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Everything posted by Rapier

  1. *trying to guess which game I have to patch* It's not so obvious, y'know.
  2. Rapier

    Sugar Mini Mafia

    Sup. In order words, I wanna join.
  3. Rine got warped to the past again, lost in the fake dimension created by his dream. This time he wasn't seeing things as in third person, he had full control of his body and could interact with anything he wanted. He looked around, remembering at first glance where he was and why he was there. Some of the students had the same age as him, but the majority was one or two years older, and they were learning about pushing objects by using the wind. Their teacher was an elitist, asking the kids to push the table to the marked point 7 feet away by using Wind magic. Infact, that was their lesson today; they all had their own table to push, and orders to stay here until it's done. He even brought some of his academic books, bringing himself to read one to pass time as soon as he explained his apprentices how to do it , answering anyone who'd ask him any other question with "I've already explained what you must do, there's nothing else to say. Try it or stay here, you choose". He hated this one teacher in particular for asking him to do absurd things when he had a hard time even with the basics, completely ignorant to what's happening around him. Just because he was from a family with a certain renown and had to learn magic the hard way on a young age, it doesn't mean he should do the same thing to his students; saying that it was a necessary step to develop one's potential was nothing but being single-minded and ignorant to their current situation. "He doesn't deserve to be called a master, nor a teacher. It's ridiculous to see someone like him wieldg such a position.". With a single thrust of his right arm, the table was pushed to the marker faster than counting to two, drawing the attention of everyone in the room, even the self-proclaimed master's. He lift quickly from the chair, confused about what just happened, pressing Rine, "What was that, boy? It only took you seconds to move the table, and yet yesterday you couldn't even control the wind properly. Now tell me, what kind of trick did you use to make it happen so fast?". Rine smirked, that's all he could do now. The ones who once misjudged him were completely wrong, as he became a full-fledged mage no matter what were the expectations, and now they're going to pay for it: Starting with this one. "Oh, don't be foolish now. I did that because I'm skilled, of course. Even more than you. I have no need for an idiot who wants to slow me down", and when he was about to counter, the wind got through his teacher's mouth and nose, filling his body with it in a matter of seconds. Some students ran; one or two tried to help their teacher, but it was hopeless; one of them tried to hit Rine, but he suffered the same fate; the others ran to the corner in an attempt to stay away from him. Nothing changed the result. As soon as he was done with his old teacher, the rest suffered the same fate. And so did everyone in the school, and outside it. In a completely berserk state, he even killed his parents in the midst of all destruction. "All shall know about me from now on, and they'll fear me. The Crimsom Witch? Lushira? They are mere bugs. Should anyone get in my way, they'll just suffer the same fate...". Next to the debris, he saw his own body among the others. OOC: Shit, I really need to stop making huge posts and try not to be so dramatic before you doods think my char is emo although he is. :/ Some day I will.
  4. ##Vote: No Lynch No reason to rush.
  5. If Thieves could steal itens just like in Thracia 776 / steal their money like Dew, they would be better units imo. I like the 3rd option, but I'd rather promote my donkey into a trojan horse than into a goat. He'd be like, "Let us get inside your town!", and then loot at night like there's no tomorrow.
  6. Best: FE9 Jill Worst: Isadora I forgot that female axe users exist. :/
  7. Wow, he disappeared after Waha Knitty Waha Warned him. You're awesome! Also, welcome to the forums, if you're still alive.
  8. Although Rine had a hard time on finding the camp by noon, the light and the smoke showed him the way as night came. If it weren't for the firecamp, he'd still be looking for the right place in the map, and even with a map the task itself wasn't easy: He had to be sure that this camp was the right one, or else he'd be screwed, and the only different things next to the marked place were some hills and few rivers. The landscape finally matched with the one shown in the map, so he rushed for it without doubts. His Wyvern was tired from the long trip, and so was he, but it wasn't the time to rest. "Just a little longer, Ragnos buddy, just a little longer". He drew closer and closer to the rendezvous site, hopping that there would be no ambushers lurking around. Why would Chaen Lang recruit an army if there were no threats? Because there were threats, obviously. And his mount could be seen by anyone close by: Something in the sky, bigger than a bird, moving faster than a cloud and with a dragon-like shape. If any hostile Nialpians saw him, they'd surely play "Shoot the Target" with their bows and make bets about who kills it first, who hits it first, or who misses less. For his relief, they were close enough to the camp, and there were soldiers guarding the sides. He ordered his Wyvern to land next to them, noticing the scattered bodies around it as he came closer to the ground. After landing and dismounting, he turned his face to the guards. - Hello. I'm a soldier from Tsae, and I've been requested to join commander Chaen Lang's troops. May you let me in? Also, what happened there? I know about the assault, I just want to know about our troops current state. And please do it fast, my armor has become 2 times heavier and I don't really want to collapse infront of you... [*cough*edit*cough*]And that was how Rine got to join the party.~[/*cough*edit*cough*] OOC: Lol, you pwned me. *edits fast*
  9. You mean Clipsey? I'm pretty sure that she was lynched yesterday noon.
  10. I wonder what happened to his Pokemon. Which reminds me... Isn't it more likely that Proto was a Pokemon and lost?
  11. Lol, you're going to get trolled as Chapter 4 starts.
  12. After his dream, Rine couldn't bring himself to sleep, no matter what. It didn't take a long time for him to give up and pick the book his master gave to him before leaving his home-town. "If I'm going to stay awake, I better do something useful. And it's not like I want to leave this room, soo...", he thought, before flipping some pages, clearly looking for the one he's been studying. It was about "How to envelop something into a ball of wind - Part II: Lifting and Moving Around Objects". He was skilled enough to create the ball of wind and envelop something in it; he even managed to do it with a person, although the wind was stronger in that day and they were on the plains. It was easy to lift objects like a ruby, an amulet or a clean cup, but the same couldn't be said about his backpack, a book, a pinneapple, or a vase (he decided to leave it alone until he could lift the other three). Rine put his other book on the table and tried lifting it. He opened his right palm, closing it slowly as the wind around the book envelopped it, and then tried it. For his surprise it was easier than before; he could even move it around, although not much. As expected, he had a harder time with his backpack, a much harder one, but in the end he managed to lift it 1 feet away from the ground before releasing it and thus making a big noise. "Ok. I -definitly- should stop this.". There was a vase close to him, but he chose not to risk it. Bored, he laid on the bed again, flipping more pages and reading through them. "How to focus the wind in one point, and then release it as a piercing object", "How to envelop something into a ball of wind - Part III: Lifting and Moving Around Bodies", "How to enchant an object", and a lot more. Those subjects just intimidated him even more, "How the hell am I going to pierce someone with the wind? That's just madness! And lifting people is so hard... Moving them is much worse. Well, I'll figure it out.. He put the book in the backpack again. Without anything else to do, he decided to leave the room and go eat something. But he didn't do it, his laziness stopped him before he lift from the bed. "What should I do in times like this? I'm bored, but I'm too tired to do anything else... Yawn...".
  13. Rapier

