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Everything posted by Rapier

  1. I'm not active because, for now, there's nothing important happening around my char. Yes, I know, I haven't done anything important yet to even complain about it. Well, I'm not complaining. That's my style... Depending on how the RP is interacting with me, I either roleplay a lot or let it go. I hope that I'll be able to do much more with another character (and I took three hours to finish it [also because I can't focus on one thing, and I keep doing two or three things at a time], I'm not going to throw her away like that), so it'll be better for all of us imo. Thanks, but I'll insist... Also, I'm sorry if there are any inconsistences or if my "narration" became dull through the end. It's 1 AM on where I live, that's what happens when you can't use your mind properly. =P
  2. Time to bother SB Using two characters is better than just using one. And no, it's not a girlfriend for Rine. XD Name: Asviel Gender: Female Age: 17 Class: Caster Affinity: Ice Weapon: If it can be considered a weapon... A black staff with a white jewel on it's top, which amplifies her magic a bit; and a basic Ice tome Appearance: Gladly I have plently of them although it's kind of obvious which character it is. Except she is a bit older. Nation of Origin: Shuthra Backstory: Asviel always had a hard time with using the elements. Her case was special, as she -had- a magical affinity, which made her father guess that she'd have more luck with healing magic, as a few members of the family had. Fortunately and unfortunately for her, her father's many trips between Lushira and Shuthra had given him many contacts with other magi, experienced enough with healing magic to train her, but it meant getting separated from the family for an undefined long time. Knowing this, he made sure to comfort his daughter as much as he could, taking her with him in trips and showing her places which her brother couldn't even dream of visiting. And that ended up adding to his jealousy. There was a time in which he brought her to his sister's house, giving the opportunity to meet her cousins Rine and Rainos, and surprisingly enough Rine was in a situation very similar to hers, while his brother seemed to have an easier time; that draw their attention to each other and helped them become friends, in a way. But it was Rainos, not Rine, who his father would bring home a few years later to train, since -her- brother had an affinity with Ice, not Thunder as their father, so his nephew would gain more from his training than his own son. At the age of 6, she was ready to be sent to a friend of her father and learn more about it from him... But not without struggle, as there was no reason to believe the pride and honor from her family would give a motive for getting separated. "Rine is just like me... So why won't dad listen to me?! Why do I even need to go away? It's so unfair, damn it!". In the end, like there was a choice, she went with him to their neighboring country. Gladly for her, she knew who her master was and had already met him beforehand. Her life didn't change much, aside from the training she had to undergo and the demands her master gave her at home and on training; and besides, her father would visit her from time to time, and they kept in touch by sending letters to eah other. When she was 16, Asviel fled from her master's home, intimidated by his long stares and his often glances plus the authority which gave him the right to do anything with her. He even tried to do it once, but his obvious behavior made it avoidable. And she knew where to go next, as working in the church would give her a place to stay, and then it would be possible to continue the training from where it stopped. At least his teachings paid of, helping her on getting the job and graduate at an age of 17. And it was then that her father replied her newest letter saying that they would reunite in order to celebrate this moment. They came to pick her a week later, and after some deals, she managed to stay away from work for a time. Rainos came with her father as well, but the surprise wasn't his presence as she already expected it but her brother's absence, until her father explained that he had been tasked with managing their resources in a settlement nearby, answering that "He's excelent at casting Ice magic and at management, no doubt that he is going to become a better caster than me in the future. I trust him". That's when she really paid more attention to their differences: Her father didn't look much different from before, aside from the traces and the beard; but Rainos was very different from before, with his height being higher than hers and his sharpened voice, as well as his personality. From what her memory tells, he was a self-confident, optimistic and careless boy, but now he was calmer and cooler like his master. "No doubt he learned a lot from my father. My brother must have changed a lot too, it'll surely be a great reunion. The problem is, I don't think I've changed much... They have their own trophies, but I don't". After giving the girl a smile and lending his hand in order to help her getting in the horse, his master smirked, and then signed them with his hand to follow him. The three chat about their lives, their reunion, what happened after they separated, what they were planning to do afterwads, and much more. But it didn't take long to reach the settlement, and Asviel recognized some of his father's companions, while the rest were a bunch of strangers