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Posts posted by BergelomeuSantos

  1. 13 minutes ago, Sid Starkiller said:

    Have you seen Armored Lord/Emperor's normal axe animation? She's literally attacking with the BACK of the axe head! That works fine for Aymr since it has a roughly circular head, but if Edelgard's using literally any other axe...

    Actually, nope. Crimson Flower is the only one that remains to play. 

    Okay, I just looked it up and..WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!  Although it does seem like she does a..er..ok, I don't know the name of it so..let's call it a ''Zipper Cut'' after the first attack.

    Kind of reminds me of the Lord Class in TH, where the only 'hurtful' stuff comes from critical hits.

    28 minutes ago, Elephantus said:

    Hmm, yeah, that looks super weird. Kind of like how they'd often use hammers like normal axes in Awakening.

    Oh, don't forget about the axe animation of Hero in FE14. I don't remember exactly, but there was some bizarre stuff on that.

  2. (I'm going to post a video to get things explained more easily)

    (Also, this is my first time trying to post a actual video on this site so..It might not go as well as I want)



    If you could watch the video, you might know what I'm trying to say. Isn't attacking with the..(hell, I don't know the name of it in english..)'top' (?) of the axe a good idea? I mean, it surely has his vantage when used correctly (like for a close 'surprise' attack of some sorts), but it's surely more of a desperate move than optimal, right..? 

  3. 14 hours ago, Agent said:

    Actually, i'm gonna have to stop you there, buddy. While I didn't really want to stop you from using the Slim Lance, the Flame Lance is probably a terrible option. Magical melee weapons use your atrocious Magic stat. Also, it was like that in Path of Radiance. So I would highly suggest not using a magic weapon. If you regret your choice later, I put a few weapons in the caravan just in case.

    ..Actually the Flame Lance was for @AnonymousSpeed. The Slim Lance was just there for a ''Safe'' option (most likely to either finish units, chip damage and stuff like, even if there's little to no time for stuff like that if the map is going to be as hard as you say) while also being a small inside joke. Honestly, I don't even mind if I end up with a free slot. 

  4. Oh, this could get big if I take too much time into thinking..

    Felix. Sure, he's pretty much 70% of what I was expecting him to be. However, where he really shinned for me was that 30%. I'm just not going to give much details because..I need to sleep.

    Ignatz was a surprise both for gameplay and background. His relationship with Raphael and his family was one of my favorites inner-stories. Also, he was my most hyped character in every run that I did. Lethality never been so fun to use in a debuffer (his main job in most battles). Also, 1% crits are a thing with this guy. 

    Annette and Gilbert. (People have already pointed out everything that I could say) 

    And..Dorothea? I mean, she didn't skyrocket in my likeness for her. She still the female character that I'm least interested with, but I found her to be a good overall character. (Also, she was the only offensive mage with actual speed on my Blue Lions Team /don't ask me about Lysithea, even I don't know what happened/ and a meme between my friends)


  5. 24 minutes ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    Yo how about a Flame Lance? (It is unlikely a Flame Lance would actually be that helpful.)

    (You mean Slim Lance with that last Flame Lance, right?)*

    Deal. I'll change my Slim Lance for that. Just make sure that I leave in one piece, ok?

  6. 15 hours ago, Agent said:

    @BergelomeuSantos qv1J078Tn3ZWW5uwiFJ3NjLBiKHDRT4fvrEh02vtTECHp44YwJbq_TTXcUMEmqzXchA5xU-faOFez00rtxVemJvgDfGsGnmKth1bpZQWulhT_9DXM6y2dRhOBz3NoZI8byJkIl70

    Here you go. I gotta ask, though. Why the Slim Lance and Javelin? They seem a bit... weak.

    That's...kinda of the point. Javelin is there just for a 1-2 Range option that has more than 20 uses. Slim Lance is there because.......actually, I have no idea why. If you feel like it's way too weak for anything, you can change it for a stronger one. Otherwise, just leave it there.

    By the way, the sprite reminds me of Ferdinand Von Aegir. You have my thanks for that. 

  7. Uhh..I'm probably going to get something wrong..But here it goes mine:

    Class: Soldier->Sentinel 
    Appearance: Has orange hair...that's it.
    Personal Skill:Even-Rhythm, +10 Hit/Avoid on Even-Turns.
    Items: Flame Lance*, Guard Spear, Javelin, Happy Guard, Elixir
    Stat Growth: 

    • Hp 22/75% (+1, 0%)
    • Atk 5/50% (+1, 0%)
    • Mag 0/10% (-2, -10%)
    • Skl 7/45% (+1, +10%) 
    • Spd 7/45% (+1, +5%)
    • Lck 3/25% (0, 0%)
    • Def 5/50% (+2, +15%)
    • Res 2/30% (+2, +10%)
  8. Well, from what I found..

    This seems to be the formula for the heal staff:

    ''Restores a small amount of HP (Half User's Magic + 8 )to an ally.''

    Well, anyway..I thought that staffs in Awakening had their formula at info, but it was a long time ago since my last play.

    The ''basic'' of the formula should be Half User's Magic + Staff Value + Any skills that also affect it. 


  9. 27 minutes ago, Corrobin said:

    There are quite a few people who have Sword and Axe strengths. But the majority of those people have other things they want to do, or are girls.

