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Everything posted by DragonBladeSniper

  1. KarlaXGuy: It's sad that guy doesn't get married at the end :( . I personnaly think that he should that's why I also support LynXEliwood: I always thought that was a good couple. WilXRebecca: Wolt looks A LOT like Wil. SainXLucius: Imagine Sain was actually gay XD. HectorXFlorina: See LynXEliwood. MatthewXLeila: My theory is that chad was born before Leila died XD. NinoXJaffar: I always laugh at the fact that the Black Fang's best killer married Canas's Niece XD. HeathXPriscilla: They should've gotten married. MarcusXSerra: JOKING.
  2. What are you going to do before you get any laguz?
  3. Cool, I will try on my next playthrough and yes I did try to type "faster" (I don't type "faster" with only my left hand).
  4. ... this is one of the weirdest topic that I've read so far... Am I allowed to shoot hire Fireman to kill refuse Oliver's hug?
  5. Late happy b-day CGV. Almost everyone's b-day is in august even mine is.
  6. Sounds like he suicided Not That I really knew you anything but goodbye.
  7. Sometimes I feel dead inside... *looks at pierced stomach*
  8. XD It sounds like those couple names.
  9. It's his birthday already? *gives him birthday money*
  10. I'm sorry but my parents told me NEVER to go in a strangers car... Or was it ALWAYS...? Wait a second... did you say... candy?! *jumps in*
  11. I don't think anyone cares but I'm not posting my picture because it's possible that... I don't know... Some assassin on this forum decides to kill me for fun. Though if you actually do want to kill me I will give you a hint. I'm a human.
  12. If they were stronger than they would be even better. That's why I prefer Dragon/Wyvern Knights/Lords.
  13. Well I wouldn't mind playing any of them really. It's just that FE5 is said to be imposibble to beat without losing a character(I ALWAYS restart when I lose a character). I guess I could try FE2 but I don't know where I could get a translated version. Yeah I'm going to try out FE11 eventually but FE4 sounds more appealing than FE1-3.
  14. I'm pretty sure that Lyn was created in FE7. As in Lyn didn't even exist while they were making FE6. But if you want to follow the storyline when your playing FE7 than have her marry Rath or Kent (I think) because those are the only endings that make Lyn put Caelin in the protection of Ostia.
  15. How do you get a higher level? Like right now I'm a "newbie" so how do I become a "member"?
  16. If someone even levels him up ONCE I suggest to that person to make a video because I want to watch.
  17. Maybe the guy meant boss abusing or something. Either that infinite reinforcements or glitches/cheats.
  18. Really? I loved the script from this game. I mostly like reading the story of FE9-10.
  19. Yeah it was Soren's it's mentioned in one of her supports. And it's fun to think about these things. The food eating contest would go like this. It begins in 3 2 1 GO!!! Everyone is about to start eating but you see Ilyana using her magic to anyone who tries to eats "her" food. A mysterious someone throws food at her than someone else throws than it turns into a food fight. The judges run away. 10 minutes later the judges come back and everyone is still throwing food at each other except (insert random character here) is eating food peacefully in a corner and he/she wins.
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