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Everything posted by MacLovin

  1. Even though I can't find the ones I need to learn, I'll do Japanese, Korean, and Chinese just to be able to talk to more Asians irl!
  2. what about the geeks? I proudly say that I own a single kilt.
  3. Louise is most likely the best Sniper in the game. I mean, she doesn't have to put up with the earlygame suck. oh and Rath and Geitz are cool too I guess. Geitz is probably the bow bow user in the game by the time you get him.
  4. you could start one, or take over someone's drafted team that they have no interest in doing.
  5. fuuuck fe5 Gonzo and fe6 Windam. Especially Windam. well, when you've played enough FE, you kinda know how to adapt to every situation that isn't pure and utter bullshit. And even then, bullshit can be averted quite often. Except for fe6 hitrates
  6. Eggs+something. Sometimes it's fried rice, sometimes it's whatever chunk of imported ham/bacon/sausage/canadian bacon we've got/ Occasionally, I'll have toast, a bagel, or some such pastry.
  7. position Nolan and Volug in the chokepoints. Use the beastslayer knife. What levels are your units?
  8. I was kinda sad that one of the goofiest and light hearted heroes turned into Penance. If you want to see a ton of the effects and fallout from Civil War, here's a bit of a reading list lol. The Iniative [it's nice, has a ton of obscure characters from Marvel's history that pop up, including the ww2 Hero Blazing Skull, and a one-shot guy from the 70s called Dragon Lord] Avengers Academy [This is worth your time] I'm not sure if I want to recommed Bendis' Avengers stuff outside of those 2. But go read them if you want to see what happens. Secret Invasion, and only if you have a ton of time and a great suspension fo disbelief. Dark Reign and the spinoffs. The Return of Steve Rogers Siege [Read this, it's fun] Heroic Age Oh and if ye just want fun comics from Marvel, read all of the Annihilation events, including the War of Kings part. Yeah, I was going off memory.
  9. Wonder if this makes the first print of RD worth more. It's nice I guess. Maybe they can re-release a pack with PoR+RD ala The Metroid Prime collection?
  10. I kinda want to get into this game, seeing as how I've heard good things about the community and the game itself. However, upon researching characters, I cannot seem to decide which of the free beginner gods to start learning. I'm kinda torn between Thor and the Chinese Guy.
  11. I think it's most like a tie between Old Glory, Japan, The Union Jack, or the Isle of Man [is this where Nightmare's from?] Gibraltar, Bhutan, Albania, Sri Lanka, and Kiribati all look nice too. Specta, it's me Sharbutt. I'll pop in during my vacation days to ask advice sometime. [Major Exams will be happening every 2 weeks until the end of March. I don't have more than an hour or two of free time a day.]
  12. Goat Steak sliced into little slivers, spread on pita bread with feta and garlic spread. numnum
  13. ok. I'll try to help here. 1-UA 2 starts off with the plotline to the events that lead up to the Civil War, but then it takes a different direction. [Fold]
  14. Anything that requires graceful movement, bar martial arts. And uh, picking up languages. I should ask Specta or Integ for advice on this someday.
  15. Klein's very solid, and is among the best pre-promoted units in HM. Shin's good, use him. You'll want more good bow users.
  16. If they manage to catch the balance of Thracia, and keep the fatigue system, build based steal mechanic, and and whatnot, then it'll be nice. I can totally see a lot of new players getting frustrated with fatigue tho, and PCC/stars on enemies. they should also keep xavier's recruitment
  17. Jeez. Uh, here's part of the list. The NormalBoots guys [DYK Gaming, Jontron, Projared, The Completionist, and several others] Egoraptor [When he do the sequelitis stuff yearly] Game Theory &Co. James Rolfe's stuff in general [Aka. AVGN] Doug Walker's stuff [Nostalgia Critic, etc.] Linkara Angry Joe Ben the Sage Cinema Sins Matt Santoro Rhett and Link Smosh [shoot me. I mainly watched the "what if ____ were real] Smosh Games [Meh] Watch Mojo Brentalfloss HISHE TamashiiHiroka Vsauce 1, 2, &3 Lewtoons Underbelly Geek Crash Course Team4star Rob Dyke Mentalfloss Jwitzz Black Nerd Comedy ERB Noah Antwiler Quirkology Screen Junkies SciShow NesDrunk ScrewAttack The Gaming Historian National Dex Why would you want to eat that? Hellthy Junk Food I think that's a small part of what I watch on a bi-weekly basis. I tried to watch Game Sack, but they're just too slow for me. I guess toss in all the major Channel Awesome people, since I do watch alot of their shows on occasion.
  18. Cooking, Sewing, knitting, Public Speaking, Physical Comedy, and I'm trying to learn the craft of using a fountain pen. If it counts, I also do a little crafting with legos, erector/mechano sets, and the like. I'm pretty mediocre at the craft of acting though, but I can do a little if I need to. Do martial arts count?
  19. FExMarvel Universe:Asgard would be so interesting. Shame that once Thor joins, you've pretty much hit the easy button unless something ridiculous happens. Beta Ray Bill would be the BEST mid-game joiner.
  20. grilled steak is the best, marinated with spices and a little lemon. oh and I have the mental image of you preferring extra rare for some reason.
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