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Posts posted by GrandeRampel

  1. 28 minutes ago, Slumber said:

    Maybe there needs to be some second thoughts that go into writing characters like Tharja and Peri, and maybe they shouldn't be treated the same way as everyone else. They used to do this. Karel's not treated the same way Barte is in FE7.

    I just now see your post, and I strongly agree. Who decided that Tharja needed to be a mostly comedic character? They could have easily made her love for Robin and her attempts to be with him/her the only funny part about Tharja's character and use the other supports to explore her personality, her problems to get along with the others, which could give us small clues about her backstory that would have been interesting to piece together.

    And to be fair they did some stuff like that, like the support with Libra that I really like. I think it always comes down to the same thing:

    More interactions that make sense and explore the character in a unique way.

    Less comedic, pointless, samey bullshit.

    Which doesn't mean I don't want to see comedy in some supports, just that those supports should be just a few per character

  2. Tharja's character is an hot mess and it saddens me. Because with her character we could have the best example of a classic dark mage who isn't a villain in all of fire emblem.

    First of all:

    31 minutes ago, Shoblongoo said:

    The difference between a Karel and a Peri/Tharja is that Karel actually displays self-awareness of his immorality and character growth over the course of his appearances in Blazing Sword and Binding Blade.

    Something Tharja and Peri never do. 


    What? What game have you played? I can give you Peri, but Tharja knows she is an immoral and pretty selfish person. She admits it, she is a loner who doesn't want to be bothered by other people. She is okay with being hated and misunderstood, she expects it.

    Which is exactly why she could have been good, oh so good. You don't become a dark mage if you are a good guy who wants to help people, and you don't decide to become one on a whim. This shit is weird, complicated and dangerous, ask Canas' siblings. You need to have a particular ambition to go down this dangerous path (or you can just be crazy in the head like Henry), which is why many dark mages are power hungry villains. And why all the playable dark mages feel off, like they aren't different from regular mages.

    Canas is a nerdy goofball, Knoll is depressed but a pretty selfless good guy and Nyx is actually a pretty well thought character in the sense that she was an actual dark mage in the past but was punished for being power hungry like dark mages SHOULD be and now seeks redemption. I don't know much about Salem but I think he is supposed to be same as Nyx.

    Which leaves Awakening as the only game with playable dark mages that act like ACTUAL dark mages, cursing, loving blood and being weirdos that people don't want to interact with.

    Think about it, Tharja joins us because she doesn't give two shits about her country and just wants to be left alone, and not forced to die for a cause that isn't the one she decided herself. This is Dark Mage 101 and i love it:

    "I don't give a shit about politics, the only war I will fight in is the one against the kids who threw rocks at me when I was six."

    Which is why it's such a disappointment that her own game treats her like a joke. I can give a pass to the yandere thing.

    It actually makes sense for a being connected to the dark arts to feel weirdly charmed by the vessel of Grima, and in a better written game this could have been used to give Tharja a reason to stay with the sheperds after the war and as some clever foreshadowing for the big twist about Robin.

    But alas, in the game Tharja gets like 40 other gag-traits on top of the obsession with Robin and her good supports are like 6. Wasted potential.

    Oh yeah, to answer to the op, being "mature" isn't the problem. There are a lot of mature elements hidden in both games. Sometimes not even hidden, like Lucina's doomed future that is played very seriously. They just need better writers, and to actually do something with the perfectly good characters they create, outside of supports.

  3. I will say, I don't expect Hrid, Gunnthra and especially FJORM to be anything else but boring in this event.

    But Ylgr... This is make it or break it, little girl. Time to prove if you are really funny, or if it seemed that way only because you interacted only with Helbindi and Veronica who are so awesome, they make people in their vicinity look awesome too.

  4. 3 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    @GrandeRampel It's funny that none of the Olwens (the blue one and the green one) appeared in a Legendary Banner yet...

    Hey, that's true. WTF, I can understand blue Olwen who is kind of unappealing, but why no green Olwy? Why not have best green mage? To not compete with Gunnthra?

  5. Today is a good day. Also, now that I have Ishtar, Reinhardt and Tailtiu I just need Olwen to make a team of Friege thunderers. Or I could just wait for Tine, which sounds more plausible than pulling Olwen as long as they don't put her on a banner again. :_(


  6. 3 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    What makes me think that Gharnef would hinder his peers is that strictly speaking only one insane mage is required. Would adding Nergal when Gharnef is already present be a smart move? It wouldn't improve the roster variety very much. If Gharnef is already there then passing over than equally senile and insane dark mage for Sonia who's the nemesis of a fan favorite and has boobs seems like the smarter choice.

    Oh, so the fact we have an old insane dark mage now, will stop us from getting other old dark mages? Because they are too similar?

