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Everything posted by DragonBladeSniper

  1. Hey why is Amelia lower than Ewan anyways? She comes in earlier and when it comes to such low leveled units, I think that should matter. If it's about Ewan staff utility, SO WHAT? There are loads more people who could heal better/faster. I also find that guiding rings are more precious than knight crests in this game to.
  2. We don't need any more old stuff, we haven't had anything new since FE9 (FE10 wasn't completly new more like a conclusion, and if you say something like "OMG SO MANY NEW CHARACTERS" notice that they're mostly characters who were NPCs before or from the Dawn Brigade -_-), I want and think that they will make a game with new characters and a new continent.
  3. Oh, I've got LOTS of interesting things to do this summer. Like go on my computer, play video games, take naps, go biking... Yeah... doesn't get more fun than that. But I've also got some boring stuff like going to space, going on a solo mission to kill a few international leaders, using my new time machine, blowing up schools... you know, the stuff you would never want to do unless forced.
  4. I think they were trying to be logical since at the time, women fighting was considered very weird.
  5. Now I re-vote for Yunno since she comes late, requires me to lose my chance of killing off Zealot has dumb growths and stats.
  6. Epic wins: I owned the cyclops boss with Marisa (the cyclops in the chapter that she comes in) at base level. ...Ok now for the real explanation, I attacked him with a bunch of ranged weapons and eventually I got him down to EXACTLY 1 HP and I saw that Marisa had 100% hit and 1 dmg. I just attacked him for the fun of it. XD Epic failures: I didn't know that I would've gotten a free knight crest at chapter 10 Ephraim route so I let one of the cavaliers die. -_- And I figured it out when I was at chapter 13.
  7. Most games music is good. Especially old ones like the legend of Zelda ones (well I liked the music in Ocarina of Time anyways)
  8. Shouldn't this be in the suggestion part? Anyways, we might as well leave it the way it is, it'd just add to the list of things to do around this site.
  9. WOW! Is it just me or did Mekkah not play the game yet he got a better score than most? Now THAT is twisted logic. 1. Haar and Ike. 2. Volug. Sothe starts losing eventually so I will stick with Volug. 3. Fiona, Meg, Lyre, Lethe, Astrid, Pelleas, Oliver, Vika, Sanaki, Ena 4. 4-4 Now THAT is one annoying chapter >.< 5. Trick question... Is it just me or are you just SCREAMING that it isn't just one unit? If that's the case... Nolan. 6. Danved. 7. Edward, I don't care if he starts off weak compared to the other SM's (well of course he does he is the only non-promoted one -_-), he has a lot of potential, he actually helps the DB and is worth the exp. 8. Soren, he stays good during the whole game. 9. Nailah, Tibarn, Naesala, Caineghis, Giffca, Kurthnaga. 10. Let's go Kieran! Is what I want to say but I will go for Geoffrey. Bonus: Yes, they are the same person. The creators probably got the idea when they mispelled his name and were too lazy to change it.
  10. FE6 would be the most interesting one to rank since FE7 is being done and FE8 would be like 10/10 all over the place.
  11. It could be worse (hopefully it won't be O.o).
  12. Oh yeah sorry I forgot that chapter 1 isn't the prologue... Yes, I meant prologue.
  13. Brian Regan and Jeff Dunman are hilarious. XD
  14. Best: Hmmm... Hard question... FE9... chapter... ... I don't know T.T". I will just vote for FE9 chapter 13. It was fun, and a good chapter to train your units. Worst: FE7 Chapter 1 LNM (or was it Lyn Easy Mode... don't know). It is THE LESS challenging chapter in all of FE (I didn't play them all but how could it be any easier?) and it gives you the idea that criticals are easy to score.
  15. Sorry if I'm not aloud to add posts in this but (don't remember the rules well) I'm wondering, this is a debate about a hacked run? Or are you saying IF they were there ___ would be better than ___. Either way, sounds interesting.
  16. Wow, so you're going to stick to the topic eh? I agree with Ike's rating and Calill IS a bit overrated in this topic in my opinion.
  17. I will just put ratings on characters to show what I consider 1-10/10. 10: Hector, Oswin, Matthew, Pent. Hector and Oswin are awesome thanks to their high defense stat (I love it whenever enemies come with a strong weapon but doesn't even scratch their HP :D). Matthew is one of the most useful characters in the game, he has lots and lots of play time and his supports are still good. Pent is a good example of a good pre-promote: good bases, growths, weapon levels and someone who doesn't hog all the exp. (except maybe in Living Legend... but he is an NPC what could you ask for?) 9: Sain, Guy, Eliwood, Erk, Raven. All of these units have good availability, Sain and Erk help a lot in Lyn mode (not that they really NEED that much but still), Guy/Raven is the only (good) swordmaster/hero in this game and Eliwood isn't all that bad either. 6: Lyn, Bartre, Wil. Lyn is kind of like a swordmaster without the critical bonus yet she isn't the most useful unit either. Bartre is strong but misses a lot and starts to become hard to train after a few chapters. Wil is a very slow archer who actually has good competition. 1: Wallace. Probably the worst unit in the game. If you bothered promoting him in Lyn mode at base level to simplify the few chapters, then he will completly fail when you get him back. If you waited a bit, then he would've hogged a bunch of exp. for your other units (who really need it). Speaking of when you get him back... Why WOULD you want him? He is useless. I'd love to watch a knight/general run in this game or something because this guy won't help you in ANY WAY. Only useful thing is that he gives you a free knight crest.
  18. Ursula, Sonia, Petrine, Brenya and Idoun are all pretty cool. Though Petrine was annoying at times.
  19. Irate Gamer is getting boring. Maybe they were thinking of ninjas at the moment they were making the game. Were there any games before FE9 that allowed snipers to get critical bonus' anyways?
  20. Solo'ed with herons Can't think of anything. Except maybe doing a Micaiah solo for a few chapters.
  21. Overall: Anima, not because of its stats or anything, it's just the coolest in my opinion. Physical: Swords, not counting stats, I always thought that fighting with a sword took much more skill than swinging an axe around. Of course it's hard, but it just takes strength... Come to think about it, all weapons do XD. Magic: Anima, dark is too dark, light is too light and anima is too awesome.
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