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Everything posted by DragonBladeSniper

  1. I tried this once... I restarted so many times... then I just gave up and killed everyone/ talk to everyone and everything. If you don't want Nephenee and Brom for some odd reason then just rescue Ike and go like on a speed run XD.
  2. He probably got confused with Roy.
  3. Holy... How come I was first to post but I didn't make the post...? Yes I do want to see the end game stats please.
  4. How could you depend on supports? They don't even tell you that they give stat boosts... I think that the creators created supports mainly for the conversations (except FE10) not for the stat boosts... but I'm not sure.
  5. So your saying that all pre promotes are good? ... Out of my magic top hat XD
  6. ...? Do you mean you want them to transform 5 turns later the dragon stone has to recharge? Because that's pretty much laguz. Or do you mean a dragon stone with unlimited uses?
  7. I don't care if they cap stats or not I just want my units to kill BUT I realised that you can't just use a unit just because they could solo the first few chapters. I did that on my first ever run... sad... The point is you need units that could actually help in the final chapter.
  8. My hand writing sucks with both hands XD but I use my right hand to scribble write.
  9. I see what your trying to do but yeah Ross is the best of the three trainees then Amelia then Ewan.
  10. I agree with you if you mean that it's hard to use them without tower abuse but if you DO tower abuse, they might be your best units.
  11. You got my vote! @Metal arc HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET MARIO/TOON LINK IN THE LEAD OF 120?!
  12. People promote Soren and Boyd rather early and I bet that if there was link arena then Soren or Boyd would own Titania... If they had the same level of weapons because Titania already has S rank in axes. I'm not saying that she is the worse unit in the game but I'm just saying that Titania isn't the best. During end-game your units should be WAY stronger then Titania just to tell you. I never trained her but I personally think that a level 20/20 Ike is stronger then a level ??/20 Titania.
  13. THAT was the best Pokemon theme song remake that I've ever heard... I actually laughed.
  14. Since when is Titania broken in FE9? Even if she is one of the better Jeigans it doesn't mean she is all that good.
  15. Once I was using Fa for like every attack for a chapter and then I realised that she only had like 4 uses left so I restarted... That's why I liked the fact that they had infinite attack.
  16. Survival is survival of your units but I don't remember the last one...
  17. DO you mean what categories? or do you mean where do you see it? Because you see it at the end and the categories are Tactics, Funds, Survival, Something and something else.
  18. When she is with DB I don't bother with her since they SERIOUSLY need the EXP. way more. But I prefer sticking to Soren.
  19. I don't remember well... But I know that I used a Laguz gem or stone or whatever on Mordecai.
  20. ZEISS!!! He looks cooler and I used him in end game.
  21. In PoR there are Laguz Gems but I don't remember any stones...
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