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Everything posted by Ursali

  1. "Ahh!" Tundyssa narrowly dodged the spear of lightning aimed at her, the spear sailing past her and exploding into sparks as it crashed into the wall. "What kinda spell was that?" The spell was entirely foreign to the dragon and too quick for her to have a chance to feel the magic used in the spell. Maybe if she'd been hig by it, but she had no intention of letting that happen. Tundyssa to 15, 9 punch the construct to smithereens. "Ahh, t, there's something chasing me! I don't know what it is, but it came up from the stairs after the alarm! She quickly explained as she continued to fly ss fast as she could. She wouldn’t say it aloud, but she was incredibly relieved to see Nisha here too. Though she knew that Ren opposed Ouka, she couldn't bring herself to entirely trust the Oni in their group after her encounterwith them at Vaia's Great Tree. Sollowy to 3, 7. Whatever the thing was it clearly wasn't an ally, Xetketh silently preparing a spell and beginning to float off the ground; she was going to be ready if it tried something. Strange, it took much more of her concentration than it should have just to hover a few inches off the ground. She could handle it, but it was concerning. Very concerning. Rather than stick with their meager group as the being started making threats the fox dashed off, the being in hot pursuit. "If it sounds hostile why run and isolate yourself!?" She growled, floating after them as fast as she could. She wasn't one to help for free, but this fox seemed like her best bet to be reunited with Miz. Xetketh to 27, 4.
  2. "Talk, maybe. Just not want be alone for while." The lizard followed along after Tasha, desire to not be alone far heavier than her concern about the fear her presence would cause the teller. Cinaed beat them to the punch, however. She didn't quite understand why he was so intent to keep his fortune to himself, but she also didn't know him that well either. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't curious, but even if she rose up on her tail she doubted she'd be able to see. Besides, Tasha had posed her a question. A rather morbid one at that. "If luck like mine, you not see thing good." As Cinaed's telling concluded and he left, Alriana wondered if she should have included him in her comment about luck. Maybe this teller was a doom teller rather than a fortune teller. "Do you want me not look like Cinaed?"
  3. "Mn." Alriana nodded her head along with what Tasha had said. She wasn't usually one to share her burdens, mostly because she hadn't had many before this adventure of theirs started, but this was the first time she'd ever felt scared... Scared of herself? Was that what this was? "Saw self. Scary look in eyes. Many bodies..." She shivered even though she didn't feel cold. "Not want be alone. Not able not think this, don't think..."
  4. Alriana slowed her pace as Tasha approached, stopping and staring up at the tiger. "Mhhm. Am alone... Came from there; probably shouldn't go back." Being feared was the norm for the lizard, she was sure even some of the Tigers were still afraid of her, but this was first time she felt so bothered by the fact that she was a source of fear. It was definitely that image's fault she felt this way, the sight of her own crazed eyes and the mangled corpses still stuck in her head. Normally she'd deal with this by going cloud watching and forcing herself to stop thinking, but somehow she knew that wouldn't work today. "Can come along, but stand at distance probably best."
  5. As the elderly teller called her closer Alriana leaned forward in her tail chair, looming slightly over the crystal ball. As the image formed into one of herself the lizard blinked, wondering if she was instead peering into a mirror. Then she caught the eyes of her counterpart, crazed, like a rabid beast. As the image expanded to show brutalized indescript bodies, she was reminded of her moment with Ramirez in the arena a day prior. Concern blossomed in her chest as she shifted uncomfortably in her tail chair. Then the image changed again, showing a man she'd never seen before in her life holding an equally unfamiliar axe. She didn't know what to make of the scene at all, more confused than anything else. Then it was over, the fortune teller clearly more afraid of her than what she'd seen in the image. "I am a Monster. Maybe me, not sure. Don't act like that." Though she told herself that, she couldn't push that moment of the arena out of her mind. The near overwhelming urge she'd had to slaughter the axe fighter, only for it the fade as quickly as it came. Not even Rustal had provoked such a feeling so why had the axefighter? The lizard did not know. "...I go now. Not have be afraid." The fear in the woman was evident, her presence would likely only continue to unsettle her. Alriana stood up and walked away from the old teller's stand, more concerned about herself than she'd ever been in recent memory.