    Then how come we got Arvis, and then his two kids, who are kind of similar to him. Eldigan didn't stop us from getting the almost identical Ares. Lene and Silvia are the basically the same thing.

    And we got Tailtiu and later her niece. And I bet her daughter will come soon.

    And I'm not even counting that this is the same game that keeps giving us the same characters again and again, so I don't think they are worried about characters being similar to others.

    If they want to give us as a specific character, they will, even if there are similar characters already. 

    If anything, you may have to wait a little more for Nergal because they won't do two GHBs in a row that are the same movement and weapon type, but a FE7 banner isn't coming for a while anyway, so you are really overthinking this.

    The two games that we know are coming are RD and BB.

    BB will have Idunn. There's no doubt.

    RD doesn't have notable RED mages who would fit as GHB (rip Izuka). In fact I think they will avoid mages because the only Tellius GHB we have is already a mage so... Jarod Hype?! JAROD HYPE! (Watch it be Ludveck instead just to piss me off) 

  7. 12 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:


    Gharnef: That muffin you're eating? I DROPPED IT ON THE FLOOR.


    Kiran/Me: "WOAH! That was totally uncalled for, Gharnef. There was no reason to do it, I'm legit crying man. You are getting foddered for this. I can work with evil emperors, assassins and dark dragons, but this is too much. We have to draw the line somewhere."

  8. Guys, they are giving us Gharnef now because they are saving Medeus for the next Archanea GHB. It's so obvious.


    Watch it be Eremiya instead.

    But wait, I think I figured something out. I know what the Forging Bonds will be about. It will feature Gharnef, Surtr, Julius and Garon, and they will argue over who is more ridiculously evil.

    Julius: "It's obviously me. I killed dozens of children because I felt like it. I was in the mood to have children sacrificed in my name."

    Garon: "Bitch, I went against my own kids, not just random children. MY CHILDREN! Look how I say YOU ARE MY CHILD NOW! It sounds so evil."

    Julius: "Well I planned to kill my own family too. Except my queen."

    Surtr: "Well I actually succeded in killing my daughter. Plus a huge number of both my enemies and subjects. And I almost ended the world. I'm way better than both of you."

    Gharnef: "Gentlemen, it's pointless to fight over such petty things. And I'm the most evil anyway. I INVENTED EVIL."

  9. 2 hours ago, Troykv said:

    I don't think is a hard rule persey; but it would look bad to put a character that isn't easy to view.

    And Aversa can ended up stretching this anyway; she is the Free Unit after all; she isn't part of the public image of Brave Redux.

    I think the fandom often makes the mistake of assuming something is a rule, or a pattern, or a priority of IS without anything substantial to back their claims.

    The 1st Farfetched Heroes banner featured the 4 most popular non-lord characters still not in the game, all of them in their base class and the 4th in popularity (Joshua) was given away for free. Brave Redux worked the same way, the 4 most popular non-lord characters were in, with the least popular of the four (Aversa) given for free.

    The fact that being at least in the top 40 matters is a conjecture without even a single bit of evidence, besides what you subjectively think would make sense from a business point of view.

    And you said that putting Owain from Awakening was a "desperate choice", "bending the rules" and whatnot, when there's the easy explanation that Owain and Odin count as separate characters (why do you think dancer Inigo counted as an alt of Inigo and not Laslow?) and since the base version (or even the alt version) of Owain, didn't exist in the game, they put him on the banner, the same way as they would have put Haar if he scored higher than Owain. 

    Seriously, if IS really worked the way you think they work, what would they have done if no character missing from the game ended up in the tip 60?

    There are more reasonable things we can infer from how they handled the Brave Redux banner. Selkie was ignored and she isn't a lord, which probably means that putting the Farfetched characters in their base class is something they actually value above all else, and since beast stones aren't in the game, they had to pass on the big money maker that is Selkie, instead of giving her an axe or something. The other strange exception to their own rules we have to speculate on is actually why they ignored Veronica.

    Technically Veronica placed higher than Aversa, and she isn't in the game in her normal form, since Horse Veronica is an alt. This can mean one of two things. Either she counts as some sort of lord character like Micaiah, or Leif, in the sense that she was the FACE of the app before Fjorm, which means MAIN CHARACTER, which means excluded from Farfetched stuff.

    Or, she doesn't count as a pseudo lord, and the reasoning of IS was that since she won CYL people wouldn't have wanted two Veronicas in such a short time. Meaning that if she placed outside the top 2, we might have really gotten Veronica, Loki, Kliff, Owain. I can buy IS making an exception for this reason, and not for the silly "outside top 60 is too low, when there are 700 partecipants" reason.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

    Well...they really seem to be on track to get most, if not all, the OCs out in the hopes that people don’t vote for them in CYL3. The same could be said about the newest Camilla and even Legendary Marth to some degree.

