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Everything posted by MacLovin

  1. the dragon shouldn't be too hard with max speed+body ring Eliwood if you're willing to rng abuse a little bit. Desert's gonna suck ass tho.
  2. I find Ra and Thor to be the easiest to use out of the 5 "starter" heroes. Did you pickup the free Nu Wa, Apollo, and Artemis skins from promo deals?
  3. I think the problem in HM with the triangle attack is raising Rolf outside of a massive bexp dump. You;d want transfers for all 3 brothers, a wing for boyd, forges for rofl and oscar, etc. and the Silver Knight spd cap too :/
  4. Should we expect a 3rd tier for every unit line?
  5. I find Kukulkan to be annoying to deal with, but I hear he's strictly an entry level god.
  6. You could just copy and paste the rules from the other d&p drafts that were hosted. something similar to this. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=25584
  7. I'm so bad at Ymir tbh. I tend to not get alot of god kills, but a shitton of assists. Artemis is fun, but I wish they didn't nerf her so bad. She needs more time on that stun to escape properly.
  8. Uh, I seem to have a problem now. I have Shogun 2, but only the Fall of the Samurai campaign is available. :/
  9. Are you going to make the CC only units recruitable in the main game through hidden methods?
  10. So it'll be your Magnum Opus as a hacker, right? You could make it so that the villagers need to use items to pick an initial trainee class?
  11. a project X-zone style game with all nintendo characters that could be reasonably fit in it.
  12. There have been a shitton of auctions dude. The only problem is that it has to be with ordinary people and not jerks. I vaguely recall someone blowing all the case on Franz or Nessie in an fe8 auction and winding up with Marisa+Ewan or some shit like that.
  13. I bet Douglas becomes part of a rescue-chain. Could you find use for Garret too?
  14. Eph!Duessel's just a solid unit that joins right before an annoying chapter and doesn't cost a knight crest. as for other Garm users, I think the only ones that could compare to Duessel are Hero!Gerik/Garcia and maybe Hero/Zerker!Ross.
  15. oh, and can you give us an old badass, a bald badass, and a bearded badass.
  16. the god pack is a ridiculously good deal but I have no way of getting it. but I got Apollo for free through the Curse promo and he's really easy to build. I have enough gems+favor to buy 2 more gods. How's Xbalanque and Mercury doing so far? fuck Ymir.
  17. mandatory community service in a slummy neighborhood where I don't speak the language. Said place smells like crap and has a high crime rate. oh and I get to start binge watching Arrow season 2 tonight, and whatnot.
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