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Everything posted by Hazuki

  1. Wow, that's a ridiculous amount to be extracted, let alone in such a short period of time!
  2. Sure thing! Feel free to talk to me here whenever you'd like, I'll be around!

  3. Hazuki


    Haha, I like you, too!
  4. A little birdie, you say? Haha.

    Why hello there, dear! It's a pleasure to meet you! I certainly do frequent here a lot and feel that I've made a nice impression... You seem really nice!

  5. Hello there! I hope you have a wonderful birthday!

  6. Oh, that was done on my end!

  7. I was reading over this page just now, and I noticed a minor typo: It should actually be "a unit" rather than "an unit". I see this little error from time to time elsewhere, so I'm not too surprised to see it here, haha.
  8. Aww, please don't be scared, hun! *hug* I was awake the whole time during my procedure last week, so I heard and sort of felt it all! It's really not too bad, although the pain afterwards is probably my least favorite part of it.
  9. FE6 Normal Mode is pretty tame, in my opinion, but overall, I think it's more of a challenge than FE7 as a whole, except for maybe HHM. Even then, I think that it's a far cry from a really difficult FE as opposed to some earlier games.
  10. Thinking about throwing a party here, but I'm not sure how!

  11. You're welcome, dear! Have fun here while you're at it! Haha.
  12. You have such a lovely watermelon!

  13. Hiiiii, and welcome to the Forest! You sure did catch my attention with that title! Haha, and I also like dancers! Now, be nice and enjoy your stay!
  14. If I could make a guess, I think that "Ken" and "Tsurugi" are simply interchangeable with each other due to synonymy. This would make sense because I think Intelligent Systems or whatever official sources have at times used both "Ken" and "Tsurugi" when referring to FE1 and were never consistent. Why, I don't know. This contrasts with "Fuuin no Tsurugi" and "Rekka no Ken" in that Intelligent Systems has never used the other word for them, but a very, very small percentage of people who don't know any better use them anyway. "Fuuin no Ken" and "Rekka no Tsurugi" are technically correct, but since they were never officially used in the first place and they're extremely unpopular, they're just not used. This is just my idea, though. I really like your question! I had always wondered about this, but have never really put any real thought into it until now.
  15. Captured Anphony Castle and everyone's over there. Now I'm seeing Mackily and Agusty soldiers pop out. Could anyone give me an idea on how to approach these guys? There are also some bow users on a cliff and it looks like going through the mountain range is the most efficient way to get to them, but that'd take a while and I'm not sure who to take there. Ayra has the Shield Ring, Lachesis has the Elite Ring, and Levin has the Bargain Ring.
  16. Actually, I'm supposed to graduate this year, too! Yayyyyy.

  17. I haven't graduated yet either...but if you live inland, whatever! We'll still go hang out at places! Haha.

  18. Not sure if I have any...

  19. Yeah, she grew up in Guatemala and eventually had to depart for the States to make a living, kind of like what you said!

    We should hang out at Bay Islands! Haha.

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