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Everything posted by DragonBladeSniper

  1. That's why I usually let him get most of the kills at first.
  2. XD So your saying when you debate with a mod it's a biggy but when you talk to Kintenbo it's no biggy?
  3. So your saying that japanese people used the german language for FE...?
  4. Why? Where did you here that Meg would be useful? All I hear is "MEG SUCKS" 99 times then I hear a few people saying "MEG IS DECENT!!" Wow that actually allows you to use a unit at all times except the part before you recruit Heather in 2-1.
  5. I only saw a few... Do you know which one specifically? I want to see XD.
  6. What the... Why were you guys having a Matthew vs Oswin debate on this topic?
  7. heh I forgot about Pent... Well you are "not" aloud to let Pent kill everything. Oh no! I just remembered that you can't rescue Pent with Eliwood... I guess that means that you just have to let him kill whatever he wants. What a "shame".
  8. Only an immature person would do that... *leaves* Hello Pizza Hut could I have some Pizza on my Pizza?
  9. WOW 1 RES ONLY?! If you win then you must be one of the best FE players that i've ever met... actually I haven't met you but you get the point... right? RIGHT?! XD I'm going crazy.
  10. I LIKE PIZZA ON MY PIZZA! One of my favourite part of pizza is the cheese so my vote goes to EXTRA CHEESE!!!
  11. They like to talk a lot? And if there is a dumb guide then that means that there is someone on the site who has one different opinion... Or they write anything in the guides.
  12. WHAT?! Generals with bows?! This game is so weird... I wanna try!
  13. sorry FEFL but this is mean and true.
  14. Make them run away and if it's impossible to avoid fighting with some units remove all there weapons or kill them off.
  15. Haha suicide that's a good one! *hides gun* At least I'm sure that there aren't a bunch of liars on this forums. Because some people would go all like "I'VE DONE THIS TWICE!!!"
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