in the girl's eyes. Her father used to make settlements between long distances because they used to travel in big numbers, and the numbers have doubled this time. After being dismissed by his master, Rainos decided to stay with her until they gave him a task, but even so he kept returning after finishing it. It didn't bother the girl, as she liked to hear what has been happening since 11 years ago. Her brother only spoke to her when necessary, courteously as always. It didn't matter that they were on the plains, their numbers were big enough to secure the area while others were feasting. But as soon as the men went to their own barracks, a yell broke the silence. It wasn't exactly a yell, it's more like a "call", before another yell drawed the attention of everyone. A man laid on the ground with his eyes open, frozen and pale by some kind of magic, next to their father and with a knife next to his hand. Asviel's brother looked at everyone, as if looking for something. "We have traitors among us...", he chanted, as his magic words became true and more men attacked each other. They had the advantage, as their weapons were readied in antecipation. It didn't take long until the battle turned out pretty disadvantageous, the least Asviel and Rainos could do was to defend themselves. On the end the girl, her family and her "bodyguard" were drawing back. Their father stared at her with sorrowful eyes as if asking "I'm sorry", seeing how his comrades were dying one by one and they couldn't do anything about it, and besides it was the day which he finally reunited with his daughter, it wasn't supposed to be the day where everything would be lost by the greed of the traitors. They could take all his riches and his power for all he cares, those things didn't matter now. He just wanted to keep them safe... His beloved children and his student. If he didn't do something about it right now, maybe his children would become a part of a bargain, or even worse. Taking enough courage, he ordered them, "There are horses inside this stable, just take two and flee. I'll hold them until you're ready, it's not fair to see them die because of me, so I'll stay there and get those bastards. Rainos, protect my daughter at all costs; Asviel, I'm sorry that it came to this, get out of this place and live, just live peacefully. And you..." .... Before finishing his phrase, the air around them became cold and was focused in a single position, running a chill through their spine; his words escaped through his mouth like a faint sound, and he fell to the ground with his hardened body losing it's consciousness and dying, without heat, incapable of doing it's usual functions. "Hmph. Just die, old fool. I'm your legitimate heir, and after I kill my dear sister, nothing will stay on my way. When they discover about what happened today, I'll be the lone survivor. Sleep in the eternal and cold solitude that is death forever". Seeing his master die slowly with so much sorrow in his eyes, Rainos turns to face his newest enemy, getting infront of the girl and fulfilling his role as ordered. "Asviel, I can't go with you, but someone must warn the others. This can't end just like that. If you stay there, then our sacrifice will be in vain... and your father's sacrifice will be in vain. After I deal with him, I'll meet you". He concentrated his energy onto his fingers, slowly generating a light around them. "Now go!". She didn't even look for a horse. Most of the guards were dead, and the others were more worried about men with weapons than with a frail girl that could be killed with a single hit. With all the strenght left in her, she ran to the nearest exit, ignoring her brother's calls as their cousin stops him in his tracks. The sound of steel facing steel, people dying in the outcome, lightning being thrown agaisnt something, horses running around panicked, tents being burned and the curses of their comrades who lost the hope stuck on the girl's mind like a song, one which she would take with for all her life. What else could be done, if not run away and save your own life? Powerless and saddened by the loss of her father, she cried and ran, ran with all the strenght left. That's all an useless person could do. That's all -she- could do right now.
  3. Best: Birth of the Holy Knight - Honourable mentions: Dance in the Skies, The Last Holy War, Moment of Fate. Worst: A Brush in the Teeth (what on seven hells is this?) - Unhonourable mention: It's a trap! IT'S A TRAP, LUKE!!!1111 I'll nominate "Best/Worst Boss theme".
  4. Teh foq, I pressed something that made me post accidentally. '_' Just saying that I'm back. And, wow, just how many trainers are there? Or is Blue one of the Rockets?
  5. "Bandits... Very well. I think I'll bring Ragnos along, but I'm not sure this is a good idea", he replied, ready to follow Chaen Lang after they decide to move on. His wyvern stood still next to them, sometimes looking around, but most of the time looking at them. "I've never seen Chaen Lang fight, but I know he's one of the strongest soldiers in this camp, if not the strongest. My father always recognized him as a strong man, and respected him. I hope we get to fight together someday." To be honest, he wasn't used to fighting enemies without his wyvern. There were times in which he had to train without him, but those were rare exceptions. Most of his skills were based in fighting on his wyvern, like attacking and then retreating to above so they could evade other attacks. With that in mind, he hoped his commander wouldn't mind about it.
