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Everything posted by Rapier

  1. Reminder to self: Read everything even if the last post seems to sum it all up.
  2. Fuck yeah I've failed pretty hard on the post above
  3. 1. If you have made any votes up to this point, please explain your reasoning for your choices. Sho isn't contributing with anything. Besides, his arrogant posts looks like a way to hide his intentions. In any case, we've got nothing to lose. 2. Whom are you the most suspicious of, and why? Sho... I think he's trying to dodge the subject by posting shit. 3. Whom would you currently trust the most, and why? Obviam, although it could be his strategy. I don't trust anyone else. I chose him by elimination. 4. Have you noticed anyone who gave you the impression that they are deliberately trying to avoid making any meaningful contributions? ... Well, it could be that Sho has a post restriction and that's why he's doing it... Checking the other Mafias he participated would surely answer this, but I'm too lazy for that. Meh.
  4. ##Vote: Sho Spamming the topic with random things really didn't make a good first impression yo
  5. Tales of Vesperia... Meh, I definitely need to buy a Wii. Problem is, it's too expensive here (800 bucks, THE HELL). Just don't kill me first, Mr. Mafia doods
  6. Why make it on IRC? We could just wait for eachother to bet, and then go to the next character. Anyway, it's 9:12 PM now on where I live.
  7. Rapier


    /\ Just summed it up. If I want to watch/read a consistent love story without Mary Sues and plotholes, then Elfen Lied is the way to go. There's no reason to waste any more time with Twilight.
  8. I'm watching right now Rurouni Kenshin and Pandora Hearts, but they aren't like Umineko/Elfen Lied. I really miss those two. >:
  9. Zatch Bell! It's funny and adventure based, although there are some sad moments. Tenchi Muyo also applies.
  10. That chapter in Ephraim's Route when your boat is attacked by another boat filled with enemies comming from all sides nonstop while you're with Fog of War. I just hate this chapter, it's more annoying than hard.
  11. Asviel Regaining her composure a bit, she was able to answer straightforwardly to Ignatius. "I'm not looking for vengeance, I know it won't bring me or anyone else anywhere. But still, something must be done, and I won't rest until justice is brought up on my brother. No matter how much it'll take me, I'll pursue him until the end and set things straight". Discussing about her opinions and thoughts began to annoy her off, also because she didn't really know what to do next. Her mind was in a complete confusion of ideas and feelings. "Can we change the topic? I'd like to talk about other things for now... Like, what's going on with Pravna and Lushira? I know they are enemies, but things seem to be getting tight for them. Do you think they are going into... Into war? And what about the other countries, such as Astarte and Sapphira? What do you know about their current situation?".
  12. We've got enough players already...
  13. Asviel The Original's answer kind of comforted her, as she really felt like "confessing" it all to someone trustworthy. Keeping all the rage, despair and sorrow inside would end up killing her in the inside. "W-Well, a lot of things happened. It's been a week since I've graduated, and my father decided to visit me... It's been a long time since I've last met him, so after he replied my letter I waited eagerly for his return. We reached the settlement at noon, and we were supposed to reach Shuthra by tomorrow... I-I asked him how he was going to do that, and he just told me to believe on him. I know how hard it is to deal with this Shuthra and Lushira relationship, but he tried his hardest to make it all perfect...". Words simply refused to get out of her neck, her rage and sorrow seizing her once again, but Asviel persisted. "A-And now he's dead. D-Dead! Why did that happen? What did he do to deserve this?! His own flesh and blood, my brother, killed him when he was trying to save us! I don't understand why... T-There's nothing on the world that can be purchased by the deaths of innocents! My father's comrades must be all dead by now, too... And R-Rainos aswell... He was my father's pupil until the end, choosing to give me time to escape while he held my brother and the other ambushers. What am I supposed to do now?! Avenging their deaths isn't going to bring them back, won't it? It can't end like that...".
