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Everything posted by MacLovin

  1. Whoohoo! I really liked Darkwing Duck as a young child, and vaguely recall the rest from vhs.
  2. A bunch of Filipino-only things, Romeo and Juliet, Guys and Dolls, Death of a Salesman, Othello, Pygmalion, and that godawful Spider-man one.
  3. Can't be worse than some asshole buying tons of copies of an anniversary issue of various comic books, or of various event comics. I remember standing in line to buy a commemorative issue of DC comics golden age heroes, then I see some middle aged lady buying all of the editions in the store thinking they'll be worth something. and then I steal one from her pile, she tries to call the store detective and manager on me, and then they inform her that it's store policy to not let customers acquire more than 3 copies of a limited stock item. there's always going to be some asshole hoarding collectible things for bullshit reasons,
  4. I killed him in 4 turns. blessed units kinda make CM easy until bbd. Majorly blessed Kent, Lowen, and Oswin kinda violated your difficulty and got the bosskill in 4 turns man. Steel Sword!Guy and Luna!Sain got rid of the annoyances, while Kent/Lowen/Marcus/Florina rescuechain Hector to the boss. you might want to include more slaying weapons in the final patch, or buff enemy defense+offenses in some manner.
  5. I'm on the Darin chapter and the member card theif didn't spawn.
  6. 5/10 Good times, but all the fun people are best interacted with off-forum. and fuck the fe13 board.
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AuLkMBAFZg edit: removed nsfw link.
  8. I'm going to attempt a non-mine glitch run right now. I don't if this is possible later on without immense rigging tho.
  9. Talk with a trusted one. Meditate. Sparring if you have access to this and are skilled enough to put in a half-decent workout.
  10. do fulfilling things. like tutor kids at an orphanage.
  11. at least give dorcas a spd growth boost pls. Like to 30%. you could make LHM and earlygame main game filled with more lance users to make dorcas a sort of necessary character to deal with this shit. [Although this might make Guy/Lyn/Eliwood harder to raise.] Just a thought, could you raise warrior bow ranks to base D or C?
  12. then by your logic, there's no point in investing in magic units, except for Micaiah because she's forced. I'm pretty sure that the only mages in the game that are considered average-above average overall are Soren [it seems all the combat oriented GMs are decent-ish], maybe Micaiah, and maybe a bexp dumped Illyana [but those growths are shit. And the main selling point is availibility+Rexthunder iirc.] and Calil [iirc, fire magic specilist mages are the only ones with a 34 spd cap. Snaki not counting. She's also got a fair amount of usefulness with Meteor.] Laura/Rhys are mediocre at best [Rhys has growths close to Miccy, and Laura isn't exactly the best choice to pump bexp into for the DB in HM. Saints also have crap caps.], Oliver/Bastion/Pelleas suck, and Tormod is NEVER around. What'shisface is around for a bit of 4-E, but it's so late in the game and who fucking cares by that point. Nasir's a magic powered unit, but he's valued for white tide.
  13. Oliver genderswap nao. Brom genderswap exists. It's called Meg.
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