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Everything posted by ciphertul

  1. I have never heard of Violet Evergarden, so I’ll have to look it up. One Punch Man, is a different can o’ worm. When I compare it to other OP style anime it seems... weaker. Like the other OP ones I have watched(they are all ieseki) all have something else to challenge them. In Overlord, you watch it for the moral struggle that Ains has. In Slime, it the way Ririmu has the diplomatic approach and trying to find peace. In Death March, he actively tries to hide the fact that he is OP and attempts to find other ways. So the just finding a stronger enemy isn’t that interesting. I know it’s a parody show but... I still need a bit more.
  2. Yes. They had a 12 episode season at first, then after a wait then did 12 more. That scene, I just felt it ruined Marinne character I had like her before but... not after that
  3. I hated Grancrest war, they flat out ruined Marrine. After finish the first season I had zero interest in watching more
  4. I think I watched the Escaflowne movie a decade or so ago. I honestly can really only remember the name. It was on adult swim with the Cowboy Bebop movie. But I did love Puchim@s and Potomuyo so I’m okay with cutesy.
  5. I don’t think a persons action should influence your enjoyment of their work. I tried to get into Naruto, really couldn’t. I did try thou. I was never a big fan of FMA, and One Piece lost me at Skypia. I’ll try to limit it down a bit more. I dislike SAO and generally don’t care much for Shonen style anime. Not trying to hate on anyone but that is how I feel
  6. With a lot of place on lockdown, I think now would be a good time to get some anime in. However as a fan of older(ish) anime I have no idea what to watch. I mostly like to watch romance and comedies but I do enjoy action that has a good story. Like I loved Love Hina, it’s what really hooked me into anime after Roroni Kenshin got me interested. Some of my favorites are Pani Poni Dash, Speed Grapher, Ergo Proxy, Shuffle, Clannad and .Hack. I started That time I was reincarnated in another world as a slime and Horizon in the middle of nowhere, but haven’t finished them. What would everyone suggest?
  7. I would really recommend RossxAmelia and RossxLute for each path. Franz with Natasha is another good one
  8. Marisa and Amelia are good units. Yes I always use them. I also think Fiona is a pretty good unit when lvled
  9. Jotari did ask, and gave RD daggers as a choice. There is comfort in familiarity. Some people prefer the simple straight forward thing over the gimmicky thing.
  10. To prevent me from dragging this off topic, I’ll stop here already said me case but if you wish to discuss this we can in PM Please read above.
  11. Okay, I’m confused. You say knives ain’t interesting because they are not part of the weapon triangle but... you are okay with light magic being a one off spell instead of re-applying the magic trinity? That pointless second triangle of fates was just awful.
  12. Okay so I haven’t played anything before Blazing Blade so don’t know how light magic worked before, but no light magic in SD, no light magic in New Mystery, no light magic in Awakening(maybe one if you count Naga, I don’t), no light magic in Fates, 1 light spell in Echoes and 4 in 3H. They may have been in the games but as a actual weapon type they haven’t. RD knives because I found them to be the most fleshed out of all the choices, Standard Dagger for melee and knives for ranged, with killer(and killer lite) and slayer versions. But mostly no stupid gimmick just a standard weapon
  13. I would like to add Light magic if possible, as I highly doubt it will return like the GBA games had it. It has been almost abandoned is recent games only having one to 4 spells. But I honestly like the Tellius version of knives especially RD style and would like to see that back again
  14. Perhaps it’s like a memento? Each crest might remind her of her people or grant some sort of comfort? But I feel it would have the opposite effect if the truth was told. Instead of “you have a crest you are super important” to “you have the crest of that genocidal monster? Get away from me”. It would end up being the brands from Tellius
  15. Real peace, true peace, semantics. So you would rather have Rhea tell everyone those powerful relics wielded by heroes were actually the bodies and bones of her species wielded by murders? The those crest that they were blessed with actually the blood and lives of her people? What would knowing that changed? As a commoner I would rather live in the illusion of peace then the war Edel started. But I’ll withdraw there, too Edel vs Rhea. I still think that it isn’t the crest’s fault and the fault of human nature
  16. Not trying to be Rhea vs Edel but the Edel’s war won’t change the deaths. Bandits will still pillage and mug. People will still clash and fight over land, be it over “right”(crest) or desire. Something you are ignoring is Rhea didn’t care how people used the crests but over those thousand year the people also didn’t change. Don’t just push the blame on her alone. That is why human nature is called out on this. As it is human nature to blame others and point fingers. Also “True Peace” is unattainable, so hoisting false expectations on someone will only lead to disappointment.
  17. Well the quote might be from a bad movie, but it still hold much truth “Some of the worst things have happened while under the thought of best intentions”. A savior to one is villain to many.
  18. I don’t know if we have heard Rhea’s reason for stunting the growth of technology. It MAY be to stop people from becoming free thinkers or it MAY be her trying to protect them. The pursuit of knowledge is mostly the pursuit of power. Should they get more advanced then the risk of the blood experiments become more likely. They wouldn’t have to worry about a crest-bearing child kidnapped and for into marriage but kidnapped and experimented on with the chance of being killed. I fully agree with Jotari that this all stems from human nature, the crest are just tools and each person would use them different. You can’t blame the tool for the deeds of the wielder
  19. I know none of you wanna hear me bitching but, I’ve really hit the edge on Fate. It’s to the point where I just get my login bonus and quit. I haven’t gotten any new characters in 5 events and missed 3 out of 4 of the characters I wanted more than anything. I play for fun and do enjoy the gameplay but it really feels like the game is just hating me right now. Any support or suggestions?
  20. Persona 5 Royal, yup still love it(in ain’t 3 FES thou) I felt the need to restart my 300+ hours of Persona 5 for another 80 hour JRPG because why not?
  21. You may want to look that up, I honestly don’t remember how to tell them apart. I have the unpatched version so I couldn’t tell you
  22. Also, I do not know which version of RD you have but if it’s the original you can’t transfer from a memory card with an Easy mode save. The game will always crash when trying to transfer, hopefully you have the patched version
  23. I don’t know about many others but I often like to play games with weird or odd gimmicks and most of the time those are tied to equal weird games. What is the weirdest game or games that you have played?
  24. I would disagree, Mia is better swordmaster but I’ll say that it might be preference, I say Fiona, while paladin isn’t considered a bad class it is for her. She is a pretty great unit if you baby her for a while. And Ilyana, her class just sucks for her but she makes one hell of a magical assassin
  25. I get that, but I still don’t think they would do that. My example may have been to removed for the style but that is generally what I meant. I think the avatar just being a soldier in the lord’s army would make for a interesting point of view
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