..Well, it seems like I'm pretty much screw'd on those 2 units. (I'm on Blue Lions, by the way)

    It looks like I'm near the time-skip (since the prologues have a timer). I'm not really trying to recruit everyone, I just payed equally attention to every student and their liked gifts, so..pretty much 80% of the game wants to join my house. I have a B rank with everyone but Dorothea and Raphael (and the guys this topic is about), so supports shouldn't be a problem. However, since Ferdinand and Caspar can't have a B Rank on pre-skip, they are way harder to recruit. Stats (15/20) aren't really the trouble here, since the only ones that ended up badly were Res and Lck.  The real problem is the goddamn Armor and Brawling Ranking (which are..D+ and C+? The Switch is charging right now, I can edit it later).

    What should I do to recruit them with more ease? Armor Knight with Fists?

  7. ..One of my posts getting attention after 1.5 months?! Well, this is kinda of new!

    Anyway, what I wanted to share is that..Cyril growths (with aptitude, for god's sake) aren't bad at all for what he excels at(..bows).

    I can't give much details because..Well, I still don't own a Three Houses copy (*cof cof* but I got a good feeling about today). In terms of growths, he bests the ''main-archers'' of every house (Ashe, Ignatz and Bernadetta) as he beats them in every single stat aside from Luck (Ignatz) and Resistance (Ignatz/Ashe)..for a 5%. Of course, he doesn't completely outclass them,as all he does is taking a 5%/10% advantage while coming later, with worst stats (?), bad p.skill and..no being of Holy Blood (I actually forgot what's the name of those things that Edelgard seems to hate so much)? His caps also aren't bad at all comparing to the other guys, so he should do good in terms of Late-Game Stat-Wise.

    I would normally research more before making a response, but..I'm not at my best spare-time moment right now. Sorry.

  8. Well..I don't really have a ''main favorite''. I just like to make units overpowered at their main job and..decent at best in any other scenario.

    Other than this, my passion would be for infantry tankers (that's why Lukas is my favorite infantry unit, *cof*),''brave'' units (not necessarily units with brave weapons, just units who can double attack before anything) with 0 def/res and absurd types of builds (like making Reinhardt into a CC Tank).

  9. Well, I feel great about this one!

    It feels really good to have this game outside of the Wii U...through I'm not going to play at the time (*cof cof* I need money for 3H *cof cof*)

    However, this got me thinking..What happened to that SMT game? Through I'm not the biggest fan of SMT, I was really excited to see how a SMT game would fare on Switch.

    Oh well, they already have their hands at P5R and this, so..I can't really blame them.

  10. 9 minutes ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

    FEE3 is a yearly (I think around late October or early November) showcase of projects that fangame makers are working on.  It's mostly been GBA hacks, but I'm hoping to see more SRPG Studio projects this year after Sanctaea Chronicles debuted last year as the first SRPG Studio game ever to be featured at FEE3.

    Here's the intro video for last year's FEE3.  Sanctaea Chronicles is at 2:50.


    Ah, thanks.

    That honestly looks pretty cool! I should definitely give it a look later, with Sanctaea Chronicles included. 

  11. Hm..This really looks like a really tough spot for the project. I'm actually kinda of relieved that someone had the courage to ask the feared question.

    I don't expect to see Josh returning so earlier (if he ever returns, that is) or someone willing to take the lead at the moment, so we can almost safely assume that the project will remain in hiatus until then. I do hope that this doesn't mean the death of the project, since some users put a lot of effort on it, such as Fenreir and Von himself. 

    Keeping it standstill while preserving the made content might be the only option for the time, especially with some of us participating in other projects at the time.

    ..Though I'm not the one to say it, since my performance with this project has always been...lacking, to say the least. Sorry.


    (Off Topic but..:Could anyone point me out what FEE3 is?)

  12. 8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Yet, of all WRs, the only one I'd call downright bad is Eda. Who lacks her brother's bases, his Con, his Sword Rank, his Movement Stars, his Critical Coefficient, and can't use his Dragonpike. All whilst having the same availability, and suffering the same massive -3 Str, -2 Skl/Spd, and -5 Def caused by dismounting when indoors. And even then, Eda is only your third (and last if you pick Shannam route) flier in FE5, so she still has some visiting/ferry utility.

    Eda is actually a..funny one for me. Might be a example of how WR can be good even with a bad character.

    I made a self-challenge of not using Dean because I'm not a big fan of him, so I decided to train her. For my surprise, she ended up capping almost every single of her stats without massive scroll abuse before promoting (If I remember correct, I used some ''general'' ones until she capped Speed and then worked on her Defense) (of course this ain't a hard thing when the game gives you a 20 stat cap..). Sure, she still way less optimal than her brother (especially for utility outside of battle), but it was worthy enough...She DID get a +2 mov. Don't ask how.

    Also, don't try this. Just use Dean for god's sake. He trades her speed for a better stat on everything. 

  13. Don't worry, it's not just you. Actually, Wyvern Rider/Lord being a great class in almost every game is a somewhat popular opinion between the community.

    They have high move, stats, great weapon choices, flying movement, good constitution (on games that use the mechanic) and a somewhat easy access to get rid of the bow bonus damage (which..might not even end up being a problem *looking at wyverns with high defense*) and FE10 is something. With this, their only weakness is magic and a overkiller unit (example: Sniper doubling a Wyvern *with Flyer Weakness* with a Silver Bow). But since overkillers are somewhat rare in non-high-difficulty, magic is everything.

  14. 12 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

    I picked him for being the only character in all of Fire Emblem other than Quan, whose name starts with a Q...which is still kinda bad luck...

    The good wiki cover most of it in this article https://fireemblemwiki.org/wiki/Replacement_unit, but basically they get a random available class, get literally a generic image of their class for their portrait, for example


    their stats are simply the class bases, auto leveled with their class growths until they reach your party's average level, if that level is above15 they arrive promoted, so above level 15 they get promotion bonuses and auto level with the promoted class growths, and get the basic E rank weapon of what ever they can use.

    Crap, there are only 2 characters whose name starts with a Q?! 

    Well, guess I'll make a playable generic (stat-wise) hunter who is followed everywhere by his terrible luck..is that ok to you?


    Edit: By the way, we're reaching the 34 characters mark, so the next one might be the last one. Everyone that participated will have my thanks. You've helped me to grow a lot more with this, you don't even know it.

  15. (First of all, I don't really know if this is the best forum/subforum to post this. Feel free to give me a headache if this is the wrong one.)

    Ok, you're probably wondering what the hell is this, right..?

    In resume..I want to make a small hack rom (mostly for training) and I'm just..out of ideas for a whole new one. 

    What I want you to do is to simply select 5 male characters from the franchise (I'm doing this expecting a small amount of people, so I might drop the value if this *somehow* ends up getting attention), I'm going to pick every single one until the list is ''full''. 

    There are no other requirements to meet, it only needs to be a male character. It can be a ally, a enemy, a dead character, a villager, anything!

    In other words, this is a simple ''choose your favorite boy!'' type of post, only that it is going to be used somewhere.

    So..Have fun choosing!


    Edit:Just because I also want to participate, Lukas and Noah already have a place at the list. (Any bonus vote for them will get a special +1 random stat buff)

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