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Everything posted by ciphertul

  1. I fully agree with TC ideas, I would love for it to be 20/20/20 and truthfully auto promote that won’t need seals. I would prefer +1 classes over class with X tacted on(mortal savant/holy knight), as it’s added a borderline useless skill/weapon to a class. The crazy class combinations they could come up with would be interesting to see, and sure not every class will be good. The diverse and yet staple class would work well.
  2. Yea, I probably should had made it “Characters” instead, as it’s rather difficult to narrow it down to just one. I do enjoy see who everyone hates(I know I hate ones people like and they hate ones I like) so keep on letting us know.
  3. They could give her a floatie, I’m kinda off topic but the boat girls from AL can’t swim. That don’t stop fanservice
  4. Mine would be a split between Ilyana and Mia. Ilyana is number 1 FE waifu and Mia was my first promotion in FE series so she hold a special spot.
  5. Wow Peri, Selena and Bernie are getting all the hate. Which is kinda sad as I like them, but I started this so that is on me. I pipe in with I also dislike Clive, Matilda should get much better.
  6. I dislike both Arther and Percy, the whole hero justice thing is just way to overplayed in them.
  7. Reina gets full on murder highs, I think she is only different from peri do to age.
  8. Most of the kids in fate are bad a couple are okay like kanna and Kaze’s daughter Midori I was thinking that same thing on Peri but was keeping it to myself. Oh one more thing people hate on Peri and Henry but say nothing on Reina who is the same
  9. Another reason I dislike caeldori, is everyone think she is “canon” daughter of Selena, and giving Selena more trauma is a very sad thing to do
  10. I think the point is to hate shinon, and I think that is why nobody really brings him up
  11. I don’t see why you need to ask... but sure let’s hear what ya got
  12. Well talking about Bastian, I do hold a hate towards Geoffrey. That darn lime knight thinks he is so good.
  13. Did you mean Nina? I don’t remember nino ever being a pervert.
  14. Characters at the forefront are more likely to receive the love and hate of most people, but I do think that is kinda the joy of these threads
  15. Yea, Azama is pretty bad, but (and this is with Cordelia) I do love Mitama(and Severa) so as much as I dislike them I end up using them
  16. I ain’t judging, I personally like them. Bit of a soft spot really, not favorite but positive. I know mine are pretty minority too
  17. That is why I said seem, just an educated guess based on your other post on flayn/Nowi/Elise
  18. I know, I posted this knowing the storm I called but I’m curious on people opinions. I already had yours called, you do seem to dislike them lolis. I think mine will be just as bad, kinda a tie between Lucina/Cordelia(Caeldori)/Ninian/Azura
  19. The FE series has had a great roster of characters but sadly not all are as universally liked as others, so in your opinion who is your least or most disliked FE character? Please remember that this is an opinion thread, so try to be respectful, especially to those that hold a different opinion.
  20. FE7: Florina and Sain FE8: Lute and Ross FE9/10: Ilyana and Oscar FE11/12: Minerva and None(I can’t think of a male unit I really liked in these two) FE13 gen 1: Maribelle and Henry FE13 gen 2: Nah and None FE14 gen 1: Selena and Azama FE14 gen 2: Mitama and Dwyer FE15: Silque and Grey FE16: Marianne and Ferdinand
  21. My unpopular thoughts: Heroes is the worst thing to have the FE name on, and is a disgrace to the FE series. I feel like it only exists to be a mockery of the main games.
  22. I would keep Byleth do to uniqueness but I would drop Lucina and Chrom. I would say Nephenee and Hector would be good picks. We don’t really need shadow fighters.
  23. Nice thoughts, those I disagree with the no classes idea, as I previously said dropping reclassing is one of my main hopes for a new FE. The idea of classes helps make each unit unique and dropping classes would result in awakening/3H where every unit had the same general skill layout.
  24. Yea, fliers can’t attack units in forests or woods, and maybe the doubled effect for gates and forts?
  25. I was thinking of maybe having terrain effects doubled against fliers? You know getting that peg into a dense forest while trying to attack would be pretty hard.
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