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Everything posted by MacLovin

  1. because the chorizo is just too good.
  2. well done steak is for the heathen.
  3. it trickles through in p3, gets solid in p4, and is decent in p5 but not as good as p4. In p6, it turns all mindfuck-ish, but in p7 it's just a fun romp. p8- idk.
  4. now all we need is cenk uyger doing lauren southern and we'll have a good ol time.
  5. Tiki 9/10 it's a flying dragon. with limited skills that are all strong. Camilla-7/10 didn't come to me despite 100+ orbs, but hey I managed to pull half the 5* blue units in the pool. eh blue mage flier with good stats and skills.
  6. wait why would you ever talk about that lmao. jesus christ. is this a serious thread? https://www.virped.org/ are you familiar with this site? go use this one instead. https://pedo.help/
  7. do we need to remind you about the whole anti-masturbation fiasco from a while back. let the public note:
  8. Soul, do we have a problem? is this about your sexuality? You know, there's plenty of former pedophiles who have gotten themselves chemically castrated. We could....point you in the right direction.
  9. god this event is tedious. where's the fucking item drop CEs. I think I'm just gonna wind up doing the usual "get welfare to np5 and all the exp cards" thing that I do. I'll probably be able to do the missions, but this is so sloowww.
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