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Posts posted by Rapier

  1. Just now, This boi uses Nino said:

    ok unrelated but damn your signature is cool... just wanted to say that lol

    Oh, a friend of mine made that (and many others. She's very good at it). I stopped messing with Photoshop a long time ago.

    here are some other signs if you're curious











    (if you have a request I can tell her about it, but I make no promisses)

  2. The nitpicking with "submissive" in a feudal setting where, yes, machism and the patriarchy exist and both have a heavy influence in social dynamics is stupid. It also fits within the context of her line to show how messed up her grooming was, and not that she was simply groomed to be a "good" wife. The way it's written now, her predicament with her upbringing feels botched down and it doesn't convey just how much abuse she had to suffer through, which reflected into her personality.

    Love when modern standards are applied out of its context (which is a problem with show!GoT too) and when there's no controversy at all for Nintendo to be bothered about.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Tediz64 said:

    No i haven't yet. But i'm glad to hear everyone's responses. I just wondered if i was the only one noticing how slow they are to progress. I guess i am being bias. But like, at least they should have come up with more efficient ways of travel.

    It's actually answered by the game, although we don't delve too much into the answer that it feels like a handwave.

  4. I don't know who these "people" are (or if they exist in a significant number, even), but assuming they do, I'd guess it's because FE games are too restricted.

    Think like this: You're a newcomer to Fire Emblem. Ok, so, in order to play the old games, you'd either buy them through some Nintendo e-shop retro sale service or something, or emulate these games, because good luck being able to play FE1-10 through their original consoles. FE11 and FE12 are locked to the Nintendo DS, which iirc is a dead console already. Then we have FE13-15, which *are* on the 3DS and they're not that hard to get into, and FE16, which is a Switch exclusive.

    tl;dr what makes it difficult to get into FE is how most of its games are locked in dead and/or Nintendo exclusive consoles. FEH only requires you to have a phone.

  5. Most of the villains are evil for the sake of being evil, or because that's their nature (for the dark dragons). I'd say Duma is the worst because of his stupid spartan ideology. He's a worse Ashnard, pretty much.

    The "most" "moral" villain would be.... Ashera, I guess. Mortals fucked up twice and she's having none of it, although it's still a messed up decision because it's not morally right to condemn everyone for the acts of evil men. The entire conflict was also rigged: It was mostly Lehran inciting a large scale conflict and giving wicked men the means to do their bidding. So, while not justified, her motivation is better than the rest's.

  6. Three Houses should've been about the political infighting between the three realms and the church's control over the continent through their doctrine and crests. Anything else is filler and beyond the premise of the story.

    If instead of the Agartheans we had the figureheads of the other churches as the main antagonists for part 1, it'd be much more interesting, because it'd show just how much their religious doctrine is influent in politics, as well as how the Central Church (and Rhea in particular) is ruthless toward those who stray from the path she wishes them to follow. The western church could be the "orthodox" to the central's "catholic", and the clash of doctrines and power plays could be the main conflict motivator for part 1.

    Maybe instead of dealing with the Agarthians (who wouldn't need to exist* in this timeline), Edelgard chooses to make an alliance with the Western Church in their conspiracy to outplay the Central Church, only to ditch them by part 1's end due to her ultimate goal being that of "breaking the wheel" altogether.

    * Tomas could very well be recycled as a Western Church bishop, Kronya could be recycled as an imperial assassin directly under Edelgard, Cornelia could be a heretic mole inside the Kingdom.

  7. All I did to make my run 'harder' was to ignore Warp altogether (Rescue is fine though), avoid any extra battles that are not paralogues, avoid forging, forget about passing exams for stat bonuses for a class I won't use, avoid abusing battalions' gambit abilities (I kept basic E Authority battalions for my entire GD run).

    It was fun enough for me, even though the game still isn't "hard".

  8. Part 1 itself is the weakest part of the story, actually. Spending time on the monastery was fun, the character interactions were interesting, but it felt like the writers didn't really know where they wanted the story to be and simply added random conflicts while pretending they'd make sense later.

    For example, the whole issue with the Western Church dies within the chapter where they try to invade the Holy Tomb - we never see anything from them again, other than in paralogues and other character mentions where it's said they were "taken care of". Then there's the chapter where Flayn is kidnapped and someone says it's because of her crest, but this never becomes relevant again. Then Solon turns an entire village mad for the sake of an experiment that's supposed to achieve.... something, that never comes to fruition later. He also mentions sacrifices for something that never becomes important. Solon ultimately dies without accomplishing anything and Thales spends the rest of the game chilling in his basement until he decides to dubstep nuke a fortress to kill everyone (but also fails).

    Arguably, FE12's prologue (or even Awakening) has more plot consistency than 3H part 1. Part 1 knows it has to use a story as an excuse and does that, but the story itself is meaningless.

  9. I mean, politics go way further than "well I don't like him, might as well not try diplomacy at all!". It's also strange that Edelgard has allies in both the Alliance and the Kingdom, yet she never tries to reach out to their respective leaders. Yes, I know Dimitri wouldn't even listen to her, but she could've tried with Claude and attempted a compromise.

  10. I just hope they don't make yet another mobile game as their answer to a ZX3.

    Not saying the mobile game will be bad (it looks good, even), but I expected and wanted another game. I imagine it's going to be hell to play it without controllers. The X series deserved a title for consoles/PC.

