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Everything posted by DragonBladeSniper

  1. 1. Ike 2. Jill 3. Boyd 4. Oscar 5. Nephenee Very typical I know. XD
  2. Thunder, Wind, Fire, In FE9, I usually don't use Ilyana so I don't like thunder (thunder is worse when Soren or Tormod uses it so they don't use it as much), and in FE10 it's worse. Thunder, Wind, Fire, In FE9 and FE10, wind is rather useful, same goes for fire. I like the fact that fire deals extra damage to laguz beats since I don't usually have the chance to attack flyers with my mages/ sages. I vote for... FIRE!!!!
  3. I don't own the game but I think that I could've unlocked at least Oliver.
  4. MIA IS BETTER LOLOLOLOL (sorry had to do that, school's over! XD) They're both very good units, they both contribute the same amount of help to their team (even though Dawn Brigade chapters are more annoying), but I still don't think that he is as useful as most would say he is. Of course he helps, but there are other strong units in the team. I would say that they are equal.
  5. Best: FE9, two rather hard bosses and a giant map? Awesome. Worst: FE6, even if you include the chapter right before, the endgame is rather boring.
  6. Maybe because he doesn't have a GameCube or Wii. I on the other hand would never, EVER emulate FE9 and 10 even though I don't have either. *hides ROMs and consoles* Sorry, I never used a GameCube emulator. Try to find a real GC and FE9 online or something. I bet that by now they're worth around 50$ in total? Seems a bit expensive but the game is better, and you could only buy 1 new (as in on a new console like a Xbox 360) video game with that.
  7. Ouch... I haven't played this game much so I never had any bad characters, well not REALLY bad.
  8. I vote for Percival since paladins with good bases and decent level/growths (yes I notice this is a defition of every good unit XD) are always able to help.
  9. One for each game make the characters feel special... -er. FE6: Zeiss! (for his skills and class) FE7: Guy! (for his personality, skills and class) FE8: Ewan! (for his personality and skills) FE9: Mia! (for her personality, skills and body class) FE10: Mia! (see above)
  10. I was just thinking of an awesome FE class so I said "HOW ABOUT A WYVERN CLASS WITH SWORDMASTER ABILITIES AND BOWS JUST TO LOOK COOL!?!?!?" Now that I joined the site, people made me notice that the class would suck. T.T
  11. Fiona is probably the worst. I'm not sure though since every unit in the Dawn Brigade could help a bit I guess... Not really... So I'll stick with Fiona as worst unit in FE10.
  12. Damn there are actual facts that I would never bother trying to remember! I will just answer the ones I know. Yup... I fail at fact questions...
  13. I ditched Ilyana and just used Tormod, Ilyana comes in the "DAMN, WE NEED MORE EXP. CHAPTER" while Tormod does to but he is way weaker so he will level faster (enemies get stronger to). Using Calill... it's sounds so crazy it just might work! No thanks, knives + sages = loses half the point of promoting -_-.
  14. I wouldn't bother using Makalov since there are probably already too many units in your team, but like everyone else said, if you want. I usually have the problem of using too many units in this game.
  15. I'm not sure why nobody actually bothered to post their opinion directly... Well I will post mine. I always prefer using Sain over the other two. Sadly, Sain can't do the job of two cavaliers so they're usually the same level anyways. I like to save a knight crest and just give Sain the knight crest that Wallace comes with (he won't be making such good use of it anyway). Even if I don't use it, Sain has a level advantage over Lowen and I favor Sain over Kent over their personality (they're around the same in the end anyways). In conclusion, the Green Knight wins once again (In my opinion anyways)!
  16. Cool, you actually started! XD The ratings are good but one thing, Percival comes at chapter 13 first not 14 (14 is the desert map). Sorry for annoying you for small details but I'm just like that. XD I wonder who will get a perfect score in this game. O.o
  17. No, I never thought he was a girl. Boyd on the other hand... I don't even think I mistaked Lucius for a girl yet Janaff seemed like a girl.
  18. Summon utility huh? So you're saying that we will give Ewan one of the few guiding rings in the game (or waste money for one) and let him have completly horrible stats just to get a few summons? I wouldn't ever do that unless it was unranked honestly. EDIT: @Mekkah Fine, you people win. XD
  19. I find that Ike is the best character in the game, Titania ends up hogging exp. when I try to use her so I voted for Oscar as second best.
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