    By Naga, I didn't consider that. They are trying to make us hate OCs to prevent an OC from winning again.

    That's pure genius.

  11. You know, the new banner kind of puts things into prospective. It's not that they pushed RD and BB away to give other already represented games like Awakening, Geneaology or Blazing the priority again.

    I'm actually starting to think they were (and are) the two games next in line when they made the announce.

    We all understood that "January" and "March" meant "you will have to wait so long because we have to get lots of banners about the usual games out of the way first".

    Instead they meant to tell us "you will have to wait so long because we have to get a lot of bullsh*t out of the way first. Including (but not limited to) the OCs, the seasonals for the holydays and the whole starting Book 3 thing".

    Well, atleast we know now.

  12. 1 minute ago, Necrofantasia said:

    My original question was: When will we have an interesting banner again?

    My new question: When will we have a themed banner of a regular Fire Emblem game again?

    Well Fates is a regular Fire Emblem as much as I'm aware. So we already have one "Adrift" that lasts 'till tomorrow.

  13. 3 minutes ago, Kaden said:

    Part of hopes they do a one character, regular banner in the future.

    Surtr's Menace makes me wonder if they're trying to test how to make the Threaten skills more useful. Dude's default kit is literally Threaten everything including your health.

    Don't joke about that.

    Surtr is stupidly good and I'm afraid IS might start to think "as long as we put a stupidly good new character, people will pull even if it's a 2 character banner".

    I really don't want them to think that.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

    I guess, but there is also far less for them to gain by dangling Ylgr and Surtr out there compared to the Muspell princesses and Helbindi. In other words, I don't think there'd be all too many tears shed if Ylgr and Surtr remained unplayable forever (unlike what'shisface Bruno).

    You're wrong. I would shed many tears if any character that could be playable was doomed to never be playable, regardless of how many fans that character has. Even more so if that character is already implemented in some way and there's a skill locked behind them like Simsara. Speaking of which if they don't give us Thoron+ soon I'm gonna go insane. I don't care if they have to add a skill shop, or if they have to make the shittiest TT or GHB ever to give it to us, they MUST give it to us. It's been in the game, taunting us, since the start.

    Going back on topic. It really sucks that I HAVE to hate this banner. Surtr playable is something I always wanted because it was a reassurance that all the OCs would be playable.

    But not like this. Not in a 2 (TWO!) units banner. Why? Why couldn't we just have Hrid here? His role in the story is comparable to Ylgr anyway. It seems like IS wants to troll us or something. Maybe Hrid is the GHB.

    But still it was their DUTY to find someone else to put on the banner to be the third. I don't care if they wanted to maintain the Nifl and Muspell theme. They could have made Helbindi's sister playable as a healer for all I care. Yes, she is dead, but it's not like that stopped anyone before, especially sisters.

    With the Ayragate the backlash was so strong they never pulled that shit again. I hope for the same backlash, so they never make a 2 units banner again.

    And I'm still gonna spend orbs 'cause I want Surtr dammit! GRRRRRRR!!!



    (On the other hand I'm not mad at power-creep like everyone else. Power-creep has been a thing since forever, it doesn't bother me. That's not the problem with the banner)

  15. In my opinion there are only so many stories you can tell with a single lord and his/her adventure to solve everything.

    Having more than one lord can help shake things up. Even if the game seems to prefer one of them in particular, it's still interesting to control them separately and see how they interact.

    One idea that I had is a Fire Emblem game in which you control a single lord since the beginning, but there is another character that you recruit soon who is a good friend, noble of another country, or maybe the lord younger sibling or relative. This character appears often in the plot, but more like how Gray and Tobin appear in Echoes, in the sense that they appear often because they have a connection to the lord and want to help them make difficult decisions. But after a good portion of the story, the main lord shockingly dies. Maybe they are betrayed, defeated and killed by the true villains, and their army escapes with great losses. At that point the second half of the game begins and the character who was a playable good friend/relative of the lord becomes the main lord of the game, but they still have the same stats they had before (although this could be a good moment to give them the classic story related class change we had in the Tellius games). This is different from what Genealogy did, because you would still use the same units, not their kids. And the villains who murdered the lord would be confronted immediately, instead of giving them years to reign.

    To give you more concrete examples, think about Geneaology. What if after Sigurd was betrayed and killed by Arvis, his allies were captured and not killed. But at that moment you shift prospective to Quan (obviously the whole thing with Travant didn't happen in this version of the game) who is now the main lord, and has to free the playable cast, solve the little problem between Leonster and Thracia, confront Travant, stop the evil cult of Loptous and of course get revenge by killing Arvis, stopping his ambitions right when it seemed like they were almost realized.

