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Everything posted by Hazuki

  1. Many thanks to all those wishing me a happy birthday! Love you guys!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Florete


      Stole my idea, I see.

    3. Hazuki
    4. Wake


      Happy birthday. (hooray for awkwardess)

  2. Haha, how nice!

  3. Hello, and welcome to the Forest! It's good to know that you've finally joined! Check out what we have around here, and enjoy your stay!
  4. Thank you very much, although today's not even my birthday!

  5. Thanks, but my birthday isn't until tomorrow!

  6. Hey, and welcome to the Forest! Feel comfy! Have fun while you're here, and enjoy your stay!
  7. Okay, so I notice that our FE5 page is missing a section for chapter maps. I happened to have stumbled upon an official site that contains all of these maps in good quality. The site that I'm referring to is this. Navigating through the items will lead you here, where you can view whichever map you want by clicking on the appropriate links at the top of the page. For convenience, I will post all of these images from the site in this post: [spoiler=Thracia 766 chapter maps] [spoiler=Chapter 1] [spoiler=Chapter 2] [spoiler=Chapter 2x] [spoiler=Chapter 3] [spoiler=Chapter 4] [spoiler=Chapter 4x] [spoiler=Chapter 5] [spoiler=Chapter 6] [spoiler=Chapter 7] [spoiler=Chapter 8] [spoiler=Chapter 8x] [spoiler=Chapter 9] [spoiler=Chapter 10] [spoiler=Chapter 11] [spoiler=Chapter 11x] [spoiler=Chapter 12] [spoiler=Chapter 12x] [spoiler=Chapter 13] [spoiler=Chapter 14] [spoiler=Chapter 14x] [spoiler=Chapter 15] [spoiler=Chapter 16A] [spoiler=Chapter 17A] [spoiler=Chapter 16B] [spoiler=Chapter 17B] [spoiler=Chapter 18] [spoiler=Chapter 19] [spoiler=Chapter 20] [spoiler=Chapter 21] [spoiler=Chapter 21x] [spoiler=Chapter 22] [spoiler=Chapter 23] [spoiler=Chapter 24] [spoiler=Chapter 24x] [spoiler=Final Chapter] Hope you guys appreciate this find!
  8. Hi there, and welcome to the Forest! Don't be a stranger! Enjoy your stay here, and have fun!
  9. Sylvia keeps falling in love with Alec, which I don't want. I want to pair Sylvia with Claude. Will reviving Alec with the Valkyrie Staff retain the items that he had when he died? His inventory consists of an Iron Sword, Iron Lance, Javelin, and Wing Clipper. I'm thinking about killing him off for a little while until I get the result that I want, but I wanted to know about this before deciding.
  10. You're not a citrus.

  11. Are kiwis citrus?

  12. Hazuki

    Hey, all!

    Hey, and welcome to the Forest! I hope you'll like what you'll do! Have fun while you're here, and enjoy your stay!
  13. *pokes*

    Just felt like stopping by and saying hi!

  14. Wrath, probably. I like the high risk, high return feel of it!

  15. Ah, I'd agree!

  16. Best: The Neverending Dream Worst: Pirate Ship
  17. Hmm, what do you think is the best skill out of all of them?

  18. Oh, haha. Well that certainly sounds nice to think about! You can't go wrong with having Pursuit!

  19. Hazuki


    Hi, and welcome to the Forest! Rebecca is my favorite archer in FE7! Feel free to let us know what you think of this place, and enjoy your stay!
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