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Everything posted by Hazuki

  1. Hazuki

    Not if you take the wheel...!

  2. Hey, and welcome to the Forest! I also like Zelda! Have fun while you're here, and please enjoy your stay!
  3. Hazuki

    Yes, I like the sights...!

  4. About inheritance, are all of a parent's skills passed down to his or her respective child, or only certain ones? And what's the difference between citizen and soldier skills?
  5. Hazuki

    I like to sit by the window...!

  6. Alright, Chapter 3 done! It took...165 turns! Let's look at the Lenster trio at the end of the chapter: Good, yes? I'm already a few turns into Chapter 4. Is there anything I might want to know here? Here are my current pairings: Lex!Ayra Azel!Aideen Levin!Fury Pairings that I'm working on: Ardan!Tiltyu Dew!Briggid Lachesis!Beowulf Sylvia!Claude Any comments on this?
  7. Hazuki

    I always sat in the back...!

  8. Hazuki

    Round and round...!

  9. Anyone else like to travel to Lenster to celebrate Cuanzaa?
  10. Hazuki

    You don't say...!

  11. Hazuki

    I don't know how to respond to that...!

  12. Hazuki

    You're so wonderful...!

  13. Hazuki

    I want it...!

  14. Heyyyyy, and welcome to the Forest! I know what you mean about being busy because of school, it sucks! Have a wonderful time here, and enjoy your stay!
  15. Hazuki

    That hat...!

  16. Hazuki

    You're the only person I know who's ever used that word! I don't even know what it means!

  17. Hazuki

    Uni is a funny word!

  18. Hazuki


    Hello, and welcome to the Forest! You should get around to playing FE7! That one's also nice! Be nice, and enjoy your stay!
  19. Power Ring and Wind Sword? About to kill the guy at Orgahil Castle and end the chapter. This chapter was rather easy compared to Chapter 2 for me. Lex promoted. Fin hasn't been paired with anyone, so is it okay to just leave him with the Iron and Steel Lance, as well as the Return Ring? Speaking of which, I know that Ethlin's staves should be sold, but what about her Barrier Ring? Also, Ethlin managed to reach the level cap! Feels good!
  20. Who ought to hold the Silver Blade? Everyone who's able to use it currently doesn't really need it, so I think it's a matter of inheritance, but I don't know about that.
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