  6. "Yes. That alright. Tell future." With there being no seat at the stall for her to sit, Alriana curled her tail under her the make her own seat. Though it wasn't overtly obvious, save if the woman was paying attention, she made sure to make herself level with the fortune teller. "You also not like crows, then? Must be reason for discount."
  7. "You can see future?" Alriana tilted her head with her question, never having heard of something like this before. Needless to say, it only made her more curious. "Mhhm, yes. What need do for you tell fortune? Need gold? Have gold." That much the lizard had already assumed, knowing at least that stalls in towns tended to be operated in the interest of earning a living.
  8. With no one left to stop her once everyone had dispersed, Alriana was finally free to scale one of the buildings and observe as the townsfolk went about cleaning the streets of the crows. It wasn't as though she had anything better to do with the shops closed, aside from help clear out the crows; however, she felt she earned the right to rest after killing so many of them. Once the streets were clear she hopped back down to the street, intent to get her shopping done. However, she appeared to have landed near a curious stall. Fortune... Teller? Individually the two words made sense, but put them together and she no longer knew what it was supposed to mean. Intrigued, she approached the stall. "How you tell fortune?" She asked the woman behind the stall.
  9. A tiny huff left the lizard as her hair was pet, not eager to wait to discuss this; however, given the reaction of whomever Ingverd had been talking to, perhaps it was best to at least wait until it could be discussed privately. "Mrrhm... Talk later, then. Also want buy better dagger. This work, but good have option. Don't think need buy more." She turned, aiming to lead the elf back to their leader. "Come along, Tasha not far."
  10. So, that was how this ended. Their leader died with a whimper, barking like the dog that she was until her last. The town fell silent as the battle came to a close, well, until Cinaed collapsed shortly after the Crow's leader. She might have been a bit concerned had he not been swarmed by the others; though, she didn't understand Alvira and Gean knocking him around, even if it was light, after making the effort to pick him up for Renais. Still so much she didn't understand, but at least the antics of the Tigers themselves had yet to trigger such unpleasant emotions. She'd have to talk with someone to sort out her post kill feelings, preferably sooner than later, even if they were vivid enough that a few days of stewing wouldn't dull them any. And who better than the one who had nurtured these feelings? Though she hadn't seen the elf during the battle it wasn't hard to find him, spotting him just as he was departing from a building. Was he there the whole battle? He did say something about protecting the townsfolk... "Ingverd." She called out as she approached him, her speech back to being regulated. "Kill Rustal. Not feel like you say would. Now, pay reward. Want go shopping later."
  11. While the leader was of no concern to the lizard, just another annoying pest that didn't know when to shut up, the healer that was going to be a thorn in her allies side did not escape her notice. Aly to 13,22, kill priest.
  12. "HHrrgk!" Tundyssa took the blast of magic as well as she could, slamming her fist into the... Thing's gut in retaliation for the pain it had given her. "Dammit, these things are actually strong..." The dragon winced as she turned back towards Tenna, subconsciously relieved she was okay. Though the Thing approaching her couldn't be any good! "Get behind me, Tenna! That other one is taken care of, I think, so we're in the clear if we can take this one. I'm gonna need you to heal me, though. We'll get through this..." Dyssa to 15, 10, stand defensively in front of the white mage Tenna. That sounded like shouting! Sollowy picked up the pace. The thing hadn't made it around the corner yet but who was to say that it wasn't just right behind her? The voice had sounded like it belonged to the male Oni, but beggars couldn't be choosers. Anyone was better than trying to handle this place by herself... Sollowy to 3,12 "Then we're going to find her. I'm not leaving until I see her unsealed." And neither are any of you... Xetketh followed the fox outside the after one final glance at the human she'd nearly killed, eyes coming to rest on both the fox and the... "What in Ratatoskr's name that? Are those a common sight in the world?" The fox beastman seemed to know both of her and Miz, so she was either well-informed or a historian. Asking her was better than asking the human at any rate. Xetketh to 22,4.
