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Everything posted by Hazuki

  1. Hey, and welcome to the Forest! The only North American one I've played is FE7! Feel free to look around here, and enjoy your stay!
  2. Chapter 4 finished! In...152 turns! All females have been paired except for Briggid, but I'll make sure to have this changed during Chapter 5 with Dew. Sometime later I'll post my characters after I work on battle preparations at the main castle to assess progress.
  3. Lex is paired with Ayra. Anyway, I'm just about to seize Zaxon Castle, ending Chapter 4. As of now, everyone is promoted!
  4. Oh wait, I made a mistake. I meant to say Tiltyu, not Sylvia, haha. Sylvia's paired with Claude.
  5. Hazuki


    Hello, and welcome to the Forest! Strategy games are fun! Have fun while you're here, and enjoy your stay!
  6. You're wonderful!

  7. All six Civilians are alive and away from harm, so hooray for that! And oh my gosh Holsety is amazing.
  8. Are the Civilians supposed to die, or is there some kind of reward for keeping them all alive? I paired Ardan and Sylvia, by the way.
  9. Hazuki

    FE4 help

    Yes, Valkyrie Staff is only usable in the main castle, so you should send him over there to revive anyone if he or she dies. Unless you give him the Bargain Ring, repairing the staff is going to cost you a lot of gold, so I wouldn't suggest using it more than sparingly.
  10. Hi there, and welcome to the Forest! I frequent here and also speak Spanish, so if anything's troubling you, you could come find me for help! I didn't know that WoD even had forums, come to think of it! Enjoy your stay, and have fun!
  11. Hey there, and welcome to the Forest! FE7 was my first FE, too, but afterwards I only played the Japanese ones! Feel free to look around here, and enjoy your stay!
  12. Hi, and welcome to the Forest! I prefer the Magical Purple skin myself! Enjoy your stay here, and have fun!
  13. Oh, I see what you mean! Like this, right? Well, from that site, I wasn't able to find anything like that myself...
  14. I'm not too familiar with FE5, so I'm not certain as to what you're referring to, but I doubt it.
  15. Howdy, and welcome to the Forest! Sprites are nice! Feel free to look at whatever we have here, and enjoy your stay!
  16. Hey, and welcome to the Forest! Stay here if you so wish, it's nice here! Have a good time here, and enjoy your stay!
  17. Hello, and welcome to the Forest! You really should play the older FE games at some point, I like them a lot! Enjoy your stay here, and have fun!
  18. Happy birthday, you!

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