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Everything posted by Ursali

  1. "He tried kill me, should've lost hand. Lucky he so quick." She huffed, growling a little as she was brought back into the ring by her thoughts. "He threaten kill next time see me. Promise same. Make sense kill him first, otherwise he have advantage." Alriana wasn't thinking about the consequences such actions would have, either for herself or the Tigers, but she rarely thought ahead. She lived very much in the moment and this new emotion continued to smolder even as she left the ring with Renais, occupying her thoughts. "Mrrhhh... Fine. No reason stick around. Can't fight again. Unless you want try fight?" The girl was skilled with a staff and healing, but the lizard had never seen her harm another. Was she incapable, or did she just lack the training?
  2. "Hrrrgghh..." Alriana groaned as she struggled to stay upright, now leaning on the wall as well as her tail to keep her upright. She was no stranger to pain, but nothing before could compare to her current state. The fact she was able to keep inching along the wall spoke volumes of the hate and determination Rustal had inspired in the lizard. Renais came bounding up to her, staff out, so she stopped and let the girl heal her. As the magic worked its way through her system she slowly regained her footing, leaning off the wall and finally her tail once the worst of her injuries had mended. "Rrrrhhh..." Though her body was healed the same couldn't be said for her pride, nor were the flames Rustal had lit close to extinguished. She would make sure she 'saw' him sooner than later, preferably before he saw her. But that was for later. "Thanks, Renais." She thanked the girl, calming down somewhat. "Not, let happen again. Kill him before he get chance do again."
  3. Rustal walked out of the gate with a roll of his shoulders. “Well, well. I guess the cat needed to send… whatever the hell you are. Hope her pride is doing alright. Suppose it's better to have lost early than to have been crushed by me. Shame you weren’t as lucky.” Rustal took his stance, making sure not to let the girl rush him down. She was even faster than the dragon from before, and he wasn’t about to let another one by him. He’d already lost his mask… and he was going to make her pay for it. “So… what color do you bleed, anyway? Oh well, I guess I’ll find out when you’re a crumpled heap. Bring it, reject.” Though Alriana visibly bristled with the monster hater’s words, she had few words for the loudmouth as she dropped into a low stance, her dagger drawn. “You talk lot, for coward afraid of monsters.” She gave him no time to formulate a response, springing forth and slashing at him. He was nimbler than her other opponents and only caught his arm, rather than a devastating slice across his chest. Rustal had opened his mouth to retort when the lizard took off moving far faster than the dragon had before. But at least this time, he was marginally ready. Dodging completely wasn’t possible, but she’d only taken his arm… the wrong arm. Rustal immediately retaliated with a swing of his sword, connecting with her offarm, and sending her backwards. “Ha… don’t even hit as hard as he did. But I guess that’s not much of a surprise.” He looked at his blade, and face contorted in a weird look of confusion and fascination. The thing that he assumed was blood was an eerily white color. “...Huh. You see something new every day. It’s fitting that your blood is white. Maybe it’s proof that you shouldn’t really exist. You don’t matter.” He flicked the fluid off of his blade, “You know, I saw it with Ramirez. You’re hiding something from me, right? Come on… show me, I want to see your true colors.” “Hghh!” Alriana grit her teeth as his blade cut into her arm, thankfully pulling it away before he could do lasting harm. She didn’t know if she could take a hit like that on a more vital part of her body, especially with her armor still in disrepair from Ramirez and his axe. “Haa… Don’t need, you to validate, self…!” With a low growl she leapt at him, her dagger aimed at his chest, but she was too obvious and he managed to avoid a more crippling blow from her attack. She was ready for his counter, she just had to dodge…! It was all too easy. The girl was definitely fast, and equally capable, but in a straight