    Edelgard can't access it, because she's a girl.

    Claude, once he gets his Axe Hidden Talent up, can access it... but he wants to raise his flying and bow skills for his personal classes.

    Petra is a girl.

    Ferdinand wants to go into cavalry classes or armored classes.

    Seteth wants to stay in the flying classes.

    So... who is Hero for?!

    Well, Ferdinand shouldn't be on a armored class because...you know and cavalry hinders a little of his speed, so he might want to spend some time in Hero.

    That being said, there's no real need to have a double aptitude to be good into a class. Sylvain doesn't have one for Swords and he was a beast as a Hero.

    Also, aren't personal classes a ''Rank-E'' thing? I mean, you don't choose to class-change into them as they're story-wise.

  10. 2 hours ago, Agent said:

    @BergelomeuSantos @Sob99 @Toyotasomi no Miko @AnonymousSpeed

    Man, you guys have harder to remember names than my last crew. Anyways, I guess you're the only folks available, which is fine with me as I didn't need a "full crew", whatever that was.

    There's not a lot of you, so you're still gonna be pretty high level, though only a few levels lower than 20/20, as I put a lot of named units on the map that are like Level 19/15(yes, very specific level, my bad). Annnd there's gonna be like 24 enemies at max, probably. Unless you're masochistic and want to fight additional reinforcements.

    *ahem* Now... initially I was thinking i'd create a new topic for the gameplay, but at the same time, I could easily just rename the current topic and we'd all continue from there, sound good?

    Oh, and the initial premise of this post was to ask if you were ready, which I will probably do again at the conclusion of character creation.

    Fine by me. Just make sure to change the tags too or you might run into some small-talk troubles. (Or just go with the new topic option. It's probably safer.)

    Also, why are we talking like this?

  11. Well, I don't normally participate in this type of thing mainly because of my poor english, but..

    If it's more about testing and less about actual roleplay, I could give a hand. But this still has the potential to sky-rocket in terms of popularity, so you can simply leave me as the 'Emergencial' guy or something.

  12. Anyway, final map of Blue Lions.

    I was doing pretty okay at my playthrough, I guess.

    No deaths, everyone recruited, only 1 bad unit (Lorenz) and all that.

    This map was pretty easy, but random crits and 'Damage Combos' (aka Edelgard getting someone on low health) got almost all of my divine pulses (had only 1 at the end).

    Anyway, routed the map, put everyone into position (near Edelgard), full health, relics in hand and..Ashe, the normal bow knight with somehow good Str.

    My first move in the battle was simply getting Dimitri to face her. Nothing too shiny, just wanted to see how he would fare against her. Anyway, 20 damage 70 Hit 0 Crit, doubled.

    ...He got a crit from a 5% chance. 'Just bad luck', I thought

    Anyway, used the last divine pulse and waited a turn to roll RNG.

    Ignatz gets the Def debuff on her and evades, just like always.

    Ashe goes for the chip damage for around 16 damage while doubling. Pretty darn good and he had enough to survive a hit.

    ..Guy gets a crit from 3%. 'F*cking again?!', I say, 'At least I have Divine Pulses..', I say. I didn't.

    But that's enough backstory, the only thing I wanna know is:

    Should I respect my horrible stupid luck or should the love for this great character be enough to make me reset the entire level? I leave the choice to you.

  13. 12 minutes ago, This boi uses Nino said:

    I just have no comments on this, why does it exist? Why not just add it to the growths directly? It's not like some classes do a "Always set this growth to X for anyone" (where it could be useful) but instead are always modifiers, after all (A-B)+20= (A+20)-B so what gives? Donnel, Mozu and Cyril are already bad and this skill wasting a personal skill slot makes them even worse with their already bad stats. Sure some things make them salvageable (except for donnel) like being a good Sniper or a Wyvern Lord but, specially in FE3H, slots are very limited and why waste one to train a unit when others can do it better than these guys since the start and join earlier, not to mention their stats are a pain to work through and they bring nothing special to the table.

    So, is it a bad skill or do you think it's actually balanced to take away a personal skill slot for high growths?


    I'm sure someone is going to point it out (if not already) but only Cyril has it as his personal skill. If you take the argument to Cyril, it's totally valid (but I never really cared much about p.skills, so my Bow Knight Cyril still on my team).

    Aptitude is actually a skill from the villager class. In other words, if you happen to throw someone on the villager class or gave aptitude to a children unit, it HAS some value.

  14. I'm finishing my first playthrough so..I might as well make a 2nd post on my units:

    Like I said, Ferdinand is a healer. Almost a Holy Knight.

    Bernadetta is a Falcon Knight. (Optimal, but far from conventional) She does pretty good with the small ''Initiative Wrath'' build that I made for her. Having a flier archer saved more lives than you know.

    Lorenz is a Soldier. That's it. 

    Dorothea is a Mortal Savant. Losing speed still hurts me, especially for the final form of the FREAKIN SWORD LINE. (Literally the only god damn thing that the whole class line had was spd and str!)

    50% of my team is made of Holy Knights. (I really love this class, is it that hard to believe?)

    Gilbert is the only Great Knight. (Seriously, use this guy)

    Ashe had the 2nd best Str of my team (until Raphael skyrocket him after 6-7 levels). Not really a unconventional build, just some crazy luck while he was a Cavalier.


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