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Posts posted by BergelomeuSantos

  1. Dedue: Professor, I'm afraid you're putting His Highness in too much risk.

    Byleth: What do you mean?

    Dedue: I mean that you just warped him up to the middle of 30 enemy troops, including the enemy commander.

    Byleth: Oh, he's going to be fine.

    Dedue:..The enemy commander is Edelgard, professor.

    (Dimitri at the background: I won't be deterred!)

    Byleth: See? He's completely fine.

    Dedue:..That was Wrath activating, professor.


    (Actually, I don't really know if this counts as a Incorrect Quote. Just had that one in mind.)

  2. 18 hours ago, Dragoncat said:

     Amazing. Now if you could breed him with a female named Karla and name a puppy Fir that'd be super fitting. What breed of dog is he, or combo of breeds?

    I'm really bad at keeping track of breeds, namely because we kinda of 'renamed' them around here ('Caramel Mutt', 'Goldie', 'Piggy', etc).

    His mother is a breed between a Dachshund (the 'sausage dog') and a mutt dog, while his father is only Yorkshire.

    However, he kinda of cheated on his 'Karla' not too long ago. At least Fir is coming.

  3. 17 hours ago, Dragoncat said:

    Naming a pet after a video game character is something I swear I will do someday. I almost had a cat named Midna, but I got my orange boy Cheeto instead.

    Good lord, a orange boy named Cheeto could get you to high places around here. (The good ones, not..those)

    - - - -

    I'll tell you, it wasn't a easy ride to get the boy named after Bartre. First I had to get the advantage of opinion, fighting over stuff like 'Spike' until death. Then, when I finally had the advantage, I had to find a suitable character (which is pretty hard). And, after longs hours of thinking, I finally grasped it. Bartre. It fits more perfectly than you probably think. He's slow, but playful (3 speed, 40% growth) and the bulkiest one we have, but also the stupidest.

    All that for everyone calling him by the nickname anyway.


  4. Oh, how have I been waiting for this..

    Some of them probably don't fit at the premise, but here they go:

    My cat is named Nolah (which secretly is Nolan + Noah, two characters that I'm very found of) (Funnily, it's female).

    Gordin was my nickname at school (although it means 'Little Fatie' at my language).

    My name (Nicholas) appears one time at the franchise (if I remember correctly). It's the name of one of those Knights under Xavier at FE5.

    Gilbert (Gilberto) is my aunt's name. They kinda of look alike too.

    I've met a dude called Dorcas at a local Smash tournament. We didn't spoke much aside from the usual 'Good game' and stuff (he did place 4° or something).

    Leonardo is one my best friends from High School. I really hope that he never finds out what a terrible unit he shares the name..(He also has an RPG Character called Dimitri, and he's really similar to post-skip Dimitri)

    And just for filler, here are some others without much context: Caesar (friend), Anna (sister), Natalie (sister), Camilla (colleague), Lukas (friend),  Marianne (colleague), Annette (grandma), Raphael (friend) (he's pretty damn big too), Manuela (colleague), Will (best-friend), Bartre (my dog), Marcus (former friend), Louise (colleague-friend), Isadora (random girl from other class), Ryan (a 5 year old that I'm friends with), Franz (friend), Vanessa (parent's friend), Amelia (colleague?) and +100 people that I probably forgot.


  5. -Pineapples can taste/feel like bananas. Search out for 'Sponge Bob' or 'Bob Esponja' (because, believe it, it's going to +30 years in Brazil after it's 'dead') if you want to know what a pineapple is or just forget about them. They didn't taste that great. Don't freaking forget about bananas, though. They are yellow (the peel is 'yellower'), are commonly associated with monkeys/gorillas (because of the evolution stuff, I don't think they'll ever forget about them) and taste great as long as you don't make hot stuff with it. It also looks like a smile or the crescent moon. 

    That's all I have.

  6. Well, in the middle of English and maybe Japanese, I bring to you...Guilherme Briggs..a Brazilian voice actor (a famous one, actually).

    He did: 

    Buzz Lightyear

    Yoda (Clone Wars)

    Mickey Mouse



    and....freaking Pac-Man? (What does that even mean?? There's no context about it, it's literally just written 'Pac-Man'. Is it the character? Is it the character in some movie? Is it some obscure Pac-Man movie where he did all the voices?! We'll never know...) (Also, it isn't listed at 'Games')

  7. Unfortunately, we don't have really complex dollar stores here. All they sell is paper and plastic stuff (and some basic toys, if you're lucky).

