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Everything posted by MacLovin

  1. Given the criteria you've told me about, I'd raise Torkoal, Aron, and Solrock. Torchic could go in B tier because you can get it evolved by Roxanne if you solo everything iirc. Aron's handy early on with all the normal types and it's load of resistances. Solrock gets rock throw and a few other alright moves to help out too. and a good bst.
  2. The version of Word is Word 2013. I have this document to make, in which every page has to have a different header and footer. I make section breaks->next page and attempt to change the header of each page, but I've only succeeded in doing this to 3 pages, and all by accident. Google Search isn't much help, telling me to deselect link to previous, use section break, and etc. Could you help me SF?
  3. Is it just me, or is that stand in a very peculiar position? That's gotta hurt.
  4. I need to finish this game lol, as I genuinely like it. I recall reading somewhere that the Paladins have pretty good growths, but their skills are kinda iffy.
  5. Yes. I do not enjoy talking about them. mostly has to do with dreams that give the feeling of deja vu months later, and then I remember it being a dream. Another one is that phantom touch, where I think something is talking to/touching me, but really nothing happened.
  6. intermittent fasting is a thing, but starvation diets are a bad idea. eat some muffin tops.
  7. Lol, Nino looks like she's worth using now. I find the Peg Knights to be squishy, and I don't have room to raise kent. The dude's got average-ish bases and vanilla fe7 type growths. Legault is totally a badass once he gets going tho.
  8. I'm going to start watching some old anime, like Lupin, Tekkaman [Where do you find this.], Digimon, and Cowboy Bebop [Rewatching for the first time since I was 8.] I guess I'll also try some of the more recent ones, like Space Dandy, that early 200s Cyborg 009 adaptation, and I guess I'll try Marvel Disk Wars as a guilty pleasure.
  9. Paternal:Irish, but I can trace it back to the Vikings, kinda due to stuff that my great uncles passed on to my father. Maternal: Asian.
  10. I have this headcanon thing resembling a comic book style multiverse. I.E. Earth 1- The [fe11+12] Akaneia+fe13 stuff Earth 2-Tellius Earth 3-Jugdral Earth 4-fe6-7 Earth 5-fe8 Earth 6-Fe1-2-3 Earth 7- Tear Ring Saga Earth 8-Combination of all the FE games into one big timeline clusterfuck etc.
  11. I kinda just ragequit at ch28. I forgot that I didn't have an S rank staves user, so fuck it, no rescue shenanigans. The game's balanced though Ha, I found that the best solution to waiting out those early-midgame waves is to send a good Nosferutank!Sain in there. In all honesty, I find Sain to be more and more useful with Nosferatu and Luna. And the fact that he gets time to let his growths bloom with those growths. despite the fact that you only get 25 uses with one, and idk if there's another drop on the dread isle chapters.
  12. By scary, do you mean jump scares? As for movies I don't think have been mentioned yet, here are a few. ->Blair Witch Project ->The Thing [both the '50s original and the 80s remakes+sequels] -> Texas Chainsaw Massacre ->Nightmare on Elm Street ->Friday the 13th. ->That movie with Pinhead. ->Fucking Saw counts I guess, but I don't like Gore-ror ->THe Exorcism of Emily Rose [idk, someone mentioned this one to me once.] By scary movies, do you mean movies that actually scare people? Because in that case I'd put any non-Jim Henson/Kukla, Fran, and Ollie affiliated puppet movie. Oh and if you should go to see some scary japanese anime stuff, I can't really help there. I think Elfen Lied and Mirai Nikki [sic] count. There's a bunch of anime that kinda go more for gore and bloodshed, which might not really count as truely scary to some people. [berserk, Hellsing.] In the end it kinda depends on what really scares you. FUCKING WONKA TUNNEL
  13. Ness to A tier. Pacman to bottom of C at worst. I'd say put Olimar somewhere in B at least given that he was in a life threatening situation in his first game. Where's Wario? Meta Knight above toon link. Having access to an army, and a fucking Space Battleship gives that advantage. Yoshi to top of B. He fucking survives over and over and is reborn in eggs.
  14. -Try to be funny. -Try replying in a polite manner outside of funny/joke topics. -Don't be arrogant, even if you have a high degree of skill. -Don't post stupid bullshit.
  15. I plan on getting this game within the next few months. Is it really worth it to go find a Classic Controller Pro? And are Japanese controllers compatible with an NA wii u?
  16. Theories. Probably halfcocked, but I've read a shitton of comics, seen a ton of adaptations of various marvel heroes, and some of this will seem really nerdy.
  17. Why has no one mentioned The Exorcist.
  18. Ultron has a history of being a major villain in Marvel comics [The Avengers in particular] since the late 60s/early 70s. http://marvel.wikia.com/Ultron_%28Earth-616%29 Spoilers from the comics.
  19. I love this Banzai. Keep up the humor and good writing.
  20. I had this one, when I was around 10-11, that turned out to be a dream within a dream. I distinctly remember falling asleep after a journey with a goose wizard, a bearded machamp, Thor, and Hawkman. [something about a journey to find some kind of magic ambrosia aether] Long ass journey, snake ladies, wheelers [those fucking things from Return to Oz], and a ton of evil fairies. At the location of the aether, I found a nice bed and crept in, entering another dream. This one had the friggin' Iron Giant handing me a green lantern ring and telling me to seek the fathers of man. I don't completely remember all the details, but I remember flying on the shoulders of the Iron Giant while shooting down cereal mascots over the Himalayas. After that, I remember going into a golden city and then I woke up in the previous dream yelling "The Aether is alive". Afterwards, I woke up. [i was big into comics at the time, reading those big black and white volumes of marvel essentials and every golden/silver/bronze age DC omnibus/collection at books a million/barnes and noble.]
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