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Everything posted by DragonBladeSniper

  1. HAPPY B-DAY... CLONE...?

  2. XD But it's still nice to see other peoples opinions.
  3. I saw people hack FE9 before so maybe people are able to hack FE10 but it would require tools and all. I meant send the idea to the makers BUT if you have a program to translate words maybe you could translate a message to them asking for a game like that but give me ALL the credit.
  4. WHY DO PEOPLE LEAVE?! Well I doubt you know me but bye and have a nice life.
  5. I say it's coming out ending of September... 2009 XD nah joking. Ending of February 2009
  6. Don't worry it's pretty common... Unless your saying you were on easy mode then no offence but... YOU FAIL!!! But on hard mode it's common. But I never died on that chapter.
  7. I'm not sure if you were kidding but I don't really think that I could hack FE10/9... But if you speak japanese send the idea if you want. XD but give me ALL the credit
  8. What makes you say he wasn't born before RD? DAMNIT I knwe there was something wrong with the post... Fine 20 years ago...
  9. Wow... did you have that ready or something? But... Wow... I didn't know people actually bothered with stats THAT much.
  10. I was wondering how he CAN'T make it to 20/20... nvm. Are you guys gonna arena abuse for the five turns in chapter 29x?
  11. Good point... Except the completly different personalities...
  12. Oujay was pretty good for me. So the question is who SHOULDN'T get the hero crest in the 5. Most people would probably want Gonzales. But people also want a hero and a swordmaster so it's pretty much a Fir vs Rutgar and Oujay vs Dieck all over again. I bought promotion items since I don't care about ranks but if I had to choose I would pick Fir and Dieck.
  13. Ummm... Maybe I could make a hack out of it...? Or I could suggest it to the makers of the game. But switch the name if you don't want TLS to kill us.
  14. He was created by the gods to assist the DB in the quest against the attacking laguz... In english: HE IS AN NPC WHO SAVES YOUR ASS BECAUSE HE KILLS LAGUZ THAT MIGHT MAKE YOU FAIL AND RESTART THE ANNOYING CHAPTER!!!
  15. Your gonna hate it because Hector and Lyn are forced right?
  16. I just realised that your name is Sothe like Sothe from FE10 XD fine Micaiah Jr. Happy?
  17. I looked it up on google and I learned that CG is Computer Generated but thanks anyway.
  18. Ummmm... he didn't ever mention any of this stuff... it's said that he was no longer king because they learned that he related to Ashnard he didn't mention any of the branded stuff and he gave the crown to Micaiah for no apparent reason XD.
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