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sup a

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Everything posted by sup a

  1. If I looked at marshy as Omega I wouldn't like what he's doing, I know that might sound confusing but meta is highly affecting trying to understand his angle. I've been clawing, no, BEGGING for the guy to really tell me what he's feeling about me but like he just keeps leaving me cold so I don't know if I will have a date for the High School prom or not
  2. Gut feelings for JC/Dya. For Ichigo, the tidbit I quoted or addressed was just that -- a tidbit. I scumread him more on his behavior and the way he is playing which I tried to explain through something I thought was interesting/telling as to why I believe so. If you don't agree then It wasn't strong enough which I can see because I've been making half-hearted excuses about not wanting to read prior to my subbing in, laziness is definitely one of my bad traits as town. I've updated my reads on AM/Gorf/Ele in another post couple of pages back. I think it's best to get something out though regardless and I wanted to mention it cuz if you get something out..usually people will tell you things about it which in turn only helps me
  3. Mod told me to keep sucking my thumbs and pooping in my pants so im not allowed to be weinerman yet =(
  4. Listen here fuckface you see my name? It's not weinerboy, it's weinerMAN. I'm grown up now and those days of ratting me out to mom when I stayed up past my bedtime to watch anime on adult swim are fucking over, you will respect me and my minimum wage job at McDonald's im even growing a stubble
  5. So are you being complacent on this because you don't feel Naana push will get enough traction or? More votes to Ichigo is dope of course but I'm wondering about your priority
  6. I need DGamers input on this post and response specifically wrt Ryu stat HOW THE FUCK DO I @ PEOPLE WITHOUT IT MAKING ME UNABLE TO TYPE I AM GOING TO HAVE AN ANERYUSM
  7. Ryu I feel like a lot your reasoning is very vain and not developed and frankly I'm not liking your recent presence, furthermore I don't know if you would appease people who are calling for your head for coming in and spouting a bunch of surface level reads
  8. Considering that you lean town on him I'm assuming you don't feel it's scummy, but my stance really is that it's annoying, can you go a bit further into your townreads?
  9. I'll cast judgment on SB when he finally catches up, your case didn't really do much for me. The main thing about Orihime people seem to be latching onto is that she was a catalyst for AM, as was the one to call out the supposed slip. I remember people not liking her post where she said she felt sorry for AM and I agree that's pretty unnecessary
  10. OK pretend im wittle baby new player what is MI doing that still makes him a good wagon? I got a big heart when it comes to this game sometimes and I feel like the dude is genuinely trying
  11. Feeling less impressed with Shinori as time goes on, but don't really need to reiterate that thought. There's a lot of brief comments being made by multiple people that don't really have all that much meat to but I'm kinda liking it because people aren't afraid to say what they want to which is a welcome change than playing a game where everyone holds their cards and the best they got is like two pair I don't know what to think about Red Ryu or his direction but I don't like that he's in perpetual catch-up mode, and there seems to be a minor block forming on him. Earlier in the thread he called attention to something relating to Naana and then never followed up on it, so I don't know if he's just swamped with this type of hyperposting that is been going on or if he's just gonna freeze. I'd be willing to hop onto that if he does however AM is fine, I think this type of posting is what he does and the way he ebbs and flows with certain things is refreshing in a way, I think he might be a player who is more prone to stronger levels of inactivity if he's wolf/scum/notthetownhoylfuckihatetthis and he'd be more than welcome to just sit on his hands and do nothing after what happened with AM, but he didn't. JC was ??? but for the most part I like his direction, when I posed the question of hypocrisy when it came to Ichigo he responded in a way that really surprised in a good way, I totally expected him to buckle but instead he was rolling with the punches. Gorf is town, his bullheadedness about marshy is not something he'd risk as scum, in-fact I'd go further to say that people underestimate scumGorf much like I have in that he is far more calculated and pre-planned. Gorf gained nothing firing at marshy like that and in some ways I do agree with him only I am really stubborn and cautious about my marshy read cause I dunno I like playing with marshy and he's a hard read for me unless it's done on my terms LaserGuy is a type of player where I read his post, acknowledge it, and then not really think about it after reading said post. Not a slight against him I just don't think what he's saying has a lot of oomph and that may be more detrimental as to how I read him later in the phase. Refa is still town, I have confidence he'll fire back eventually even if he didn't like my reasoning on some players, it's cool just peep this one if you got issues I'm liking your recent output of posts, I think some players were being too hard on you, so they're gonna have to try harder to convince me what you were doing earlier was wolf. Would like to Naana develop more with regards to Ryu and that theory I crafted earlier about dya because well I wrote that post and if she has more to say about it (though I'm not sure if he will) then I'm all ears Basically: Ryu/Ichigo block is fine. Peeping Shinori who is on Omega block, need to not filter out Shatt's posts in my mind to develop a read further.
  12. Really want to see Shinori update his read on Naana or double down on that case he was pissed about if he wants to stay town-read
  13. Ran I read your wall and I see you flipped your thought on Ichigo to scum even though when I previously asked you it was Null, what got you further to change your mind? Is it his lack of posting or ducking out cuz I'm pretty sure I asked you this early into the day and he has not been tonally different. The way he interacts with us (DGamers) and MU players is a stark contrast that I'm getting annoyed at, it's kinda like marshy is big bro'ing all of us and won''t give us the time of the day meanwhile if you look at his small interaction with Alpha he actually respects him to some degree. I'm over it, I'm a grown ass man who pays his taxes now and honestly I'm waiting for him on a lot things. What do you think his angle is towards me? There's more he wants to say about me and that's my gut feeling and well I'll get back to you when he finally fucking does it
  14. Ok quotes do not work like SWF and that's fucking lame, I'm quoting MI there
  15. Well I dunno if you've noticed but the whole 'fuck reading' thing is a stance I've been taking but to be less tongue-in cheek about it I genuinely don't feel my eyes glancing upon old content that I was not involved in some sort of way would be good, therefore I decided to make a wall based on what happened with AM and nearing the beginning of my replacement (who flipped scum, and I was apart of to witness). Before I replaced in I was skimming a little bit but it wasn't like in a fashion where I thought too hard at what I was looking at, so if there any discrepancies they are intentional in a way. I honestly sorta like the people getting me shit at that angle so I dunno your recent content ain't bad
  16. I think you're fine but marshy is still going to try and pocket me because he's a lazy ass
  17. EBWOP: If Ichigo ISN'T a wolf then yeah Evan wolf, but a crux of my argument is that I was feeling they weren't aligned
  18. I backed off of Evan and put him down as non-issue cause I liked his interaction with Refa at the end. If he continues to be frozen then yeah that definitely might change
  19. Honestly, Ranmaru is definitely a Jeb Bush kinda guy if I think about it. Makes a bunch of posts nobody will read then says "please clap" to try and get everyone's attention lmfao this game is baller
  20. Nope, big meat of my post is mostly about Evan/Ichigo with a couple of other players sprinkled in there too Careful thinking it's a bad wall though you might just give Donald Trump more ammunition to deport you
  21. For me I still liked Dya's interaction with me earlier on so this is a separate thought her own at this rate
  22. Thoughts on Naana agreeing w/ my thought on her bussing AM (discord version) then?
  23. Honestly, this post and recent ones from Naana make me laugh cuz in the back of my head I was thinking "what the fuck do I think of Red Ryu" and I honestly couldn't come up with an answer and yea it's not a good thing
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