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Everything posted by Mylady

  1. I'd love to see Judith as a playable character in There Houses, if she is not added via dlc is a very wasted opportunity
  2. As mentioned, the low key characterizations and simple stories was overdone in Fire Emblem and was getting stale so I think they should try to subvert some tropes. Should every game be like this though? I don't think so, repeating formulas get stale at some point and it goes in both ways
  3. I believe shapeshifter would be like the professor units, being route neutral but recruitable in random paralogue. They would work similar to Corrin, having a stone to transform but also being able to use other weapons Not really fan of them being able to transform into anything.
  4. If they add reclassing feature in Genealogy's remake, Edain secondary class tree being an Arch Knight would be awesome
  5. All characters would join the other house if they fall in love with Byleth or a student of other class Other than that, the obvious options are Petra, Ferdinand, Lorenz and Dorothea
  6. Sacred Stones prologue should give more background to Lyon, Eirika and Ephraim relationship because Lyon comes out of blue as well Yeah, most people forgot that Edain was Sigurd's classmate as well. I'd love to see a prologue or dlc following their past in the school.
  7. I'm interested in four the new characters and the Death Knight dlcs
  8. FE4 and Fe5 remakes or a whole new game. Not exactly in this order but those should the next games
  9. Nice quiz, is there something similar featuring ghe cast of previous games?
  10. Agree that the maps are bad and outdated but remakes are to fix this kind of stuff. Adding paralogues/side chapters with interesting maps are the easiest way to go but lots of other things could be done to fix this problem. Incest was always in Fire Emblem to the point of being a meme, so this is not an issue at all.
  11. Not sure what kind of logic is that, Gaiden was way more obscure and outdated but was remade
  12. Overall it's okay, not the best. The soundtrack is too much repetitive and most don't stand out. It's like the same track is remixed and used over and over again. Some tracks are great, like in every FE game. Shambala and all versions, Spirit Dais, Blue Skies, Heaven and Earrh come to mind. There may be more, Fire Emblem always had good quality music, but compared to the other tittles, I wouldn't say Three Houses is the best in this aspect. Far from the worst though - the GBA games were quite poor in music. Compared to video games in general I think the soundtrack good though. I don't mind the electronic music, it is a nice detail. I wouldn't like this style in the whole game - but this is not the case.
  13. I like to think there's restrictions in turnwheel, it's not like the protagonists can mess with time whenever they want, pretty much like Butterfly effect. That said, I don't think it fits Genealogy of Holy War and Thracia, they will need to find another mechanic that fits the lore
  14. NEED? No... Nobody need to be a professor but they are for a lot of different reasons.... Opportunity, love or talent for teaching or researching, available job, etc ... -- In Byleth's case she/he has relations with Rhea, Jeralt and Alois that were influential patrons. Those connections provided the job of teaching a subject in which Byleth was a prodigy. It was the first time as a professor but there was room for improving like every first job. It's a fantasy medieval time, in historic times people didn't need PHD to teach and even today most careers are build through connections.
  15. Three Houses remakes, obviously. Kidding, who voted in this option? Lol Next game I believe will be another original tittle, and so Fire Emblem 18 and 19 will be Genealogy and Thracia remakes respectively.
  16. Yeah, the best solution is picking which character will join each side, but there's some units that join later, when the armies are already split. I'm all down for both armies/stories playing simultaneously. It makes the game longer and more interactive. A new refresher, probably a bard, to join the army that doesn't get Tethys is the only character that would NEED to be created.
  17. I can see a middle eastern or arabic Fire Emblem game happening in a story following two different nations like Fates, possibly with a Crusader theme. At some point, the avatar and their small army change mind and side with the kingdom being invaded so the story start to develop in the Arabic or Muslim inspired nation. Look at Kingdom of Heaven movie, I can see a plot similar to that. Plegia also has an Egyptian theme and a prequel having Chrom father as the villain would be interesting. I can't see them returning to Awakening/Arachnea universe so early though.
  18. Maybe Forseti had a crush on Tailtiu? Now seriously, I still wonder how much of the time skip personality was Lewyn or if his soul was completely rewritten by Forseti. Maybe it was like Byleth's case in which both personalities existed in the same body and Lewyn listened to Forseti voice in his head
  19. Yes, that's why I said "basically" 😉. Byleth is a vessel but they share the same body btw. I think the story of being vessel of Rhea's mother and plus being able to S rank all the lords fits more the female avatar. Regarding their design female Byleth reminds me too much of Lucina. Male Byleth in their exclusive class looks a bit like Marth with that tiara. Considering that the feature of customizing avatar was scrapped, I was expecting something more original. So I'm quite indifferent towards their appareance.
  20. Female Byleth makes more sense in story considering Sothis is basically her reincarnation and Rhea call Byleth mother and all this stuff. As for design, I'm quite indiferent to both Byleth's, they look good but in a very generic way. Anyway it's balanced this time right? It's tied.
  21. Skill system and earlier promotion are the most realistic options.
  22. I disliking pairing avatar with someone who worships another guy. Severa brings Chrom into their family showing that Cordelia never moved on from him completely. Nothing against though, anyone shod ship whatever pleases them
  23. Lester being Lex son was never considered canon .... And it was never confirmed if Beowulf or Finn are Nanna and Delmud fathers, the developers said it's who the player choses even if more likely it's one of them ...
  24. Wow i forgot that Corrin can date Percy 🤣🤣🤣 She is really screwed in the head... I like to think Arthur and Kaze had no idea what was going on... True, but as far I remember it's never revealed if Lewyn retained his personality and followed Forsethy's will or the dragon took his body completely, Kaga in his interview let it open to interpretation. Considering Fire Emblem lore, the second option is more likely though...
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