line… none of that mattered. He took the knife assault, but he’d narrowly avoided any serious harm, and now she was perfectly in reach. Rustal swung his blade with all of his might in a diagonal fashion as long as he was quick enough there would be nothing the girl could do. He felt the familiar resistance of body against steel, and the girl was sent off to the side in a heap. A couple of sharp breaths, and he quickly moved over to the crumpled girl. A sickening grin on his charred face, “...What’s the matter? Surely that’s not everything you had?” She saw the strike coming and desperately tried to jump away but was just a hair too slow and felt the blade impact her armor then continue to cut into her flesh. She crumpled into a heap, teeth grit as she fought to hold on to consciousness. She felt the urge she experienced against Ramirez surface, clouding her thoughts even if she couldn’t act on them. Then the bastard opened his mouth, taunting her even now. “RhaaH!” She rose to her knees in a second, aiming a fist at Rustal’s stomach. “Oh?” The girl got up and swung her fist for his stomach, but she certainly wasn’t anywhere near as fast as she had been, nor were her fists as heavy as the dragon’s had been. He grabbed the girl’s arm, and slammed the hilt of his blade into Aly’s face, knocking her backwards. “Now that’s more like it.” He marched forward and planted his sword in the ground next to the girl’s tail. “Alright, so let’s get facts straight, thing. Don’t ever try to step to me. If you didn’t get it before. You. Are. Nothing. Ha, even the Cat might have been a better challenge, and she didn’t even have the capacity to withstand a little light.” He knelt down next to her, just waiting for her to make some other move. He wanted her to. He wanted a reason to put the sword through her stomach. “Your friends are abominations, but at least they can fight. You? You’re pathetic. I almost can’t even put you in the same category. You’re even more meaningless than they are. I’m glad your friend broke my mask, so you can look at the face of someone who is simply superior. Why don’t you swing again, thing? Do something. Or have you accepted that you’re useless?” Rustal’s smile grew wider and wider, he’d lost one, but this was all the satisfaction he needed. “Ghh!” She grunted as the pommel collided with her face, collapsing onto her back, forced to stare up at the twisted smirk on Rustal’s face. Were she a different person, a normal person, his words might have caused her to doubt herself or caused her emotional pain. Instead, all his words served to do was further infuriate the lizard, especially as clouded as her thoughts were. “Not meaningless…!” She spat at him, panting as her chest heaved with labored breaths. She wanted to shove her dagger into his chest, but, somehow, she was still possessed of enough of her mind to know killing him, here at least, was not a viable option. “Not, hgah, useless, either…!” Pooling her strength and her rage she rose to a sitting position to strike at him again, but caught him moving to swing with his sword. Without thinking she bit at his hand only to miss and bite his sword off at the hilt, spitting the metal shards out as she glared murder up at him, flashing her razor sharp rows of teeth at him. “Next see you, kill.” Rustal had been waiting for it, but things didn’t go at all as planned. He’d gone for his sword, ready for the kill… but his sword was suddenly missing damn near all of its length. He watched in terror as the girl spat out the shards of steel. “Ha…” The man threw his head back and started laughing uncontrollably. “Now that… That is what I was waiting for! For you to show your monstrous colors!” And then his mirth cooled instantly, his face morphing into a glare of hatred. “You made a mistake earlier. I’m not afraid of you, or any of your abominations. I despise your very existence.” He turned, and left the girl for the healers, “You and I agree on one thing… I will kill you when I see you next. I don’t lose to useless things.” With that, Rustal took his win and vanished through the gate. “Grrrrr…” All she had left for Rustal was a low growl as he finished his taunting and turned to leave. Grunting, she picked herself up, and staggered towards the healers. Her tail was the only thing keeping herself upright as she made her way out of the ring.