  14. Asviel That Original said something that didn't occur in her mind until now: Those traitors were part of the Lusian army, and they were inside their own territory. They wouldn't be charged for the deaths of fellow Krians, and that's if it comes to be announced on public. Hiding the facts was easy for the authorities, which obviously directs to her father and Rainos' deaths as something that the others may never do something about, least know about it. With that thought, she closed her fists as strongly as she could, trying to hold the uncontrolable tears. "Y-You're righ about everything, they are part of the Lusian army and no one is going to charge them for it. I have nothing else to do in this hypocrit country. "The Church"? No, that's just a lie! My father never gave a reason to make them kill him in the end, but he's a Krian, they couldn't care less about his death. I doubt something, -anything-, will happen to those traitors... No, cowards! B-But anyway, thanks for your help. If you could take me to the nearest town, city or village of Shuthra, I'm going to be grateful for that". Ignoring his name for now, she tried to climb on top of him. "S-Sorry, I didn't think about that either. My name's Asviel.... Nothing you must have heard about. I'm currently useless, but I plan to bring my brother to justice somehow, if he escapes the chasers. I know a bit about the Originals, but I don't recall your name, sorry".
  15. Rine He followed the couple until the end of the stairs, but it was too late already, as the only thing he saw was Carrion head to the exit and then Adrian take her arm and leave. But he was able to hear a bit from the conversation, luckly. "[...] got to go collect one other person, and then I'll meet you at the southern gate in like... twenty minutes. Unless you wanna help me find her, she's blonde and winged like a bird, white wings. Imagine an angel from some folk tale or something. I dunno, Adrian seems to hate her though, don't know why since she's like one of the nicest people I've met... a bit quiet, but nice. Anyway...". Well, even if they stayed there longer, what could he ask them? Something like "Oh, look, it's the Crimson Witch! Your photo is in every newspapper in every city! Please, give me an autograph!" or "That can't be. You're... Just what are you doing here?! If the wrong people know you are in Pravna, then..."? Words simply disappeared from his mind, making him feel like a guy with little to none social skills. "What the fuck could I expect? Those strange events are confusing my mind. Only a naive criminal could think about comming here when the Magic Festival started, and her boyfriend didn't sound like a bad person either. If I really want to learn more about this, I should head to the southern gate". If they are selling food in the Inn, then Rine is going to stay there and make an order. If they aren't, Rine is going to the Market and buy some supplies and food before thinking about leaving the city. Asviel The sudden appearance of the huge werewolf-like Anri scared her. From the looks of it, he could kill them all in less than 15 second if he chose to, but instead he decided to let them get away. At least it meant he wasn't a bloodthirsty giant, over nine thousand times more dangerous than that group of cowards. "Leave this place, or I will make you all suffer. This is such a gross display of unneeded force, one I will not allow to happen. If you have any common sense, you'll know an Original when you see one. So I offer you the chance to simply retreat now, or I will forcibly remove you from this mortal coil with my bare hands.". Whatever an Original was, the others were aware of it's strenght and gave some steps back, mumbling runts before fleeing. "He's invincible. If I had such a strenght, I would be able to kill all of them and save father and Rainos...". Now what? If the mountains belonged to the Original, then where should she head next? Going back was suicide, and there were no cities or forts next to the settlement. "A perfect place for a perfect ambush...". Facing the giant was the only option left now. "T-Thanks, but... If you w-want me to leave the mountains, I-I can't... There's nowhere to go... The camp is c-completely destroyed, y-you can probably see the smoke comming from below. A-And you should know that they a-are looking for me. So please, l-let me travel through the mountains until I get close to C-Coryngols..."
