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Everything posted by noremaC

  1. i have used dorcas too much, my barte's str in maked at level 13 :S but he only has like 15 speed
  2. meh tuxedo is better.........
  3. i like never use healers on the gba ones and not really, it is a hero playthrough, aka sword and axe users non paladin, and i need a third person so i am using barte
  4. well, i beet it :D without cheating :D:D:D:D it took awhile and ALOT of elixers (dragon >.<) but i did it Also i am now doing a hector/barte/raven(first time using him)
  5. noremaC

    Hurricane ike

    good, it is heading more south, so i might be in luck........hopefully
  6. cute, hot seems more like sleep with them then never see them again but cute is more like you like somthing about them\ well it is this way for me atleast
  7. Athletic, most smart girls arnt really funny, and it seems easyier to get along with athetic than intelligent because they wouldn't really know what to argue about, and who says all athletic girls are dumb as bricks
  8. wow, i have beat it like........once i only got it so icould know tyhe backstory behind RD (got por a week before RD)
  9. i would like one but it would be hard to do for one there what game would they choose, two how are they going to make ALL the charatcers live, how will they interprit the turn based stratigie, the getting items and items breaking, rescue, not using charcters, characters leveling up, characters changing classes, etc. and if it sucked i would hate the series forever :D
  10. i say the marketing one, it seems like the only choice that that acaully help you suceed in like and almost all jobs you need some marketing skills, if not that then the frisbee one
  11. wow, i would do a hard mode frum through but for 1 i am lazy, 2 i am doing runthroughs on fe7 and 3 i paln to do por runthroughs next
  12. good luck with 3-f and are you using ike also cause of the blank night final battle thingy
  13. yeah, they didnt really have a choice, they had to either make them look the same or one fo them would not fit in with the story
  14. yep, am you only see such small changes that it is hardly noticable, i.e. technlogy, place, and the extent it is portrayed at
  15. Hmm history does tend to repeat itself in alot of cases, this may just be one of those cases.......
  16. Im good at guessing numbers and my guess is November 18th
  17. fine, i will use him on my next playthrough........
  18. same, its fun to mess with ignoerant people, i also highlight all thier icons on the destop and press enter bout 30 times
  19. noremaC

    Hurricane ike

    i personoly don't want to get killed by the greatest lord in FE history
  20. "...." ...why is that my quote ;-( and me eating something was an example twice, apperntly i am aggressive
  21. hanz made the 2 of us smart for the time being
  22. seroiusly, were are just a bunch of idiots, dont get mad at him just because some of his friends are dicks
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