    However, we have a place that could be considered a '5-20 dollar store'? It's a gaming store with a really low price rating, where the owner (who's also a really nice guy) sells old games for about 5-10 dollars, 'new' (not really that new) (ps4, xbox one) games for about 15-30$, the Triple-A new games between 40-50$ (which is about the most expensive thing you would find at the store), some really interesting and cheap books (and I really mean that) and even some collectables/others! (The Switch games are the only thing with a bigger price rating, but still lower than you every day 90$ for a single game)


    (Actually, I don't have any idea about how is the R$->$ converting, so I kinda of kicked some random numbers..)

    (What I actually meant by every convert: 10-50 R$ dollar store, old games for 10-30 R$, 'new' games for 40-60 R$, new games 70-140 R$, books 10-50 R$, collectables/others 5-200 R$, Switch games 100-200 R$, the average Switch game: 180-400 R$)

    Don't tell my friends, but every game that they ever got for birthday? It's from there. And I don't feel any shame about it.

  8. Holy Hell, I'm way too late for this one, ain't I? But maybe I deserve this after spending most of October playing Three Houses. Oh well.

    I'll read everything else after I take care of something, but it seems there's some character slots remaining, right?  Hehe! So it's time for Bergelomeu, the good'old Sold-....Oh, you guys don't need another Soldier..I..uh..see..It's sad for me, but..I see. Well, at least this means that I can take the 'lacking' class and contribute..

    Character Name: Bergelomeu
    Forum Name: BergelomeuSantos 
    Class: Archer/(Ranger if I end up as a Pre-Promote)

    Affiliation: Protagonist
    Recruitment: Either visit a Village or Automatic. Choose whatever Chapter before 16.
    Main Appearance: Act 1 or 2 (To be true, I didn't really understand the 'Act' Thing.) 

    96 x 96 Face Portrait: Well, being that I'm a freaking Jellyfish, this will be..er..interesting, to say the least. I might come up with something, but any idea would be greatly appreciated.

    Other Notes: 

    • Asset/Flaw: +Def/-Lck and Skl (Skl being > than Lck) (Other stats could be inclined to a Jack-of-all-trades?)
    • Dragon Bow: I don't really mind not having a Prf weapon. With that said, Freohr Datia can have it if she wants.
    • Joining Act/Chapter: Just throw me anywhere you need. I'm still trying to keep up with the actual progress. 
    • Personality: His personality isn't really that complex. He's just a good-two-shoes guy who loves animals and hates being judged for what he isn't. He also enjoys fighting, but never for something unjust. He's also insecure as hell
    • Story?: (Like I said before, I'm still trying to keep up with the progress, so I don't really what to put here.)



  9. Well, as someone who always use Armor Knights (and even have runs dedicated to only armor knights), I can say that..there's no game where a Armor Knight is going to be at least a 'Top 3 Class' (maybe even 10). However, they have some perks in some games that might make you wanting to deploy them anyway. (By the way, I didn't finish FE1/2/3/15 at the moment I'm making this comment)

    • In FE5, they're the only ones able to use lances (if promoted) while indoors. 
    • FE7 has Oswin. That's about it for the Armor Knights. Oswin's a unit with good bases, high level, high weapon rank, joins early and has somewhat good growths.
    • FE10 has somewhat good Generals (not looking at you, Meg) and the provoke skill (which can be used to lure enemies if you want), but the game also has Wyverns. Wyverns have the better movement, higher caps on every category that isn't resistance (yes, they also have a better defense cap), don't have the arrow weakness anymore and the playable ones have some pretty high availability. So..yeah, it's pretty hard to justify the use of the Armor Bois. Enemy Armor's have some pretty good stats (even on speed!), though.
    • FE13/FE14? Armor's could be considered good units because of the Pair-Up mechanic (..but so do every other class). They can deliver some huge Defense (and Str?) bonus and get their mobility patched by a higher mobility unit. This allows them to be very useful for some maps, but their use should be considered situacional. And characters like Stahl can do their job pretty well too.

    ...Actually, I will just stop here. I was supposed to be showing 'good things' about Armors and I already criticized them more than I should.

  10. 1 hour ago, vanguard333 said:

    Wow; and I thought my list was long. I wish you good luck completing this. 

    Speaking of which, I realize I had forgotten a few:

    • Finish Pokémon: Ultra Sun.
    • Get the latest BoxBoy game on the Switch. 
    • Possibly do a new playthrough of Mario Sunshine (I'm not going to 100% it, but I would like to get further in the game than I did when I was 9, which is to say not very far at all). 

    Thanks, because I really gonna need it....especially since you accidentally also brought 3 similar resolutions that I also forgot, ksh.