  13. Aly merely glowered at his further taunting, waiting for an opening to slice the loudmouth's throat. And Laniva gave her one, Rustal reeling but still clinging to life even as he was stripped of the one thing that could have made him a threat. "Die like the dog you are, wretch." She moved in the blink of an eye, slicing his throat before he hit the ground, left to gurgle out his dying breaths. "My words are wasted on you and your ilk." She flicked the reject's blood off her knife, a dissatisfied huff leaving her as she grabbed her medicine to apply to her burn marks. That wasn't as cathartic as Ingverd made it seem it would be... More like putting down a mindless beast than something worth my hate. Aly to 13,18. The Crow's leader was of no interest to her, she'd gotten her kill even if it left a sour taste in her mouth.
  14. Alriana waited until Rustal's back was to her before she sprang out from the cover of the wall, dagger already drawn and aiming at the sorry excuse of a man. "I'm right here, mongrel. And I'm not worthless, because you don't lose to worthless things. You said it yourself." Aly to 8,18 dagger Rustal.
  15. "C'mon, I can't move around-- What the Hel is it now!?" Tundyssa hurriedly glanced around as the alarm rang out, scanning for something, anything. Then she heard it, something coming up the stairs. A cloaked figure slowly ascended, brandishing a tome; there was only one conclusion she could draw from this. "This must be those 'security measures'... You need to let go, Tenna!" She was done asking, peeling the clinging girl off her so she could put whatever this thing was into the floor before it had a chance to act. Tundyssa to 12, 11, beat the Hel™️ out of the construct with her fists. Well whatever that alarm was couldn't be good... Best to stick with the group rather than pick an unnecessary fight with whatever was in the stairwell. Ember to 6,33.
  16. "What." Xetketh almost dropped Agni out of pure shock at what she'd just heard. "You mean to tell me, that that BITCH, sealed us for centuries!?" She couldn't believe it, didn't want to believe it. But, as her eyes hurriedly scoured the room to disprove Asami's claim, she couldn't deny that the place was in some amount of disrepair. Disrepair that wouldn't have happened if the palace was being maintained in the very least. "...Feh. Fine. I tire of holding him anyway." Without much warning, and certainly without care, Xetketh released Agni from her hold and stepped back before he thought to try anything in revenge. She kept a few eyestalks trained on him just in case... "Tell me, is Miz'Githon also unsealed?" First in foremost the well being of her liege was at the front of her thoughts. It was much easier than trying to come to terms that she had been potentially sealed off from the world for well over half an eon. She couldn't even begin wrap her mind around how different the world must be... Xety holds.
  17. Once more another crow fell before her, though this one had managed to hit her with his magic at least. The damage was superficial at best, not even worth treating with medicine. As the lizard moved along the wall she spotted Rustal on the approach, pressing herself against the wall lest her notice her. She would be the one to keep her promise. All she needed to do was wait for him to get closer... Aly to 5,17.
  18. "I MEAN HECATE YOU SNIVELING LITTLE--" Xetketh made to move her hands to Agni's throat when the beastman desperately answered for him, several of her stalks moving around the human to stare at her in place of her hands moving to Agni's throat. "Was that so hard?" She snarled up at Agni, yet refused to lower him back to the ground; he seemed to be worth at least some leverage to the fox-like beastman. "What do you mean I've been sealed for a long time? How many years has it been? Was Miz'Githon also unsealed? Answer before I tire of holding this one." Suddenly there was an alarm, footsteps, and then something emerged from the stairwell. Sollowy was glad she had started exploring and not waited around, not wanting to get close to whatever that was. If it had come after the alarm it probably wasn't friendly. Best to keep moving and hope it hadn't seen her... Sollowy to 4, 16.
  19. The two crows who had entered her range had been easily dealt with. One was unaware, too focused on Cinaed, while the other had recklessly tossed his axe at her and left himself completely open. Was this what it was like to fight with a mind clouded by hatred? She wouldn't complain, so long as they continued to fall at her feet. Aly to 2,16, dagger the monk.
