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Everything posted by MacLovin

  1. http://whosgamingnow.net/discussion/2737/free-smite-beta-key-giveaway-xbox-one/p1 just in case anyone wants!
  2. Man that sucks. I've had hearing issues throughout my whole life and all, but that really takes the cake. Noone's listed classic movies so far, so.... Musicals- Guys and Dolls South Pacific West Side Story Wizard of Oz. And any of the Gilbert and Sullivan stuff. Here's a bakers dozen of classic movies that I recommend The Quiet Man The Maltese Falcon The Searchers Rear Window Stairway to Heaven Sands of Iwo Jima It Happened One Night The man who knew too much North by Northwest High Noon Vertigo Key Largo The Ox-Bow Incident and obligatory mentions to Citizen Kane and Gone with the Wind. my list has a lot of film noir/westerns, but that because there aren't a lot of them in more modern times.
  3. I'll def. get this when you've fully polished the game.
  4. haven't gotten to it, but Gotham Central is a good read.
  5. if Diggle gets to be a new Green Lantern, I'll flip a table. We already have John Stewart. Marvel: Avengers Forever, Nextwave, and all of the Annihilation/War of Kings/Realm of Kings/Annihilation Conquest stuff. DC: All Star Squadron, JSA, JLI/JLE, and anything by James Robinson/Grant Morrisson.
  6. I'm thinking of getting a Kings Quest game. What would be the best individual one to get on Steam? KQ:Crossworlds?

    1. Jedi


      You should try the free remakes at AGD interactive. Look it up.

  7. thanks! the only problem is that offline mode saves are unusable with online mode saves (wtf.) and Offline mode prevents me from using dynasty weapons (wtf) Since the earlier games in the series don't require uplay, I might get them all in that series bundle at GOG. Is that worth it?
  8. seeing the whole Red/Blue trinity+McGee Speed Demon plots would be interesting. As would the Savitar one. It's going to be another season at least before we get confirmation on costumed heroes existing before the era of Arrow. Like around the mid 20th century. Katana's appeared in her other identity, I'd like to see her in costume. Maybe bringing in Quickstart industries to bring in that family would be nice. I caught the references to Coast/Midway city, meaning we might see a Green Lantern related character outside of the Ferris Air guys. Eiling existing brings in the speculation to the Captain Atom related characters, including Peacemaker. Shrieve's existence brings up the Creature Commandos, but they'd be difficult to bring in due to the costumes. with Bialya and Markovia existing, we've probably got the Queen Bee and Geo-Force somewhere. Firestorm makes me want to see Firehawk, Phozar, and all the stuff from the Ostrander run.
  9. "Pleasure Stimulation: Starfox possesses the psionic ability to stimulate the pleasure centers of the brains of people within 25 feet of himself. This power, which emanates from him at all times causes other beings to feel good around him. By concentrating, he can magnify these emanations, provoking such extreme pleasurable sensations that a person becomes highly aroused, euphoric, or totally sedated, as the case may be. When using it at full magnitude he was able to render a captured Hydra agent to be completely enamored with him for month if not years despite having a wife." -Marvel Wiki. this kinda means "mental rape" oh and near Thor class str/spd/durability/longevity/healing factor, in addition to psionics and shit. oh and I'm also the brother of Thanos.
  10. Does he lubricate the barrel? turning JediSuperSonic into JediVampireLight sounds weird.
  11. Flash: -Comics: Probably Jay Garrick. The dude's been around forever and taught just about every non-Golden Age speedster. I like Magenta, but she kinda falls under Wally West's greatest failure. -Show: Cisco for main cast members, Ronnie Raymond for recurring characters. There's not that many picks tho. The rogues aren't really developed that much outside of Snart. Arrow: I like Diggles and Felicity. I REALLY dislike Laurel though. Splitting the Black Canary into two people and then having Laurel act so fucking pretentious and self righteous makes me seriously dislike her. I mean for fucks sake listen to the advice of the people who have actual high level combat skills and field experience. I get that she looses herself in emotions, but there's a difference between fighting street thugs and then doing the shit that The Arrow does. Shame the Green Arrow doesn't really have that many villains in his gallery left outside of Onomatopoeia. oh and for a favorite non-main cast character, my pick goes to Ted Grant, with Deadshot a close second. A shame that the classic Count Vertigo wasn't used though. I love me some JSA. With Hawkgirl/woman being in the next DC show, I want to see a Starman/girl. even Will Payton or Prince Gavyn. Since they've established that Stagg exists, Metamorpho might be around the corner. Iirc, there's a reference to Heywood Steel somewhere, which might lead to a Commander Steel making an appearance. With Vibe and Vixen existing, we've got half of the Justice League Detroit man.
  12. How do I play this game offline. Uplay is kind of a total bitch to use.
  13. nah. they wouldn't bring back the 90s. if anything, I wanna see JUSTICE LEAGUE DETROIT. but then that would mean Cisco would be dead and I don't really truly want that. i want to see them attempt to do Zero Hour though. Firestorm's cool and that Ostrander run was well written. I kinda want to see Captain Atom though, now that Eiling's been introduced.
  14. Wally's post crisis run was great. Messner-Loebs and Waid did great jobs. but i don't think we'll see Wally until the current new 52 thing reboots back to a closer version of the DCU we knew before Flashpoint. why the fuck do we have Vibe in the show and not elongated man. :/
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