  16. --Asviel-- With the camp on her back practicaly set on fire, she fled, running as if there were no tomorrow, wondering why such tragedy could happen in that happy day and why her brother has turned agaisnt them in the end. He, above anyone else, should honor the family, instead of throwing it all away like trash; in the future, he'd probably earn all of their father's heirloom and continue the legacy of his family. That cold-blooded murder wasn't necessary. Scheming to destroy her life wasn't necessary. Now their father was dead and Rainos would probably die too, they would all die; her brother, in the end, is going to run the risk of being taken as a hostage out of his greed and foolishness. "If they don't kill him, I will... It doesn't matter when, but I certainly will!". But not right now. From the sound of footsteps comming from behind and the horses moving in her direction, it was pretty obvious that the girl was being chased. There was no other option left but run from them. Luckly, she found the set of mountains separating Shuthra from Lushira. That would help her a lot agaisnt the cavalry, but if they decided to leave their horses and chase by foot, the odds would still be agaisnt her, as finding a hideout while many soldiers are looking for the girl is pretty much impossible. And she isn't a hiker, either. But fleeing while horses were on the track was suicide, and the forest wouldn't help forever. So, yes, hiking was a good idea, and the plan worked out as soon as she began to climb the mountain. But she forgot about her own limits, and as soon as the mountain was climbed, her legs wouldn't obey as before, and she was running out of breath. Howver, for the men chasing her, it wasn't as exhaustive. With no ideas left and filled with despair, Asviel chose a random direction to go and fled, going beyond her limits for now. At least until they lost track from her, until she'd be sure that no one were following her anymore. That clumsy tactic worked out for a while, before the girl fell on the ground from exhaustion. No matter how much she struggled, her legs couldn't obey her anymore, and the deprivation of air in the mountains just made it worse. If the capture weren't successfull, then her death probably would be. "They're drawing close... Damn.... It can't end like this. Goddess, please help me". The sound of footsteps became louder as they approached and blocked her way through all directions, with their weapons ready. The oldest of the group, probably their leader, walked towards her. She recognized him as one of her father's companions, one that weren't a stranger at all; They knew each other, and infact, they met each other a long time ago. When the girl traveled to Lushira with her father to train under her master, he was with them, advising her father about the places they should stop, helping with the defenses and scouting whenever they made settlements along the way. "Did you really think that you could flee from us so easily? It was a good idea to climb the mountains, but you aren't really used to such a task for the body, are you? Such a frail and weak girl couldn't possibly expect to go further ahead for too long. But worry not, little miss. You've got a bigger probability of surviving with us than in this place" Was there something else she could do? Her control over the Ice element wouldn't help her agaisnt him nor the traitors. There was no one to call for: Her father was dead, and Rainos is too far away from them. "I-Is this the end? What else could I do?! Goddess, please hep me!".
  17. I'll pick the one with the best story and gameplay. The rest doesn't really matter to me. >:
  18. Rine looked calmer as the man stopped to answer him, but kept one of his hands ready to cast a Wind spell on him if he did anything else. "Uh... can I help you...? Sorry, but I'm a bit busy with my girlfriend here, and I can't really stay to chat." wasn't really what he expected, making him feel silly for ever shouting so worried like that. "A-Ah, it's... It's ok, sorry. I thought you w---", he answered to the wall, as Adrian wasn't there anymore. "The hell is going on with him and his girlfriend? Wait... WHAT?!" "That's probably a dream", he kept mumbling to himself while walking downstairs, "I found the Crimson Witch, embarassed myself and found out she has a boyfriend. I can't believe it. That's probably a dream.". But it wasn't, and he knew it. "Damn it, I'll have to apologize later... Although it will be a way to learn more about her. That is, if she doesn't kill me first".
  19. Even though his dream wasn't the best of all, Rine was able to sleep for a long time, waking up late. He had plans to reach Indolcure before night, something that at this pace wouldn't be possible. Complaining about it wouldn't help, also, so he dressed up quickly, made himself presentable and left his room with his backpack and all the items he was carrying at the moment. It was imperative to stop at every nearby city to buy more supplies, since he didn't want to be slown down by carrying many things at once and make himself an easy target for bandits. "After I finish eating breakfest, I should ask if there is a market nearby", he reminded himself while going downstairs. It seemed like a straightforward day until he saw a girl running downstairs right infront of him. That sight paralyzed him like a ghost, losing himself in his own thoughts. "What the... No, it can't be... This girl can't be who I am thinking of, right? Or else she wouldn't be in a place like this. Yet, she looks so much like the girl in the newspapper...". Adrian broke his line of logic as he charged towards her, an action that gave Rine the wrong thoughts. "Wait!", he shouted, chasing the couple and thinking that the boy was up for something bad, and Carrion was his target.
  20. I know that. That's just me... And I like enforcing my characters, so she's pretty welcome to my RP. I didn't know the Crimson Witch in the newspapper looked so much like Carrion, and I suspected she didn't, because otherwise she wouldn't be in the Inn or next to the city. But you're right. '_' Now that I'm back, I'll definitely download Skype.
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