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Everything posted by DragonBladeSniper

  1. Even though I'm not american... VOTE FOR OBAMA!!! Or else John McCain will continue the stupid war. Don't forget about the environment that Obama is trying to help (the end of the world will come later and there will be more time for the japanese to make more FE games). And if the war continues they will eventually need to force guys to go into the army and etc. I doubt anybody cares but I feel like saying this.
  2. I just noticed that there are WAY more characters in FE6 to debate about. So I'm gonna make debate topics for FE6. Today It's the Paladin debate. Don't worry I noticed that my descriptions sucked so I'm going to stop making them XD. I pick Lance because I raised them both pretty high and I compared them to see who would be my main paladin and Lance won in the link arena by luck XD.
  3. Dont' forget the fog on hard mode... I hate fog... That's why I like normal mode WAY more.
  4. play FE6 BEFORE FE7? I played FE7 first but I want to know if someone laughed when they saw people in FE7 like Marcus (for looking younger), Eliwood (for looking to much like Roy), Hector (without a beard/owning), Bartre (being an idiot), Merlinus (the way they met), Karel (being to emo) and etc. Anyone?
  5. I'm not sure in FE10 but in FE9 they only attack you if you have shade if your asleep.
  6. That's why they even bothered with Great Shield skill.
  7. Happy birthday! XD We both have our birthday on the same day.

  8. I guess that's why they took them out from FE6-11.
  9. No it makes you a NPC killer/ very curious person.
  10. After you promote just dump all the bonus exp. on him so you could get perfect stats AND you have a chance versus Naesala XD.
  11. Paul and Jasmine Maggie and Rose Pain and Agony Ashnard and Bryce Don't forget these people... And there's also... ANYWAY My vote goes to Lloyd and Linus... They would have been in trial maps (if there were any). I think that they based them off of Lugh and Ray. Llyod looks so cool to and I thought it was cool that they would fight side by side to the death at the end... even though they were alerady dead...
  12. Yeah I saw it right before making this topic XD. If you say "OMG that guy sucks he only levels the Dawn Brigade!" then watch this.
  13. I guess, but she could have married some other guy obviously.
  14. You could use prepromotes as meatshields so that they don't die.
  15. Yeah... even with that trick it's hard to kill him with 4 units (if you surround him) or more if you count ranged units.
  16. Farina could marry Hector and Dart (I think) but if she marries Hector she becomes the mother of Lilina. If she marries Dart then... WAIT A SECOND! Rebecca is Dart's sister and Wolt is Rebecca's son so that would make Thany, Wolt's first cousin (which is very unlikely). Unless she marries someone else and all it's not comfirmed. There sisters anyway and Yunno is also there sister (and she is already married). If they were Fiora's daughters then they could be Sain, Kent, Eliwood (then Thany would be Roy's sister... and they could marry...) or random guy she screwed in a bar some random other person's daughters to. Sorry if this is confusing.
  17. Even if you choose druid you could just go to ToV. I suggest druid anyway for anima.
  18. I enjoyed playing the game lots of times to try the different promotions and I liked doing the tower/ruins.
  19. Pretty straight forward... for once. I'm curious which one is it? I haven't played all of them but in the ones that I have played... I guess FE2 because of the lack of storyline (I know that I've already said this).
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