  4. Alriana let Rustal leave with nary a word, having escaped the focus of his attention due to Lavina's taunts. She took to the stands to wait her turn, watching as Cinaed entered the arena and began to make short work of its fighters; it wasn't long before the dragon had reached Rustal. They exchanged taunts, then got to fighting. True to his word Cinaed managed to knock the mask off the smug monster hater and promptly put him in his place shortly after before moving on to clear the arena. Lavina was up next and was doing well, though the magic user made full use of the opening Laniva gave her and took her out with a worryingly powerful blast. She would have to watch out for that when she got there. Though she somewhat resented going last, Alriana hadn't been just watching her companions in the stands. She'd been watching her soon to be opponents as well, looking for openings in their fighting styles or weaknesses in their armor. Her first opponent proved too nimble to exploit his openings, but he still went down after a few exchanges. The magic and lance users however weren't as prepared for her; the mage found out that she could throw her daggers even through spell tomes and lancer found out she only needed the slightest opening to slip her daggers under his armor. Her fourth fight proved to be a dangerous one, though more so for her opponent. They traded blows, he shrugged off hers while his sent her tumbling to the ground. Growling, almost ferally, the lizard picked herself and launched herself at him like a bullet. She collided with him hard enough to send him tumbling, ending in a heap on the ground. Head not clear and forgetting her place she moved to properly neutralize him. Thankfully, the roaring cheer of the crowd snapped her back, reminding her that this was for sport and not meant to be fatal. She was no stranger to violent thoughts, but never before had she had such a pervasive desire to kill another, that she must do it. It worried the lizard a small amount, but it didn't stop her from trouncing the magic user that had floored Laniva. She even hit her extra hard for the cat. Finally, it was time to put Rustal in his place...
  5. In all of her short bouts around town, Alriana had never encountered so brazen of a monster hater, nor had anyone earned her ire faster. She growled, low and quiet, as her tail began to slither towards this Rustal before she remembered that acting out would inconvenience everyone else. Instead she settled for glowering at the masked man, making a point to stare at his neck as her mouth opened ever so slightly to just barely reveal the sharp points of her teeth. Both Cinaed and Laniva had quips for the man, but the lizard had none. Words were annoying and took effort. Effort that this man was not worth. As for his companion, though that was assuming Rustal was capable of forming bonds, she had few. "Alriana. Fight last, apparently."
  6. What was supposed to be a simple body check had turned into a disaster at a rapid pace. Still within the wagon there wasn't much the dragon could do as the ground gave way around her friends and companions. Maybe if she'd volunteered to help she could be out there trying to catch people, but there was a certain someone desperately clinging to her and keeping her in place. "C'mon! Let me go, Tenna! I have to try to help!" It was no use. Even when she pried one of Tenebria's limbs off her the girl immediately clung to her again. It wasn't long before it felt like they were free falling, then darkness... -------- She awoke on the cool stone of some underground building, slowly opening her eyes. She flapped her wings, bringing her up to her feet. The tile was cool, a bit too much on scaled feet, but there wasn't much she could do about it. It didn't feel like her mana was being drained anymore, but she was still too weak to fly for any lengthy period of time in her armor and she had no idea how long she'd be trapped down here. The place was well lit, at least, and it looked like she hadn't fallen alone. One of the Oni appeared to have ended up here too, though much further away. But where was Tenna? She'd still been clinging to her as she fell so she should've been nearby, right? Xalrei awakens on 14,7.
  7. Everything had happened so fast. Thesephine had spotted a body, called others to investigate, then as they approached the ground started to collapse and form an rapidly growing chasm. "H-Hurry Thessy! It's like it's chasing us!" Sollowy had panicked and latched onto Thesephine, urging the Demon King to go faster even though she was already doing the best she could. Then came the fall as the ground swallowed them up. "Fly! Th-Thessy, we have to fly!" She desperately urged, beginning to float while still clinging to the Medusa. She didn't manage for long before the wastes tore at her magic. It felt like someone had ripped the ground right out from under her, losing her grip on Thesephine just before she lost consciousness... -------- The fairy's eyes slowly blinked open, the coldness of the ground soon making itself very apparent. She picked herself up, warily looking around. No sign of Thesephine, or anyone else for that matter... Just the blue walls that nearly surrounded her in an alcove of sorts. There were doors just to the north? of her, but who knew where they would lead. "Thessy! Where are you!? Can you hear me!?" No response, not even another of the group. What happened to us? Where is everyone? Please be okay, Thessy..." Sollowy wakes up on 8, 22.
