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Everything posted by DragonBladeSniper

  1. The day I do is the day teachers stop giving homework... *starts a new file*
  2. She is awesome! Even though she starts with bows, at promotion she could get axes and she will own everyone XD. And thanks to Paragon her joining level ain't a problem. And there are so many enemies weak to bows (wyverns knights, flying laguz, peg knights) in this game... even on the chapter does crows won't fight back.
  3. Makalov (Hisor her pink hair would make me rich! XD) , Stefan (HIS BRANDEDNESS WILL MAKE ME RICH!!!), Bastian (HIS RICHNESS WOULD MAKE ME RICH!!!!), Lucia (BASTIAN WOULD MAKE ME RICH!!!!), Devdan (HIS... creepyness would make me poor XD)
  4. How did you get Ross to level 10...? If I remember well (I probably don't) there are only like 5-10 more brigands to kill after recruiting him... Well mine would be... ... ... ... ... I don't have any :(
  5. I reset the game the moment anyone dies by accident (sad I know)... Why would I send people to there deaths?
  6. Oh yeah... XD and it could also be sister in FE8
  7. Myrmidon/Swordmaster and Wyvern Knight/Wyvern Lord and before Valkyrie is Troubador btw
  8. I expected to see "OMG DART RUINS RANKS, HE HAS LOW SKILL AND HAWKEYE IS ALREADY PROMOTED!!!!1" But I guess I was wrong XD. I vote for Dart.
  9. I used to think of making things like this... but then I thought why not just play FE?
  10. Well I don't think that he should restart just to se a different unit. Well good luck and use the arena XD.
  11. Wow... SOMEONE plays a bit to much. I what's the world record...
  12. Wow is it just me or is it like 3 v.s. 1? Anyways, you get Lyn for the first 10 chapters but you get Guy like 2 or 3 chapters before you get Lyn back but she will still be winning in level. BUT Lyn can't promote until chapter 26 I think... not sure in HM but in EM Hector is probably promoting first. After you promote them both, Lyn gets bows but Guy is stuck with swords but she will probably be lower level then Guy since she promotes so late and no arenas. In the end, Lyn comes in earlier, promotes later but gets bows and Guy comes in later, promotes earlier and gets critical bonus. Take your pick because you might like bows more then critical but I like Guy better.
  13. Batta: LHM How many of you died? FE9 Black Knight: it's mostly luck unless you give Ike resolve and wrath... Fargus: even though we aren't even supposed to fight him he is still challenging since you have to arena abuse to beat him XD. Lloyd: He is impossible to solo since he moves and even if he didn't it would take like 20 turns to actually kill him with only one unit. He also has magic power! Murdock: So annoying... but at least he stays still and he is a general. General= low res and weak to armorslayers :D but he is probably the 2nd most annoying general in the history of FE (first would be BK FE9). Deghnesis? -_- The dragon king: SO annoying... Obvious.
  14. Rath is considered good. I guess Karel... because I like my swordmasters XD.
  15. I doubt they would ever make it but it sounds kinda cool. But I prefer having a small strong army VS a large number of enemies instead of the other way around but making a strategy to kill the main lord DOES sound interesting....
  16. Because dragons look more evil then pegasus knights and because they want to try to make challenging enemies. Imagine seeing Ashnard riding a cute little pegasus XD.
  17. Well they are either A running out of ideas B like to repeat things or C it's a player favourite
  18. He is really cool since at the beginning of the game there aren't any axe users... (except Titania but I don't use prepromotes a lot) The next axe user comes at chapter 11 (Kieran)... and there are a lot of lance users before that so he is really useful and he is the only warrior in this game so his awesomeness rises XD.
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