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Status Replies posted by Rapier

  1. What were the years you went without news of trails, and why was it so long? Personal choice?

    1. Rapier


      Back then, only Trails in the Sky FC was localized, and only on the PSP (iirc it was 2014 or 2015).

      SC, 3rd, Zero and Ao already existed but were stuck overseas. Especially Zero and Ao, whose PC versions were iirc chinese and contractually stuck there.

      Suddenly, SC was announced for localization and I was happy to get back to it.

      Played SC, 3rd and CS1 back when 3rd was released (my foot was broken so I pretty much just stayed home playing)

      Nowadays I still have a fond place for Trails, but CS1 and CS2 didn't click on me and I'm pessimistic about CS3 onwards. I enjoyed Zero and I plan on playing Ao soon, though. Then idk how I'll recap CS1, but I don't really want to play it again.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Can I use part of your sig as my avatar? I'm tired of this non avatar. 

    1. Rapier


      Fine by me. It's taken from a Cipher card, anyway...

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Happy birthday!

    1. Rapier


      Thanks! And sorry for the delay on my reply, I've been kinda busy.

  4. Happy birthday!

    1. Rapier


      Thank you o/

  5. Happy birthday~!

  6. RAPIER!!!

    1. Rapier


      Sorry, I'm looking for low player games. Completely missed Kirby like a dumbass. =P

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. your theme is god

    1. Rapier


      very bow wow on doge standards

  8. That's from Shovel Knight

  9. Happy birthday! It still counts over here. :P

    1. Rapier


      It's ok, I understand. It's still very appreciated. =P

  10. so, any chance I could ask you to sign up for A.PM too?

    1. Rapier


      So chances are my activity will be terrible there as well. I'm not willing to play half decently, so I'll keep out.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. so, any chance I could ask you to sign up for A.PM too?

    1. Rapier


      Sorry, but no. My activity last game sucked really hard because I couldn't keep up with the content and my studies. This game is similar in number of players, so I guess it will be similar in content.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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