    Pokemon TCG Mafia

    It's just one role per player, right? (I mean, is there only one Doctor, Bodyguard, Detective etc.)
  14. Maybe they mixed it with winged ponies.
  15. Rapier

    Pokemon TCG Mafia

    Like what? Is there any archetype/special ability/role/however-you-call-it that benefits from getting lynched? I know about one, but it's highly unlikely that it's going to happen.
  16. Rapier

    Pokemon TCG Mafia

    Forget about it. Why do you think she's trying to get lynched? And why bother with it?
  17. Rapier

    Pokemon TCG Mafia

    Why not? If that's the case, we'll have to find out what her archetype is sooner or later.
  18. Rapier

    Pokemon TCG Mafia

    Unvote ##Vote: Clipsey I'm convinced now.
  19. Rapier

    Pokemon TCG Mafia

    Just a question: I know Kirsche will be lynched, so, is he going to be lynched when the night begins or after the night ends?
  20. Rapier

    Pokemon TCG Mafia

    Exactly, that's what happens when you say things early: The evidence becomes weak and the culprit (if Clipsey is really from mafia) will be aware. Then again, there's nothing to lose from lynching a suspicious player. ##Vote: kirsche Because lying about your role doesn't make you mafia.
  21. Rapier

    Pokemon TCG Mafia

    I don't understand why you think Clipsey is acting suspicious. >: It's probably something about the game mechanics that I don't know about. Someone explain it to me, please.
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