  8. It was the lizard's turn to frown, still staring at Cinaed as a judgmental look took to her face while the dragon explained things that she was already quite aware of. "I know all that. Who care if not liked by human. If they try something, soon learn I not docile like seem." She was tempted to flash her teeth to illustrate her point; however, she at least had the sense to realize they were in a crowded area. More than just her target would see her teeth and she didn't feel like being trampled by the peasantry. Only by mention of troubling the rest of the Tigers with her actions did Alriana pause, and eventually relent. "Fine. Won't climb here. Let go." Sticking close to Cinaed, as he put it, as he made his way towards the city's center wasn't difficult for the lizard nimble as she was. It was trivial to dodge and weave through the crowd, probably for the best since she couldn't see much of him with the majority of the people blocking her sight due to her own lack of height.
  9. "Hrrmm..." Alriana stared up at the dragon, almost as if silently judging his character. "Why care what they think? You and Laniva know why I do it." She was about to continue on her point of not caring what these strangers thought; however, Laniva also discouraged her climbing of buildings. Instead, she huffed and crossed her arms, letting out a quiet grumble. "Climbed building in Galcias all the time..." Her tail flicked in minor annoyance but she fell in line behind the clouded cat. "Let go look in center then. Then I climb buildings to find arena..."
  10. Her solo wandering hadn't revealed much about this town, save that near everyone gave her a wide berth and more than a few had looks of disdain and disgust on their faces. This bothered the lizard none, Grelbiria had told her that many others would hesitate to approach her and even dislike her simply because she was a monster. It was just a fact of the world and Alriana had accepted it as such long ago. The opinion these people had of her, without daring to know her, would never influence her in any way, shape, or form. And if any would have been foolish to try something even more foolish, a quick flash of her teeth likely would've sent them running. Alriana's wandering didn't lead her very far before she happened upon two familiar faces in the form of Laniva and Cinaed, silently approaching them. She arrived only as Laniva described her desire to find the arena, interest piqued. "Can help find arena if want. Could climb buildings to get better view."
  11. Alriana had emerged from her room last of all the mercenaries, nearly having overslept from how late she'd stayed up the night before. There'd been no one to interrupt her star-gazing so she'd gone far longer than even intended to. Yawning as she came onto the deck, she caught Marianna's performance at about the halfway mark. She'd never seen a performance before, captivated by sight before her until it was over. Though she hadn't had much of a good impression with the performance pair, mainly because of the immediate hostility between the dancer and the dragon, this left her feeling at least neutral towards them. Everyone seemed to either be pairing up or had already gone into town before her, leaving the aimless lizard to her own devices. Though, perhaps not as aimless as she was before thanks to a certain half-elf. Have an open mind, and see what these places have to offer... She could only experience this place as she knew how, feet guided by her own curiosity. It was probably better than scaling the nearest house and watching from above all day, at least.
  12. Xalrei huffed out a sigh, staring at the dejected princess. "If you're that uncomfortable around them I guess I don't mind you sharing my cart. Just figured you'd rather be with Marina." Xalrei had some suspicions already, but it seemed that, for some unexplainable reason, she was somehow becoming Tenna's person to cling to rather than Marina. It was a weird feeling, and not one that the dragon entirely appreciated considering who Tenna was. They'd found some common ground, this was true, but part of her still refused to accept Coteon's princess as anything but 'one of the leaders of those murderous humans'. "Mhm. I hope so, Thessy." Though the medusa's reassurance did assuage some of her worries, the fairy couldn't entirely move past her anxiety. Yggdrasil was reasonable, yes, but with the fate of her own life, and the lives of all her children as well, at stake Sollowy didn't dare to hope that this issue would resolve that cleanly. "We'll just, have to do our best to convince her."