  6. Just warning that I'm going to be absent until Wednesday, since I'll be traveling. Sorry for not warning sooner, it's because I wasn't sure about which day I was going to travel. It's not like something will be changed, because my post count in the RP is really low. But it's always nice to warn... I guess? Anyway, expect more posts when I come back. =P
  7. Just warning that I'm going to be absent until Wednesday, since I'll be traveling. Sorry for not warning sooner, it's because I wasn't sure about which day I was going to travel.
  8. After reaching the city with his wyvern and getting inside it with the rest of the group, Rine saw as the group went on different directions. Maybe now they would have enough time to rest, because sleeping in the ground next to a firecamp isn't really the meaning of comfortable... After speaking with Chaen Lang, who just called him. He didn't waste any time. Rine approached him and noticed the other two doing the same thing. "One of them rides a horse, so she must be a stranger. And the other one uses an armor... She must be a stranger, too".
  9. I didn't know that he counted my vote, because of the edit. Whatever. ##Unvote ##Vote: arachnidsGrip
  10. Why did he count my early Vote? It was wrong and all. >:
  11. sup how are u today dood Going to sheep because yes. ##Vote: arachnidsGrip
  12. Rine finished eating his soup, probably one of the toughest things waiting for him on the day. His wyvern stood still for a while, looking at Rine, but he decided to look around soon, bored. Nothing caught his interest, apparently. "I wish I could do something about it, but I can't leave the camp. We're leaving soon. I may as well search for something to do...". He picked his steel axe and began striking the air, practicing with it by using just one hand. That caught his pet's attention for a while, before he laid on the ground again, waiting for something to do.
  13. @Maji and everyone else agreeing with the topic title Why do you thnk Dragon Quest became a MMORPG? Just because it's going to get an online system? You -choose- if you want to do it, and it's not like you need it to complete the game/quests/enjoy it to it's fullest.
  14. ##Vote: No Lynching EDIT: Correcting ##Vote: No Lynch
  15. I'm considering downloading Skype. If that's so important, then I'll download it later. By that, do you mean my posts are long? Or do you mean they are kind of... I forgot the expression to right now, but I got it.
  16. Just a question: Is Carrion the Crimsom Witch in the newspappers or is it someone else impersonating her? Also, about the magic festival, did it end already? Now another queston I lied about asking just one, are my posts readable? I mean grammar-wise.
  17. Rine stopped eating his incredibly hot and spicy soup, sighing as he saw his commander bring him food. "Ah, sir, I'm sorry. I didn't think you were going to bring me it. And to know that it isn't as hot and spicy as this soup... Well, thanks anyway". He could see Ragnos from afar, a dark red wyvern beginning to open his eyes that soon began to move his head in search of Rine, not really caring about the others around him. Since he couldn't find his owner, he growled in response, and then stood still, looking around. "I should go before they think he's going to eat someone. Excuse me...". Without wasting anymore time, he brought his bowl with him, left it on the ground next to the camp where they slept in the night and opened his backpack, taking some kind of big and gross meat from it. "Here's it, buddy. I hope you slept well, it seems we'll have a long day again."
  18. Another Higurashi / Fire Emblem lover? Yay! Welcome to the forums. Also, have you watched Umineko already? Also, stick with that big knife inb4 Texaskitty comes after you.
  19. *uses a Valkyrie staff in this topic* Hai. So, what happened with this awesomesauce RP?
  20. Wow, he used a Valkyrie staff on this topic.
  21. Rine eventually found a merchant selling something that looked like a... pork soup? As weird as it sounded to him, he decided to eat it nevertheless. The bowl was hot, so he guessed the soup would be even hotter if he mixed Tsaean spice as it's ingredient. And he was right. "Tsaean people are born to be strong, seriously. I'm not sure which is harder to go through, the battles or the food. At least it's kind of tasty...". Guessing by the time he took to eat 1/9 of it, he'd stay here for an entire hour. So he forced himself to eat it faster, drawing the attention and laughter of some that were close by.
  22. Rine woke up as soon as the camp began to gain life and noise. He was still tired and so was his Wyvern, seeing that he hadn't woken up already, but he couldn't give wrong impressions, it was already enough to see that he came late and didn't help them in the battle. He lift from the ground and made himself presentable before going to find something to eat.
  23. Lol @ my lack of observation.
  24. Nah, it's just been ages since I've played FE8/FE6, so I don't remember which are the differences.
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