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Status Updates posted by Peppy

  1. Peppy

    Happy Birthday, have yourself a good one!

  2. Happy Birthday. Have yourself a good one!

    1. Komeiji Koishi

      Komeiji Koishi

      Thanks, you too :o

  3. Happy Birthday. Have yourself a good one!

  4. I finally did it. I finally beat FE12 Lunatic Reverse.

    1. OliKad


      Whoa! You sure deserve more recognition for this. Congrats to you! :D

  5. Peppy

    Happy Birthday Jedi, have a good one!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Peppy


      I've been good. IRL stuff kept me busy for most of these recent years.

    3. Jedi


      I see, well I hope thats all going well ^^, should hit me up in a PM one of these days you have time so we can chat

    4. Peppy
  6. If you are reading this right now, that means you just lost the game

  7. Hurray. All FE14 Lunatics beat!

  8. i got 2% critted by an enemy with a 22% hit rate. I feel worse than Arthur right now...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Peppy


      This was FE14. I heard others are suspecting that it's a 1-RN game but there's no proof whether it is or not.

    3. The Envoy of the Beginning

      The Envoy of the Beginning

      Ah. This would have been even worse if it was a 2-RN game.

    4. Peppy


      It might be 2-RN, who knows.

      FE14 has taught me to be cautious of Berserkers (considering their crit bonus and the bad luck i've faced int hat game)

  9. Ch. 14 Hoshido is a very poorly designed map... :/

  10. Intelligent Systems intended on making a Kellam clone in FE14 but they forgot about him.


  12. Smash run has gotta be the worst thing i ever played.

  13. Smash run has gotta be the worst thing i ever played.

  14. Yet another boring year has now passed by.

  15. Happy Birthday! Have a good one.

  16. Waking up sucks.

  17. that would have been quite lovely. :) thanks!

  18. Well, I beat Lunatic+. yay.

  19. Yep. 2013 Sucked...

  20. Peppy

    happy birthday!

  21. Well, was playing some FE11 and after a trip to the vendor, I ended up with 1 gold remaining.

  22. Happy Birthday, have a good one.

    1. Sunwoo


      Thanks man :P

    2. Peppy


      No problem.

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