  13. A head tilt met the 'hero' as she nearly choked on her food and struggled to both swallow her food and stand up. "It safe to use then? What if run out energy before battle done?" The girl had only been with them a short time, about a month now, but Alriana had still yet to really watch her during a battle. She'd handled herself fine today so there was no doubt she was competent, but the lizard still knew next to nothing about her fighting style or why she dressed up in gold armor only for battles. "I see... Take care self, yeah? Gean seem worried about you." Technically she'd done what was asked of her in finding Miria and the girl had said she planned to return to her room. "I go back to room too... Unless, you need something?"
  14. As the battle wound down it quickly became apparent that something was wrong with Alvira, though Alriana wasn't close enough catch what was being said between dragon and commander. As she moved to approach her dragon friend(?) Aegean spoke up, asking her to find wherever Miria had gone. She should have been right behind her... However, a quick glance behind her did not reveal the shining gold of Miria's armor. Where had she gone? In the time it took her to glance around for Miria, Alvira was already floating below deck. A rare sigh left the lizard, wanting to go to her friend's aid but also having been burdened with finding Miria. Retracing her steps it didn't take the lizard long to find the missing girl hidden behind some of the barrels on deck, nibbling at a wrapped loaf of bread like a small child holding onto a precious source of food. "Why you hide while eat?" Alriana posed her question without announcing herself, staring intently at Miria. "Gean looking for you."
  15. Her armor fitting didn't end up taking that long, and likewise it wasn't long before she had swept the arena yet again. She'd never admit it, but competing with Agni had really lit a fire under the dragon, allowing her to find, and more importantly capitalize, on the openings her opponents gave her. Though her pockets were much heavier than before, she didn't really have much use for her gold at the moment. She'd purchased a pair of gauntlets from the armored after he'd fit her armor, but nothing else caught her eye in the stores. Everyone else must've gotten to them first. Xalrei buys a pair of Gauntlets for 800gp! Xalrei had already been moving towards her sister's wagon when Tenna spoke up, Xalrei angling her head up to stare at the princess. She didn't quite know how to feel about the woman practically clinging to her, or being her first choice of pillar. "...Wouldn't you'd rather be with Marina? Looks like she's pairing up with all the other humans. 'Cept for Agni." She knew Tenna didn't mind the presence of monsters that much anymore, herself especially so, but that wasn't going to stop her attempts at redirecting Tenna's attention. She'd gotten to the point where she tolerated the princess, but two whole weeks in a close quarters cart was more tolerating than she wanted. Though their date had gotten off to a rocky start the rest of the time she'd been able to spend with Thesephine had been wonderful; though, her stint in the arena had sent Thessy into a panic when she'd eaten buckshot for breakfast. It hadn't ruined the rest of their date at least, the pair continuing on to revisit the clothes store and relax together on a park bench for the rest of the time allotted to them. She even managed to find a rare Everfruit for sale and, thanks to her success in the arena, purchase it. Sollowy buys and uses the Everfruit. Likewise to Thesephine, Sollowy's mantle was more akin to a cloak for the diminutive girl. Arguably hers was even more of a cloak than Thessy's, the medusa did have about a full head on her. As Thesephine laid out their plans for a safe crossing of the wastes Sollowy had already positioned herself in the cart the medusa would later jump into, scooting over to share the seat with her. With both of them being so small there was plenty room for the both of them, but that didn't stop Sollowy from squeezing up right next to her partner. "This'll be a lot different than when I first crossed the wastes, you know? I just flew over last time, but I was just one person and Yggdrasil's magic was a lot stronger within me. If I'd actually been doing my duty I probably could've done it again..." She hung her head a little, sighing and turning to face Thesephine so she could hug her tight. "I hope our talk goes well..."
