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Everything posted by DragonBladeSniper

  1. this cons: no more acting like a noob and being able to say is marth in this game?
  2. If he was like Ike and got promoted like at chapter 14-16 and got his sword of seals at the "final chapter" then he could have become one of the better lords with luck.
  3. FINALLY SOMEONE WHO PREFERS LYN Mathew O'Connell: This is not a debate, it is Eliwood/Lyn's slaughter. FEFL: This shouldn't have been a poll cuz we all know who will win. Maybe Lyn would get lucky...? I'm to lazy to check all the posts so I'm using the poll to calculate the votes.
  4. bonus exp. or something like ToV, no arena promotion at lvl 20 is genius I like the class change idea an interesting plot two teams new classes no characters as bad as meg or as good as *enter best character's name here* skills (I like that you could give good skills to other people like in FE10) link arena trial maps maps exclusively for PvP and a pony for christmas
  5. Eliwood>Lyn? Where did you get this? Unless you mean Eliwood(20/20)+Uber Spear v.s. Lyn(1/0)+ Iron sword
  6. That speedy unit would probably be a myrmidon or a thief, so using an axe would be risky. Though if he had lances instead of swords then he would have even more chances of hitting.
  7. though if he did get lances then he would just be a WAY better version of a general.
  8. I can't believe I forgot about heroes XD.
  9. trust me there are weirder things anyways O.O Since Lawrence is from the past he is probably the Big Boss's ancestor or the look was passed down from generation to generation.
  10. I like debating about FE. So I'm going to make a series of topics for each class of FE7 (I'm going to write the names) and you could just explain why you think that the character you chose is the best. Eliwood: He might be the main lord but in Hector mode you will only use him either because you want to get the Linus chapter, because you have to sometimes or because you think that lords are important but if it he was just a random unit like a mercenary you wouldn't use him but when he promotes he does get extra movement and lances. 3rd Lyn: I just wish that there was a class like her. Because Swordmaster+bows=Lyn which is awesome. I don't know what to say against her so yeah... 1st Hector: Even in Eliwood mode you would probably promote him before Lyn but I like to promote Lyn first. At first, he is like a knight who uses axes (which is better) instead of lances and has his own personnal axe. But when he promotes, he is all that AND he could use swords that makes him the only unit who could use nothing but sword and axes(except in FE9-10 when you could pick a second weapon for your social knights). I think he would have been better if he used lances though. 2nd
  11. it's a shame they gave up on GBA i liked FE6-7-8 styled games.
  12. Wow so many people weren't shocked... I had to restart because I tried to recruit Sephiran and then the reinforcements came and killed Mist.
  13. Who was very shocked when they learned that Sephiran, Kurth and Greil weren't recruitable?
  14. That's a very good question... At first I thought FE7 ruled and all because I only heard of FE7 and FE8 and my friend didn't like FE8. But then I played FE9... It was so much cooler for some reason. The characters, no annoying promotion items, no arena (I hate it when people win a game just because of the arena) and the plot was so interesting. I do miss the tactitian but you never decided anything. In FE9, you could change the storyline a bit (not really but they give you options XD). The I played FE8, the game was just as fun as FE7. I sometimes preferred FE8 but now it's more of a tie. FE6... I didn't like it that much but it was continuing FE7 so I wanted to play. And last week thanks to Sir Canas I found a translated version of Gaiden. But I don't like it that much because I like FE games a lot for there plot... But there is practically no plot to it. I didn't get far at all so maybe there's a plot later on. So my list is like this FE9-10 FE7-8 FE6 FE2 (yes I know it looks like I'm putting them in order)
  15. Wow that's very weird... But I guess it's just a coincedence because I'm not that guy... Or am I? (not)

  16. I don't care if it's been done before but I just want to know what's the most popular FE9-10 couple.
  17. First time I played, Astrid kept dying because I forgot to make her hide. The crows were awesome free EXP. for Astrid and Rolf since they don't attack anybody. I just surrounded Norris since he can't attack close range.
  18. What's your favourite couple in the FE9-10 series? MIA X SOREN FTW!!!
  19. What is your favourite unconfirmed FE theory?
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