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Everything posted by DragonBladeSniper

  1. I wish I could get Soren to do it... the irony would be great! Anyways... I guess Micaiah.
  2. XD I never noticed that... But they were made first... so that means... IkeXSoren was based off of LuciusXRaven?!
  3. I like pointless character debates XD but support bonuses are very weird.
  4. Why Bartre out of all the people? Like... like... like... Ilyana...?
  5. SInce when do people like Vanessa more? And why does everyone laugh at green hair?
  6. Wow I never found any use for Corossion... but now I have XD.
  7. Anyone is good if you train them well... But swordmasters always pwn XD. Wyvern Knights also turn out great, but I somehow get bad healers... HOW COULD SAUL SUCK SO MUCH FOR ME?!
  8. Actually it's Raven that's so gay for Lucius he would screw anyone who at least LOOKS like a girl (EVEN HIS DAMN SISTER!!!).
  9. *looks down on anyone who doesn't kill him* But by that time you should have more then 2000 bonus exp. shouldn't you? (I'm seriously not sure) and if you do then you could make sure he gets good level ups. I bet that a 20/20 Ike could beat Naesala... Unless Black Knight is weaker then Naesala.
  10. You think you need him for chapter 16 for the stuff and for Guy.
  11. Thanks I like your personal statement XD. I was wondering what that was in the picture...

  12. Wow... I didn't know that Hawkeye had Hawkeye senses...
  13. They didn't want to make FE an american game yet. But now every FE game has been localised.
  14. I totally agree but Mia still has more personality.
  15. You serious? He might make another SSB game? NICE!!!!!
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