    And I will also wish you luck on your resolutions. (Edit?:Which I just noticed that they're very similar to mine too! So extra good luck for that!)

  11. Holly corn, this is going to be long and have a load of ''finish'', isn't it?:

    • Finish Valkyria Chronicles 1 and 2 (also 3 and 4 if the first resolution is completed)
    • Finish a Terraria Expert Mode run
    • Finish Disgaea 1 and 2
    • Get over with the tactics games (FF and Ogre especially)
    • New Game+ FE10
    • Finish World of Light (Smash)
    • Get a better ranking in a local Smash Tournament (I did my try this year, but I ended up fighting against who ended up was a the winner of the tournament on my first round)
    • Play Stardew Valley with friends
    • Finish the Legion's Path in Fallout New Vegas
    • Finish Portal 1 and 2
    • Get over with the crazy amount of Lego games that I have
    • Gauntlet and Magic Run on FE:TH
    • 100% Breath of the Wild (or at least all Shrines)
    • Finish all of Persona games
    • Figure out what the hell was I doing at that Pokemon run
    • Finish all the remaining FE games (1,3,4,14B)
    • Finish Lisa:The Joyful
    • Those damn Hack Roms
    • (Edit)Oh yeah, I actually forgot about all the other Zeldas that I need to finish, how hopeful I was for cleaning my resolutions next year
    • Buy Dragon Quest 11 (Actually, forget all above. This is my new main goal.)
  12. Zephiel's voice seems..deeper. Wasn't he around 14 years old?!

    Marth&Elice is the only one that really strikes me. I'm in need of a Dual-Hero, a Colorless and Bonus Doubler. He's everything I need.

    The lack of Claude is going to give me nerves someday.

  13. Claude on left is my ultimate bet. Fear the deer.

    ..I mean, it makes sense, doesn't it? ..please say that it makes sense.. I'm not very in for Xander...

    The right one is kinda of trick. I would say Dimitri because of his weapon and..well, Claude.  Spiky hair doesn't help that, though. (The art actually reminds me of Inigo/Laslow and Stahl, with the last one being my 2° hope)

  14. I guess this is the day of F-Arts with animals. My latest pet (and first cat), Nolah (secretly named after Nolan and Noah), ended up with a similar situation to yours today, although the blast was 'probably' smaller. She just lifted the blanked like nothing happened, walked to my side and just looked me into the eyes..with the most disrespect and disgust that I ever experienced.. 

  15. Sounds fun.

    (By the way, if you find any of my picks..'strange', bear in mind that I don't have a real motive for 90% of them or I just like their 'gameplay style')

    • Shadow Dragon: Abel/Caeda
    • Shadows of Valentia: Lukas/Mae
    • Mystery of the Emblem: Gordin/Catria
    • GHW Gen 1: Arden/Deidre
    • GHW Gen 2: Seliph/Lene
    • Thracia 776: Finn/Karin
    • Binding Blade: Noah/Fir
    • Blazing Blade: Sain/Fiora
    • Sacred Stones: Dozla/Lute
    • Path of Radiance: Boyd/Nephenee
    • Radiant Dawn: Brom/Ilyana
    • Awakening Gen 1: Stahl/Sumia
    • Awakening Gen 2: Inigo/Morgan
    • Fates Gen 1: Odin/Charlotte
    • Fates Gen 2: Siegbert/Soleil
    • Three Houses: Ignatz/Marianne
    • Heroes: Alfonse/Gunnthrá
  16. I don't know if someone posted a similar idea before, so be sure to let me know if they did.


    While I was thinking about methods to balance mounted units, this idea came to my mind. It does have a lot in common with the Battalion System presented in Three Houses, though. So I was hoping to see more 'creative' ways to this system.

    The central idea would be the maintenance of mounts, where they would have a more diversification of appearances, bonus, flaws and similar things.

    Those bonus and flaws is where most of the similarities with the Battalion System takes place. A mount is not a simple 'perfect object' with no flaw. It can age, it can have certain fears, not be steady, the list goes on. It haves a personality, if you want to put that way. Putting those things in consideration would make the game a little more realistic and can be boring to some players, but the customization can also be fun for others.

    The second concept would simply be something that takes the whole idea of 'It's not the user getting attacked, it's the mount', but I didn't really elaborated much on this one.

    While those ideas would be mostly for balancing the vast advantages that mounted units have over infantry, it also would allow for more motives for dismounting. Sure, I don't think infantry will have a advantage unless they also get something like the first concept, even if it is something as dumb as ''Infantry gets battalions, Mounted Unit gets mount''.



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