  16. She had downed the pirate aiming for Miria before he could retaliate again, but there was nothing she could do about the one with a sword. Though, he was barely a threat to Miria, as it turned out. With the southern boat taken care of all that was left was cleanup most likely. Aly moves to 8,10.
  17. "Roger." Alriana nodded as Miria moved to attack one of the pirates, standing in front of the other pirate to block his access to the rest of the ship. Alriana to 6,7, knife pirate 8.
  18. Call it beastial instinct, or a sixth sense, or whatever else you could call it, but even before the crash Alriana had known that something had them in their sights. She was one of the first on deck, but not the first to act. Rarely was she, preferring to see how others moved and apply herself as needed. Right now, that area seemed to be to the south, despite Ingverd slipping onto the ship. Alriana to 5,9, throw knife at pirate #6.
  19. "Cold, still cold. Don't like it." At mention of her armor the lizard looked down at the small bit of plate poking out of her cloak. There was much she didn't understand about her suit, but it kept her safe as long as she kept it in relatively good condition. "Armor, not supposed to get that wet. Rain fine, but told not to submerge it if possible." Said advice came from none other than Grelbiria, so of course the lizard was going to follow it. "Hope, you can get used to ice. Maybe, get gloves. That way, you can hold ice if needed." "Bath? Took one before we left..." Alriana had entirely missed what was happening in Alvira's brain, but that was probably for the best. A nod met the dragon, Aly's voice unusually resolved. "Plenty ready, even if dangerous. Once finish job, can try to find Grelbiria. Not going to fail." A small tilt of her head as she continued. "Of course? We all keep each other safe. That what this group do, even if members like to bicker."
  20. "Hmm? Why wouldn't be safe?" She tilted her head with the question. "Balance easy. And tail tie to railing even if slip." It was good to have a backup plan, especially so considering she didn't know how to swim. It was also meant to reassure the other mercenaries that she was safe, but it seemed that Alvira was committed to worrying about her regardless. Though what the dragon revealed to her had the lizard worrying a little herself. "Using magic fine, even if water and ice feel bad? Does drink water feel bad too?" Alriana paused to consider Alvira's proposal, bringing a claw to her chin and bowing her head in thought. "Hmm... Maybe later, at next port. Think we supposed leave soon. Not want to rush first swim attempt." There was also the fact it was still May. The water was bound to be cold and much like her dragon friend Alriana didn't care for the cold. She was fairly well insulated with her bizarre leather-like skin, but she was still quite susceptible to lower temperatures. "Also, not like cold either..."
  21. Alriana had perched herself upon one of the many railing of the ship, her tail wrapped around it lest anyone worry about her precarious position. The current target of her curiosity was the waves as they crashed and splashed against the nearly in motion boat. She'd never had a chance to see them all those years ago when she'd come to Glacias, taken below deck to her and Grelbiria's room in record time. Now she was free to observe everything as she pleased, so long as she didn't get in the crew's way. Maybe she'd scale the crow's nest at some point to truly get an amazing view... Before that, there appeared to be a commotion on the approach. This group was never quite without one, was it? Three newcomers had boarded at the last moment and the woman among them made the mistake of approaching Alvira, asking about something. Ingverd was quick to intervene but not fast enough to stop hostilities from rising on either side. Aly hadn't missed the look Maria gave Alvira and had tensed, prepared to jump at the woman if she'd moved to act against the dragon. However, something stopped the woman at the last second leaving Aly to turn back to her waves. Or would have, if the lizard hadn't spotted the dragon inbound. "Only been on ship once. When came here long time ago. And, don't know. Never swim before. Could probably... Maybe. Depends on how sharks swim." She paused to properly turn herself around on the rail, legs now hanging over the deck instead of the water. "Why ask? Do you know how swim? Do you want swim?"
