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Everything posted by DragonBladeSniper

  1. Yes I am still making these debate topics! This time it's between the heroes! And if you want me to stop making these topics then just vote yes for the second quesion. I vote for... Batman Oujay. I'm just picking him because once I made a fight between Oujay and Dieck and Oujay ended up winning somehow (same level iron swords only). But I ended promoting Dieck anyways. And Dieck's name is more awkward then Oujay's Well I prefer Oujay end.
  2. I voted for Ike for the mentioned reasons. And I always imagined that one day Ike would go back to Tellius and beat the shit out of Boyd when he learns that he had over 15 kids with Mist... It would be hilarious XD
  3. ... *hides list of new long debate topics* @ BrandedBlade I enjoy reading debates XD. It's good entertainment while I'm burning doing my homework.
  4. Nice debate! But I find that Mia wins in this debate. Also Tino didn't respond to SS when he said that Nephenee's class sucked as in he is admitting that the Halberdier class ain't so great (but Nephenee is good...) and Devdan=Halberdier. Both of you admitted defeat in one category. And for supports I don't think that Nephenee needs a support partner, Largo probably won't be used but I guess Tormod might need one or he could just support Reyson. I know my opinion doesn't matter but I claim SS the winner for tis debate... So when's the next one? :D
  5. ...Note to self, never make a debate topic and leave it unsupervised for a week ever again... I actually just wrote "Best Sage in FE7" and "TAKE EVERYTHING TO ACCOUNT" because I thought that if I didn't then nobody would vote for Nino... Yeah... Can't believe all the trouble that I made with a debate topic... Sorry everyone...
  6. I already saw it. But something close to that happened to me while I was arena abusing him for fun. It was versus a druid. He hit a few times my Zealot was at 1 hp (I didn't restart because I was using save states for him). Then he criticalled.
  7. But some of you guys NEVER stop adding or repeating pros of your character no matter how much pros are said for the other character.
  8. I would also like to see another FE game on Tellius but I just realised that most of the things you want are just things that you could ask the creator to write in the epilogue. I don't think that they could make a game out of a few things that they left out.
  9. ... are you sure he was 17 years old? Well even if he was... wasn't it to go save Dart?
  10. YOU PREFER STEFAN OVER STEFAN?! I prefer Stefan <_< Funny... They are both in two games, they are both hard to recruit (Karel is hard to recruit because it's hard to resist taking Harken), they both have students (Ike and Guy) and they both have cool nicknames... Stefan for being branded, not being a maniac and founding a country.
  11. I know that there's the Nino topic but I noticed that they didn't compare Nino with the other Sages all that much. Take EVERYTHING to mind.
  12. Do you mean he is best for his utility right?
  13. Never played... but I watched the videos XD I laughed when I saw that Lyn was the demon king, Riev was Ross's grandfather and that Amelia was the Jeigan.
  14. It either means acting like an idiot, and old man who is rarely even recruited or a uber power house who needs to fight to get married.
  15. OF COURSE YOU ARE... Ike...? Lance? Sword guy? XD
  16. Ok thanks but if you hit a cap it's usually because your growths are good so it usually should mean a good thing... right?
  17. I was looking for the rules! So caps don't matter? So hard mode boosts ALWAYS apply? So we're not aloud to use our own averages? Sorry I'm just a bit curious of a few rules.
  18. Bors won the general debate! I haven't really used the falco knights in FE6 so I've got absolutely no idea who to vote for. I never got Yunno so I can't say she is good or bad. Thany and Tate... Thany comes in earlier XD.
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