  20. Aegean and Natalya had the main road handled, so Alriana slipped off into the alley to handle whatever crows were waiting there. So long as she kept to the shadows she'd be fine. Aly to 5,15, dagger fighter 1.
  21. Alriana had eaten quickly as Cinaed and Ingverd had their little spat, or at least whatever was left of it, as she gobbled down her sausages in record time. The crows would be upon them 'fore long and she couldn't deny the anticipation building in her chest to sink her daggers into Rustal's neck. She wouldn't have to wait long it seemed, a cloaked man entering and delievering the challenge they were all waiting for. She'd have risen to deal with him, but between the two dragons the man was probably finished. "Look like time for breakfast over. Time to remove trash."
  22. Xetketh's eyestalks opened only to violently slam shut and flinch away from the light. Then again, slowly this time, they fluttered open and began to scan around the room. As soon as they caught sight of a human, right next to her no less, feelings began to surface and her mind began to rapidly wake up as she remembered what had happened just before darkness took her. All eight eyes zeroed in on Agni and, ignoring the strange beastkin in the doorway, glared death at him as she pushed herself up, chanting under her breath all the while. She kept her head downturned, her hair cascaded over her face, even as stood up, though unsteady on her feet. No sooner than she had gained her footing did she lunge at Agni and grab him by the collar, hoisting him off the floor. Finally she looked up, singular eye nearly glowing with hatred as she glared up at the human. "ARE YOU WITH THE WITCH!? ANSWER ME BEFORE I CRUSH YOUR WINDPIPE AND BE DONE WITH YOU!"
  23. Ember groaned as she rose to her feet, taking stock of whatever the Hel had happened to her. "I'm alright, I think." She managed in response to the voice she'd heard while on the edge of consciousness. They'd been traveling through the wastes, which wasn't too terrible save the constant drain on her mana actually, when someone spotted a body and called for an investigation. Things had quickly gone downhill as a hole opened up, Suki had gone bounding out of the wagon to try to help but she'd lost sight of her in the chaos. Hopefully that pup's alright... As for myself... She wasn't alone at least, Nessraya, probably the one who had called out, was right next to her, as was Nashwa and one of the humans. One of the wagons, completely intact as well as its driver weren't far off either. "Well, this is a great mess, isn''t it? Once you're done looking at whatever this is on the floor there's a pair of doors up here." Ember moves to 9,35. --------------------------------------------------------------------- It was clear that wherever she'd landed, no one else was nearby. She would just have to explore this place and hope that Thessy wasn't in any sort of danger... Sollowy to 4,21. --------------------------------------------------------------------- "I don't think we're dead, but I have no idea where we are." Though she wouldn't admit it, Tundyssa was glad that Tenna was alright and still near her even if the woman was still glued to her back. "C'mon, let go already. We can't just sit around here." Should Tenna not comply the dragon was not above peeling her limbs off of her body. She needed to, at the very least, find out where her sister had fallen. And, now that there were at least moderately safe, she didn't need to feel bad about depriving Tenna of her security dragon. The place felt vaguely familiar, like when Hess had visited her dreams as they traveled threw the Wastes, but only in the fact that it was a wholly unique feeling. Wherever or whatever this place was, it wasn't something that belonged to her age. "Look there's something over there. Maybe whatever it is still works." Tundyssa to 14,11, find out what that button do. Chosen By The Gods
  24. Alriana sleepily approached the dining hall, the last of the Tiger's to arrive. Last night had given her much to think about, so much so that even as relaxed as she'd been from her bath she'd stayed up well into the early hours of the morning. It hadn't helped that she'd slept in her armor, in the chance that Ingverd's provocation had spurred the crows into early action. From the harsh sound of glass breaking, though no panic, and Cinaed and Ingverd's voices as she approached the lizard assumed that they were already discussing the Crows. She was proven correct immediately as she entered, the source of the glass breaking thankfully only having been a drinking glass and not a window. Minor panic averted she moved over to the spread, sparing a singular glance at Ingverd, and grabbed a plate full of sausages and a singular pancake and took her seat at the table. If they were to fight the crows it wouldn't do have an empty stomach.
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