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Everything posted by Hazuki

  1. Hazuki

    *ties you to the back of a bike*

    There, now we're going to the beach!

  2. Alrighty, give yourself plenty of time! I'm sure there's no rush!

  3. Oh, well that's nice! Remember that you could always send him a private message if you ever feel like doing that!

  4. Right now, yes! Why don't you come with us?

  5. So Lachesis gets this Knight Ring, but she'll probably promote to Master Knight pretty soon and make having it pretty pointless. Who ought to have the Knight Ring instead?
  6. But I want us to go to Yogurt Landdddd.

  7. Anytime, dear! Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure that I was in the same grade as you when I was that age, so when I assumed you were right all along, I felt kind of jealous, haha.

    Want to hang out sometime?

  8. Oh my gosh, hahaha! I was reading that post over and over for a good minute in disbelief, thinking like "How is she 6 years old in the 6th grade?" but then I decided to give you the benefit of the doubt and assumed you were really, really smart. You're so funny!

  9. You were 6 in the 6th grade? Wow, that's awesome!

  10. That's definitely not a case of a typo. From my understanding, the people who do that are trying to bypass textual swearing because for whatever reason, they don't want to be so "explicit" on sites like Facebook or whatever, despite the lack of any rules against swearing and such. I say that this is rather dumb. I mean, I can understand if you'd like to keep a conversation family friendly by simply censoring swears, even though that's already oxymoronic in the first place, but it's essentially redundant to simply spell them another way to convey those particular words without actually saying them; that's still basically swearing at the end of the day. And if it's not because of this...I guess people might do that because they think it's cool? Honestly, I think that in reality it's not.
  11. This pretty much. I still remember the assignment I had to do, and I got my facts all wrong, haha.
  12. Hey you, have a happy birthday!

  13. Okay, finished Chapter 2! Oh my gosh this was really tedious... 116 turns taken! And now for some visuals! These are what I had at the end of Chapter 2. What do you guys think, especially stat-wise?
  14. Looking forward to school tomorrow!

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. NTG



      Hmm I get the feeling someone stole my hat before...

    3. Hazuki


      Your hat is sooo cute!

    4. NTG


      Why thank you!

  15. Still on Chapter 2, turn 79, but plowing through Agusty soldiers with ease. Aideen has the Bargain Ring, surprisingly. Alec has Knight Killer. Anyway, I was looking at this: http://serenesforest.../fe4/arena.html Kashim the Hunter? You mean the same one from FE1/3?
  16. I like your contributions to the FE Wiki!

  17. Hazuki

    That sounds really cute! I want one!

  18. Hazuki

    The cutest fruit!

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