  11. 11 minutes ago, Seazas said:

    Fire Emblem fanbase can't handle moral gray either. Plenty are blindly calling Rhea and Edelgard evil just because they have bad and flawed aspects to them.

    I think it's very hard to argue Edelgard isn't the villain in this scenario. She's right in wanting to extinguish crests and the religious masquerade around them. She isn't right for doing that by conquering the entire continent by war and paving her way to success over everyone's dead bodies. I dislike how she didn't even try to coerce the other Houses into her cause, because Claude agrees with her reasons but not with her methods (as per his route). Dimitri probably wouldn't have agreed, but then again, one less enemy to deal with if she actually cared enough and compromised with Claude.

    I'd prefer if the whole They who Slither in the Dark arc was closed in part 1, revealing the church's secrets as well as their own, and then each House leader decides what to do based on what they learned from that experience. In that case, Edelgard would see the crests as evil and that there's no way to be freed from them and of their religious influence if not by war. Dimitri would believe they could still be used for good and argues the religious influence is necessary for harmonizing their society. Claude would still want a change, but through compromise instead of war, and would be seen as a naive idealist.

  12. They just felt like an excuse for part 1 villains before the inevitable war between the three houses. I dislike how they get nowhere with their plans and how I'm still left wondering about what they wanted to achieve at all. Shaft Castlevania says something about sacrificing people for some grand plan, and he's around using mind controlling magic on people and experimenting with crests, but then...... Their plan reaches nowhere.

    I also don't really understand their dynamics.

    (Part 1 endgame spoilers)


    Like why Edelgard even bothered "allying" with them. She didn't benefit from anything and nor did they from their alliance, other than maybe getting more firepower. If anything, they are more like the type of people Edelgard would prefer to fight against. It's like Alvis allying with Manfroy but without any of the benefits that would come from it.

    Overall I wish part 1 was all about wrapping up their arc, while part 2 should've entirely been about the war. I know it needed a villain to keep the plot going, and the issues within the church are central to the story.

  13. Flayn begged for it, so... I didn't use the class at all, because she was way more useful as a support bot (Fortify is amazing and so is Rescue).

    I didn't want to give it to Dorothea because I found her long-range spells useful. I wish I had given it to Lorenz instead, because he's simply a jack-of-all-trades no matter what I do. I'd have ditched him a long time ago if I didn't like him as a character and didn't find his interactions with Hilda nice.

  14. 1 minute ago, BrightBow said:

    All fantastic games except for Zero 1 and ZX 1

    what kind of heresy is this

    tbh, I admit these games are worse mechanically than the others, but hey, that's a given, since Zero 2 and ZXA had their chance to improve on what the first titles had to come up with from scratch. I think the only exception in the entire series is X1, which is amazing even compared to the others that came from it.

    Personally, I prefer ZX1 for having a more Metroidvania-like authentic exploration, despite having a confusing layout. I also found the Models more useful than the A-Trans (which is a shame, because A-Trans is so cool in paper).

    I hope their sales show how Capcom how much fans want another sequel to the ZX series.

  15. The announcement trailer:





    It'll be released in January 21 in 2020 for the PC, PS4, Xbox One and Switch. Price is $29.99 / €29.99 / £24.99. It includes a few quality of life upgrades (like different layout modes to compensate for the Nintendo DS' dual screen layouts, different sprite shading), a mid stage save-state mechanic and a casual mode for the six games.

    Depending on how much it costs when the price is converted to my currency, I might grab it. These are some of my favorite games in the entire series.

  16. 5.

    I'm slow and I prefer to learn as I do, so I didn't pay much attention to cooking, training skills optimally for future classes, getting arena rewards, using gambits and getting the best ones, forging whenever possible etc. I just went around enjoying the experience and adapting if I needed something else.

    I'd rather leave all these details for my next playthrough, which's the one where I'll try to do everything right.

  17. So, I have many questions and I was too scared of simply using the search function. I'm still in the early part 2, playing on the Golden Deer route.

    (Part 1 Lategame / Part 2 Earlygame)


    If I am doing some other route that is not Edelgard's, can I still join her?

    If I'm in Edelgard's route, do I automatically join her?

    Do the maps change depending on the route you pick (for part 1. I know it does on part 2)?

    Is there a NG+? How does that work? Do I unlock anything else after beating the game?

  18. Do something about the small text, please.

    Show mini character portraits in the map, so you know which dots correspond to which character. It's not like the game doesn't already do that, but requires you to navigate through the menu to find out which dot is who.

    Re-add the Awakening/Fates option where it sorts your inventory automatically and picks up the more adequate items for an unit to use (I dislike when there's a chapter that requires more units than I normally use, or when one of my units isn't available for the map for some reason, and then I have to suit someone else's inventory for the battle).

    You should also be able to access the eastern/western merchants' wares through the Marketplace option.

    If you give a gift to someone and they hate/like/love it, it'd be nice if the game reminded you who reacted to that gift and on which way. Same for lost items.

    I think being able to automatize routines would be nice as well (planting, fishing, cooking, dining, training, participating in the arena), but I'm not sure how it'd be implemented, and it's more like a new mechanic instead of a QOL one.

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