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Everything posted by MacLovin

  1. Clarine is the best chipper in casual fe6 HM runs. Stick on forests/mountains, probably with a dieck/rutger support, and she dodges shit forever and does major chip damage.
  2. Here goes. http://www.dlh.net/en/ It's a German based site that's currently having a giveaway of 7 games via Steam Key if you sign up and redeem keys. [idk if any of these are really good games, but I've heard of Knights and Merchants tho.] http://grabfreegames.net/free-steam-game-into-the-war-pre-order/ Idk, but doing this gets you free early-access. http://grabfreegames.net/trackday-manager-vote-for-the-game-and-sign-in-for-the-beta-to-get-it-for-free/ Check this site, it gives links to free stuff you can get/have a chance of getting. http://godankey.com/panel/embed/VnpNT2J3VXpCR1U9 Free Swipecart giveaway. Idk when it'll run out tho. Godankey is legit tho. http://woobox.com/erg4j4 It's linked to Indiegala iirc. Free Racer 8 steam key asfak Oh and a mention to the whole 2400 MS DOS games being released online for free. https://archive.org/details/softwarelibrary_msdos_games/ I might be arsed to post new stuff every week or so, but don't expect me to edit what's expired tho. If this goes against forum rules, can you let Integ close it?
  3. this is the only moment in the series where I felt something was legit funny and non wtf [Momma Sothe]
  4. Lessee: -Rope a pig [Don't ask why.], and get dragged through the dirty oarts of the farm, and through and electric fence. -Accidental near-castration via a combination of door hinges and rushing into a taxi at night. -Almost falling down a steep flight of stairs in a swanky hotel because I don't know how to keep my balance in leather soled shoes. -Playing with my erector set, make a thing with lots of spinning parts, and then shit flies off and misses my neck by half an inch. -Cooking seafood. -Being part of a human barricade for a parade. -No-protective-gear Black belt level sparring in TaeKwonDo. -Jumping out of the trunk of a car into an airplane runway and almost getting shredded by a prop plane taking off. -Going into a septic tank. -unintentionally let propane leak 5 feet away from a fireplace. [i can't hear shit like the gas flowing ok. Bad hearing.] -Every day when I cross the fucking streets since I can't hear approaching cars/vehicles and Filipino driving habits make redneck assholes look safe. -Every time I loose my balance due to some kind of fluid imbalance in my inner ear. -That one time I turned down a gay guy who hit on me in a restaurant, and then he brought this big scary looking guy with him on the table right next to mine. -Every time I answer a girl asking me 'Does this make me look fat?" I think that's about it.
  5. It honestly depends on what kind of run you're doing.
  6. The fact that I have no temper irl. At all. Uh, I'm also surprised at the level of ease I have with public speaking.
  7. what else will pop out of Klok's Chaos Garden?
  8. fe8 has Seth, fe9 has Titania. fe9 is easier by virtue of growths being generally higher, bexp/forges, and Marcia/Jill pubstomping maps.
  9. Nintendog Warriors. Honestly, I'd love to see an FE DW game. But I'd also think Ike would be OP. GBA Warrior Dance attacks would be so fun lol.
  10. It's all jump scares man. The only reason the puppetbots are creepy is more likely related to the uncanny valley.
  11. I like Devilman and all, but the OVA was a little disturbing for me lol. Can someone give me a good non-Gundam/Macross)This includes Robotech)/Transformers Mecha Anime? What I'm watching/Have Watched: Gurren Lagann Overman King Gainer. The Mazinkaiser OVA The Mazinger OVA that came out in the 2000s. No Evangelion pls. I can't stand it.
  12. Go Nagai's stuff is always fun. BREAST FIRE Tho, are we talking the tv show or the OVA? on topic-Watching the Marvel Anime now. It's decent.
  13. So you made Lowen OP. What did you do with Wil/Rebecca/Rath? Louise sounds like she'd be a better investment that Becca, and Rath's just going to be a guy with solid stats.
  14. Don't bother promoting asap unless it's an LTC/Efficiency/Draft run. Its friggin fe8, the easiest game in the series.
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