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Everything posted by DragonBladeSniper

  1. THAT'S WHAT I WAS GOING TO SAY! @FEFL XD how could you call them the same?
  2. a pegasus knight song? together we ride is awesome and maybe a few fire emblem themes.
  3. this I watch any olympic event but I liked men's track because it was hilarious watchng Usain Bolt owning everyone while jogging XD. Favourite athlete Usain Bolt.
  4. Xylophone (horribly) , recorder (also horribly) and i'm going to play the trumpet eventually...
  5. k because I was scared that I didn't know of a character XD.
  6. LOLs at the irony. Your very lucky to get days off but like Wynn said your getting more time in school and you might even have to have a few more extra days of school another day.
  7. Sephiran... For being able to order Black Knight around. THAT is what true power is all about (being able to order a round someone who could defeat a continent's army).
  8. I was just trying to find a dumb excuse XD.
  9. It has it's times like... when you want to boss abuse you oculd use corrosion to destroy his weapon then you could just keep attacking without taking any chances.
  10. We could attack Lycia another time and make an Elibe and Tellius Alliance and attack Magvel and then we would fight for Magvel.
  11. Everyone I know says that Ike is either THE BEST or they say that he is pretty good. So I think that he is WAY to overused other then that... ummm... one of the space animals and... toon link.
  12. Snake PWNS... for me at least and I suck. He isn't to slow like Bowser, his A moves are cool (but the bombs are weird) so he could fight like Captain Falcon, his recovery and his final smash is good, his taunt is cool, he has range attacks and he has character development in the game (secret taunts).
  13. YAY MIA!!! THE ONLY SWORDMASTER IN THE GREIL MERCENARIES!!! (Zihark doesn't count because he wasn't an original member)
  14. XD What's hilarious is that when I read that the first words I saw were "She could probably hit 20/20 if you ruthlessly abuse her, meaning you don't touch everyone else. Statistically (when leveled up), she's good" For a second I was scared of FEplanet XD.
  15. I hope you mean "she"... but it would explain her lack of beauty, if she (or he) was a man in disguise...
  16. B support Farina: VOLKE COME OUT I'M GONNA... *Volke enters* Volke: Do you seek my services? Farina: GIVE ME BACK MY MONEY!!! Volke: *hands 50 000g* Anything else? Farina: How did you...? Volke: 10 000 gold Farina: For what? Volke: For the secret. Farina: Of course! *hands 10 000g* *Volke leaves* Farina: HOW DOES HE DO THAT?!
  17. Well in FE6 8 9 and 10 you get to try extra characters if you play the game a lot of times.
  18. Lance won the Paladin debate... I think... it's either him or Percival who won... never mind. Today it's the Sniper debate! Two of these three have cool parents (Wolt is Rebecca's son and Igrene is Hawkeye's daughter) and the other one... is a ugly bodyguard of a priest who reminds me of Sain a bit too much. Wolt: He looks the coolest, he comes in the earliest but Wolt was worse then Dorothy so I promoted Dorothy. Dorothy: look up Igrene: I don't like prepromotes so I didn't bother with her. So I vote for Dorothy.
  19. Welcome to the forest!

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