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Everything posted by Rapier

  1. Name: Rine Gender: Male, 18 Class: Caster Affinity: Wind Weapon: - Wind Tome: Allows the user to use the wind around him, for many purposes. Be it to create a wind barrier, or use the wind in order to slow one's movement, or attack. - Wind+ Tome: Can be used to generate wind from the tome and control it, thus making this tome the most appropriate one in almost every situation. The cons of it is that it costs a good ammount of mana, which Rine still can't handle properly for now. A gift from his master. Appearance: Long silver hair; Wears a white shirt along with a grey cape and grey pants, also wears a silver amulet with a green jewel in the center with the image of a whirlwind engraved on it's center. Has emerald eyes. [spoiler=It isn't exactly how my char looks, but it's the closest I could find]My link Nation of Origin: Shuthra Backstory: Rine and his twin brother were born in a family of casters, as obviously expected. The only problem is, although Rine had magical talents since he was born, he couldn't use any kind of magic his family's casters tried to teach him. They were a family of Fire, Thunder, Wind and Ice casters, although it was known that there were casters who had talent with healing magic (in those cases, they were transfered to The Church in order to develop their abilities further). Unfortunately for the boy, he was born in a generation where no one could teach him anything about Wind magic, since his parents were Fire casters, his uncle was a Thunder caster, and his grandparents had an afinity with Thunder and Fire magic. His twin had an afinity with Thunder, so he got no problems whatsoever. But, for Rine, it was difficult. He couldn't control the other elements even though his parents tried their best to teach him about Fire magic, no matter how much he studied and tried, it was clear Wind was the only kind of magic he could use. Even after he got to the academy (as a 6 years old boy), where he finally had lessons about how to control the wind, it wasn't the same thing as learning. He got to learn a lot of things about Wind magic in two years, but it wasn't enough. He could practice, yes, but he only had brief lessons, and he lacked experience since no one taught him anything about it until he joined the academy. His parents tried to introduce suitable masters to their Wind adept son, and they even got to teach him for a while, but in the end Rine's skills weren't enough to keep up with the classes. Many masters gave up on teaching him after seeing how much unnecessary work he was giving them, choosing instead to teach another student. Until one day a middle aged man showed up in the academy, looking closely at the young students of his class, looking for a student for himself. He chose Rine, although it was unclear to everyone, since he was, by far, the worst caster. His reasons were always unknown, even to his new student. No matter how much he asked, his master would just say "You have talent, and that's all you need. Just believe on yourself.". After that, he stayed most of his day learning Wind magic, returning home just late at night. And so it repeated for an eternity. Days passed. Weeks. Years. A decade. Everything looked like a dream, as if he became a pupil yesterday, but he had in mind that it has been a long time since it happened. After ten years of intensive training, Rine finally became a Wind Caster. He could control the wind around him as easily as he used his tongue to speak. He also got the gasp of some advanced techniques, and, as such, developped his owns. When he was 18, his master told him that he had nothing else to teach him, and that only experience could fill the empty space within the young caster. He once again asked him why he took such an amateur under his wings, and that he has been wondering about it since the day he has been taken as his apprentice. His answer was a bit more different, "You can't fill a cup that is already full. That's why I picked you. You had talent, and your cup wasn't filled at all. That's what made you the best candidate for training: You had much to learn.", and then "Well then, it is time we go in different paths. I'm sure we will meet again, but I can't teach you anything now. Some things in a Caster's life can only be learned with experience, it is something I can't teach you. When you are experienced enough, you will see what I mean. In order to complete your training, you need to travel around the world and develop your own techniques.Take this Elwind tome and go, do not look back and do not come back." His family simply let him go without hardships. From generation to generation, their sons left their home-towns to create their own families and spread their knownledge throughout Shuthra, thus expanding their family name through the country. But he had other plans which were not revealed. Rine planned to travel throughout the world, in order to fully hone his skills, as his master told him it was necessary. He began with the nearby cities, but he knew some day he had to leave Shuthra, and this future draw closer.
  2. Hello, as the topic title says. I'm a new member and all (is that so?), I also have been visiting Serenes Forest for a while but I never registered in the forums (mainly because my english isn't so good, but I can understand any post just fine), although I used to visit it sometimes and personally liked it. So I thought "Why not?" and then made my account. Kind of a bad start I guess, since I was not sure about which nickname to use on this forums, and in the end I ended up changing it to something I didn't like either (which was an accident... I need to turn that 'l' into a capital 'L'), yoorah to my indecision. And since this is my introduction topic, it'd be good to say some other things about Fire Emblem. The one I like the most is Genealogy of the Holy War, but Fire Emblem 7 comes right behind it... Or was it Sword of Seals? Perhaps Path of Radiance? Ahh, I give up. I like the three of them, can't choose the best one no matter how much I think of it (and I think I'll add Radiant Dawn to my list after playing it (I hope I get to play it. God damnit, I've been wanting play it since a long time... <_>)). The one I don't like at all is Shadow Dragon, because it just didn't meet my criteria. I should also say that I won't judge Thracia 776 because I'm not good enough to beat Chapter 4... yet! (was it chapter 4 the one where you need to get everyone out of the prison? I don't remember). If they release a remake of Genealogy of the Holy War more detailed to the story (like Thracia is) and with a Support System, this game will probably skyrocket to the top of my list. Dreamers gotta dream. My favorite class? Pegasus Knight, simply because they have a neat speed, movement, and sometimes they turn to be one of your stronger units (archers aren't really such a threat: You can kill them with a good Pegasus Knight (with exceptions of course), though Ballistaes will be their cryptonite for all eternity). Oh, and I shouldn't forget that they have a high magic resistance, making them perfect soldiers in the end imo. I also like Cavaliers, they are fast and usually strong enough to take on archers, mages and other enemies that will probably be a nuisance to units like Mercenaries, Archers, Mages, Priests etc. Well then, that's it, see you in the forums ^^ . Now to figure out how to change that image bar below my nickname (if it is changed by posts or if it is changed by me).
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