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sup a

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Everything posted by sup a

  1. That's not even 4d chess if scumpartners are openly claiming mason we're talking about the type of chess that would open up a wormhole
  2. Hey I'm trying to fucking get off for calling Ichigo/Ruy as not partners and these unvotes are making me completely flaccid
  3. They're masons. He's claiming mason My ruy voteblock is looking HOT HOT HOT
  4. Thinking if Ryu doesn't shape up and this ends up a misread there's a lot to work with and nobody can complain, but I do think he's wolf guy named wolfy replaced by red ruy who has a wolf avatar the story writes ITSELF
  5. I don't know Ichigo, maybe you do but I'm reading him based on what I see. I know Ruy however, and I know that when he's town he's not afraid to dig his heels into someone. It's almost sort of a pride thing but not really because I think Ruy is one of the least egotistic people. There were moments that Ruy was displaying that pride such as when he made that reads-list and put himself on it and claimed he was the 'towniest wolf'. scumRuy feels it's necessary to feign a sense of confidence even if he doesn't believe it himself, townRuy is more privy to make mistakes, maybe get some flak but not rush immediately to drop some reads. He might not be the most refined but he's definitely more self-aware than that. Even if it's a matter of Ruy not caring about the game he has and will freeze as scum, and honestly I'd say he freezes way more as it too. There's also this strange interaction I had with im where he just essentially did a shrug and said 'well if people want me then who am I to complain?' and cmon Ruy does not buckle like that so quick for his shoddy input. Who am I reading the more likely? I don't really know right now which is why I want to apply the pressure on one, and while yes people do not like Ichigo and that's cool I personally am not getting shit out of it. As to why I feel Ichigo/Ruy isn't w/w? It lies on the Ruy aspect for sure. Ruy would definitely be aware of Ichigo voting him, and would probably even drop a couple of questions here and there, but it's not even acknowledged. He has Ichigo as null despite him voting him for a high majority of the day and calling for his head multiple times. I know you don't have meta on Ruy but do you believe that Ruy if he's a wolf with Ichigo (and with Ichigo actively talking with him) just pretends to ignore that pressure? @dyachei
  6. I'm willing to take the effort to show you the disparity and why I'm thinking it's B/W, gimme a sec
  7. Then school me on how it could be w/w because scumRuy does not act so vain towards someone scumreading him
  8. See I don't get this disposition unless you think Ryu is town or there's some bussing going on, I'll repeat myself for the 5th time but Ichigo/Ruy doesn't look w/w
  9. I have a tiny dick and balls. The balls are lower than the shaft and they do not smell. Thank you also AM no fuckin' way marshy risks his hide for Ran
  10. Lmao everyone in this game is such a fucking diva ladies ladies you're all beautiful and your input matters but if I have to see people trying to out-post/yell their reads I'm gonna scream
  11. Honestly, let's all just settle for Ryu at this rate even Ichigo wants him and yea they're not wolves together
  12. My vote on Omega is just me being upset at him, my interests are more in Ichigo/Ruy and I would like thoughts on the idea of those being wolf together cause I don't see it
  13. Right at the beginning, I was real excited for Mafia and I couldn't sleep that night so I felt writing down how I felt then posting it would prob be good Unsure. Not nearly as townread as before and while I can agree with that Naana isn't exactly going anywhere I just feel he's got this vibe where he's setting up for next dayphases based on some responses he gave with me, such as voting you for equity. I'm assuming equity in this situation means that he thinks there will be wolves/mafia to look at on your wagon, though it begs the question why he's accepted defeat in regards to his Naana read. Honestly, I think Naana is fine especially if Ruy is a wolf so @Shinori thoughts? Absolutely not, I'm just going through some heartache right now. I don't know how I feel about Ichigo/Ruy team but I have to say I'm not caring for Ruy this phase so I have things to think about.
  15. I don't understand the discrepancy you're pulling. I don't understand why you're writing off players on your homesite besides Gorf. I don't understand the requirements needed to be worthy in the eyes of Omega. and getting content out of him. I don't understand why you think your read on me can progress if you refuse to interact with me. I don't understand why the fuck I'm trying so hard, maybe it's bias and maybe it's just I honestly like playing with you so it fucking sucks that you think im wolf/mafia but won't give me the chance to explain myself or read my content. I've made jokes about it, clawed about it, but goddamn What's a guy gotta do? I'm frustrated
  16. If marshy legitimately believes that the only thing he has against me is that my wall was wolfy and my ran read was wolfy or whatever then yes I will gladly join and he can sit and be stubborn about it in the graveyard
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