    Or what if, at the moment of Emmeryn sacrifice, Chrom actually surrendered the Fire Emblem to Gangrel, but was betrayed and killed together with his sister. From that point onward, the main lord would be Lissa (who pulls a Lachesis and becomes a badass Master Knight, because why not) who would have to guide the surviving sheperds and defeat Gangrel who is now more insane and powerful than ever (think Ashnard with Lehran's medallion level od insane and powerful). Of course in this version, "Marth" would have to be a completely different character, and the role of Robin would have to be different too.

    Or imagine if at the beginning of PoR we actually played as Greil, with its mercenaries. Ike and Mist would still be his kids and playable, but they would be the trainee units (or at least the game would make you think that). Just when the plot seems to be picking up and get interesting, with the whole invasion, protecting princess Elincia and the group beginning to travel to Gallia, the fated duel with the Black Knight would happen. And perhaps it would even be a playable chapter, with a shocking conclusion. The main lord we were playing as dies, and the role of protagonist goes to his son.

    This were examples based on existing games, but imagine a new FE that is built around this kind of plot twist? Wouldn't it be interesting? Similar to Genealogy but also different.

    The only problem with this idea is that I can't see IS pulling the "decoy protagonist" trope with their recent focus on supports and interatcions between units. Imagine bringing the protagonist and another character to support level S and in the next chapter the protagonist dies. All your work is lost, and you can't give that other character a different S-support now. Now that I think about it, IS pulled off something similar in both Birthright and Revelation, but we are talking about the main character this time, not a minor one.

  16. 2 hours ago, Zeo said:

    Realistically, Marth and Alm are going to win the male spots pretty much guaranteed and for whatever reason Camilla will probably still win a female spot which sucks so I'm not all that invested honestly.

    I don't know man, I feel Eliwood in particular has a fair shot. He wasn't that popular in the other CYLs but this time he doesn't have competition within his own fanbase (no Lyn/Hector/Roy to vote for) and FE7 has a lot of nostalgia around it, and a lot of people who seem to only like that game or something.

  17. I said that I would give everything I had for her, but in the end she came fairly soon, like the good daughter she is.

    As of right now there are really few characters in the regular pool that I really desire with all my heart. Feels good to be F2P (...mostly...) and still have a good collection of my favorites.


  18. For my first 4 votes I choose characters still not in the game:

    1. Tanith because she is the last waifu still missing. I love her too much, she needs to come and power-creep Elincia, Laegjarn and Caeda.

    2. Naesala who is my favorite beast unit. Velouria is second but she probably doesn't need my help.

    3. Charlotte. She got really high in CYL2 because people wanted her and that didn't happen, so she might do even better this time. If a miracle happens and she gets top 20 in the mid-term results I will scream and throw my other votes at her too. If Farfetched Heroes 3 is the only way for her to pull a Owain and be on a banner I will make it happen.

    4. Not set in stone. I was thinking of Malice who is a really cool character not affected by split votes for Archanea, or Petrine who really should come as a PoR GHB. But those don't exist apparently.

    For my last three votes I will see if a favorite of mine (like Leo, Camilla, Reinhardt, Laevateinn, ecc.) is really high in the mid-term results and rally for them. Assuming Charlotte isn't in the top 20, and makes me rally for her.

    It's weird, but I find really hard to predict who will win this time. Eliwood will probably get a lot of votes from Hector/Lyn fans. Alm will get votes from Celica fans. Eirika will get votes from Ephraim fans. Bruno or another OC will get the votes of the Veronica crowd. Shadow Dragon Marth will get lots of votes as a consequence of almost winning last year. Micaiah will get votes from the Tellius people which are rightfully pissed. I think the pissed Binding Blade players will just vote for their faves but they might rally for Lilina.

    Finally, I think people are sleeping on Chrom, Azura and Camilla's chances. They all received lots of alts already, and an alt screwed over Eirika last time, but I think newer fans are more likely to be really loyal to their favorite character, no matter what. This is shaping to be a really unpredictable competition.

    I can't wait!! ;D

  19. I'm not sure what the new banner is gonna be, I think anything is possible.

    The fact there is a GHB makes me think they could do just a normal banner about a game and make it a paralogue, like the first Blazing Blade banner.

    But they could also do a OC banner and give us Surtr GHB. With Garon as a breath user we need another Green Armor GHB.

    Or they could make a second Fallen Heroes banner and make the GHB possessed Berkut, or Dead Vigarde or Bertram, or whoever they want. 

    Or they could do Laguz from PoR. With a Naesala GHB. Or Ena.

    What I know for certain is that no matter what, I will blow my orbs on the BHB banner and get my daughter. I waited far too long. Nothing matters more.



    Watch the banner be SS with a Lute alt so that I have to spend money on it.

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