  22. Tio's stare had been met by one Alriana's own, the lizard beginning to tilt her head in a show of curiosity before Alvira stepped between her and the Evoker. She was no stranger to receiving odd looks, though Tio's had seemed to be one of curiosity more so than the judgmental and dismissive looks she usually got. There wasn't any reason for the dragon to involve herself, but the lizard appreciated the gesture all the same. At least her question had gotten answered after the staring contest was over and Alvira had scared Tio off.
  23. "What terrain like, on routes?" Alriana spoke up, stepping forward to present herself to the Evokers. "I'm good scout as long as there's cover. Quick, too." While the lizard trusted Natalya to make the fullest use of her abilities, it certainly wouldn't hurt to tell the Evokers. As far as she knew they were going to try to call the shots as the 'leaders' of the group. Better they be informed then, rather than try to send someone like Alvira out. "Also what Islexians like? Are pirates good estimate? Or are their main forces different?"
  24. Before even Alvira could slip out the door a man she'd never seen before had entered their training grounds, bearing news of a chance to take a job directly from the crown of Glacias. Though Alriana hardly had an interest in the politics of Glacias even she knew the names of the Evokers. She perked up, staring intently at the elf and waiting for him to elaborate more on the details on the mission; however, all he had to offer was the reward for mission completion. Thirty thousand gold. Even with how little she cared about gold she still understood that to be an extreme amount. Large enough to do... Something. She'd put little thought into her future, just doing what needed to be done in the moment. It didn't take long for Ingverd's companions to arrive and subsequently cause a small uproar from Renais of all people. Many agreed to their proposal, even with the extended details explained. While the offer gold must've swayed at least a few of them, Alriana would go simply because the consensus was to take the job. Her place was with the Iron Tiger Mercenaries. "I'll go." Came her answer, her tail slowly swaying behind her.
  25. "It's painfully obvious that you're not accustomed to the rations..." Sollowy shook her head but dropped the topic as she detached from the snake and took a seat across from her. As the elf approached and swiftly began to trip over himself at the sight of Thesephine she couldn't help but giggle a little at his expense. There was just something amusing about seeing him panic so hard just from the sight of Thessy seated at a table. She stifled her giggling as grabbed her menu and took a quick look at her options. The soup of the day just happened to be a personal favorite of hers, but she needed, well wanted, more than just that. However, before she could decide on an appropriate partner to her soup a familiar someone had appeared at her table, now with a fairy in tow... Just saying hello while waiting for Nessraya. Sollowy wasn't sure what she was expecting, but Meridrya respecting her date was welcome all the same. The elf hadn't been much of a meddler on their way down either, now that she thought about it. She gave them a small wave as they moved to their table and went back to pondering her choice of food. Something light, she intended to test herself in the arena if Thessy didn't mind accompanying her. "Well, it looks like our date's still intact for the moment, Thessy... Did you get a chance to look at your menu? I've already decided on what I'm ordering. I'd offer to help you choose, but the menu isn't that big." She giggled a little, smiling at the medusa seated across from her. Ember did a double take, staring hard at Bladen. "Wait, the King? As in, the King of Monsters?" Even a plains dweller like her and her tribe respected Vaia's authority. Granted there wasn't much interaction between them and the crown, but still. "Feels like I just stepped into something way bigger than me... But, working for the King's gotta pay well, right? Maybe this is my big chance..." She muttered to herself before realizing she was still very much having a conversation with the young Fallen. "Er, sorry 'bout that. But if you wouldn't mind I wouldn't say no to you showing me who I should be talkin' too." She gave him a toothy grin, clearly feeling better even if he hadn't meant to cheer her up like this. Xalrei's smirk matched Agni's own as he took her up on the bet. She'd wipe that smug look right off his face when she swept the arena and he got trounced by some middle man. "Yeah, see you. Don't lose before I get there, huh?" A bit cocky, but it beat silently glowering at him. It seemed the wraith had finished up nearly in sync with Agni heading off with Taliyah, the transaction appearing complete. "Heya," she greeted the shopkeep as she moved up to the counter. "How long would it take to get my armor tightened? It's a bit too big for me."
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