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Everything posted by Hazuki

  1. Yayyy.

    And yes. I haven't touched it in a while, but I'm still in that process of making decisions on who's holding what before Chapter 5 is over. It makes my head hurt, haha.

  2. Heya, and welcome to the Forest! I got confused when you said challenge question... Enjoy your stay here, and have fun!
  3. Yeah, I can't say that I'm certain about anything. That rumor definitely existed as far as I know, but I personally have doubt that it's true seeing as it should've been capitalized on and be brought into the more certain light. After all, it's dealing with a person's life, and I don't see how it could just be held a secret like that.
  4. Yeah, that is pretty weird, but that actually reminds me of something about the movie that I find a lot more interesting! You see, one of my friends recently watched it and for some reason did a lot of research about how in one of the versions of this movie, a hung Munchkin can be seen in the background in one of the scenes. Like, supposedly the movie caught the suicide of one of the actors on film and people didn't notice. My friend went as far as even showing me some videos on YouTube detailing this subject, and apparently in a later version of the movie, this Munchkin who was hung was replaced with a peacock.
  5. Hi, and welcome to the Forest! I haven't played Radiant Dawn, and most of the ones I've played were before Sword of Seals... Have fun while you're here, and enjoy your stay!
  6. FE12 was only announced just last year, though... If anything, only about the last dozen issues would even possibly contain anything about it. As a subscriber for a few years, I'd like to say that I don't recall any particular articles that highlighted the game. If there were any, they were probably nothing more than passing mentions in articles about upcoming Japanese games, like Celice said.
  7. Hazuki

    Hey there!

    Heya, and welcome to the Forest! I've been on other FE forums too! Enjoy your stay here, and have fun!
  8. Hey, and welcome to the Forest! I used to be a guest for a while, too! Enjoy your stay here, and have fun!
  9. Hazuki


    Hi, and welcome to the Forest! I've never really made a game myself before, although I have dabbled with stuff like RPG Maker. I like it! Hope you like it here, enjoy your stay!
  10. I'd prefer a complete remake rather than a port, if only for the sake of saying that FE2 got the same love as FE1 and FE3 did. I think it's an interesting coincidence how FE2, FE8, and FE13 all share the navigable world map feature. Maybe it's a sign!
  11. Okay, take your time!

  12. Oh, that'd be nice! I'm interested in seeing if you could do an FE4 Great Knight for me. I could post it as my avatar if I like it!

  13. Hazuki


    So one of my friends told me that after she loses some weight, she wants to get a belly ring piercing. We get into a discussion about piercings in general, and I'm a little surprised that she's so accepting of them, because I on the otherhand am not so supportive of them. I mean, I simply don't like the idea of having piercings. It grosses me out like crazy. Now, I'm actually okay with your standard ear or belly rings, but once we get into nose or tongue piercings and involve things like bars, I begin to freak out. I know there's the whole "never judge a book by its cover" saying, but preferably I wouldn't want to speak with someone face to face with that kind of crazy stuff on if I didn't have to. So what do you guys think about piercings? Do you find them cool or attractive? Do you have any, and if so, what and where? Those kind of questions.
  14. Hello there, and welcome to the Forest! A lot of my friends in real life don't know what FE is either... Enjoy your stay here, and have fun!
  15. Oh cool! I figured it was something like that... It's really nice!

  16. Is that Holyn? What exactly is that thing that I'm looking at?

  17. Hi, and welcome to the Forest! I also like Marth in SSBM! Hope you find it nice here, and enjoy your stay!
  18. Captured Phinora! Not only that, but Reptor's the last man standing! Someone please tell me if this is the end or not...
  19. Once like two or three years ago, but other than that, I don't remember anything.
  20. Hello, and welcome to the Forest! I don't do any of that martial arts stuff, but it looks cool! Enjoy your stay here, and have fun!
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