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Everything posted by Hazuki

  1. Hazuki

    Well, your timezone is silly!

  2. Do you also like the number 2?

  3. Yeah, giving Aideen the Bargain Ring sounds pretty good considering she can't rely on getting gold from the Arena like everyone else, so gold's a lot more precious to her and repairing her staves. I'm sure that when she promotes to High Priest, this won't be as much as a problem. She's level 12 with 42 Relive uses, which is a little over enough to get her to level 20 to promote if she uses the staff completely, assuming Warp is never used by then. Anyway, still on Chapter 2. Did a little bit of fighting in the Arena and I'm having the enemy soldiers come our way since it looks easier that way. Levin has the Pursuit Ring and is about to recruit Fury. Deirdre is going through the forest to reach the cliff near Mackily so that she'll be ready to use Silence on Clement when the rest of the guys get there. Ardan now has the Skill Ring and the Speed Ring. Lex and Ayra are probably going to be lovers at this pace. Speaking of Ayra, she currently has the Armor Cutter, but I'm thinking about giving this to Fury since it sounds more useful to her than Ayra, who already has the Shield Ring and her Skills to give her a better time when fighting armored units. Either way, I think Fury ought to get some kind of sword. Also, there's really a gold cap? I noticed this while Levin was in the Arena and stopped getting gold after 50000.
  4. Hi, and welcome to the Forest! Dieck is awesome! Stick around and enjoy your stay!
  5. When you put it that way, yeah!

  6. That sure is a lot, huh?

  7. Hazuki

    You're such a silly person! It's only just about to become afternoon here! Haha.

  8. I already went over it on IP Chat, but since I'm such a silly OCD person, I'll say that I believe that it's because I think you're an interesting person! Again, it's nice to meet you!

  9. Oh, I'm sorry! I mainly friended you because I'm actually familiar with you outside of Serenes Forest! You're that guy on YouTube, right? I've seen a few of your videos before and I guess you could call me a fan. Pleased to meet you!

  10. Haha, I'm curious if I even have the most out there!

  11. Aww, I know what you mean! It can really be a diligent and exhaustive process depending on what you're aiming for.

    But you know, the longest journey begins with a single step, they say! Mhmm, yes ma'am! If sometime you ever want to take up something in general, I think that's nice to think about, yes?

  12. Me too, haha. I used to draw when I was younger, but it never really stuck with me in the end. What about you?

  13. Is that drawing of Priscilla a work of yours? It's really nice!

  14. Hazuki

    Aww, you're going? It's only afternoon over here... I'll miss you!

  15. Hazuki

    I'm sorry, I think I'm getting too excited from this! Haha.

  16. Hazuki

    Oh, you don't have to! I will see for myself!

  17. Hazuki

    Haha, and I bet you're just as ticklish, too!

  18. Hazuki

    Yes! I love squishy people! Squishy people make me happy!

  19. Hazuki

    Yes, and it's fun!

  20. Hazuki


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