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Everything posted by Esme

  1. Esme

    That sprite you have as your avatar is just... gorgeous. :>

  2. Ugh, I miss SSB. Why did my Wii have to break? Why?! ;_____; ...Good luck with the tournament. :<
  3. That's a really cool fortune. Whenever I get one, it's always somehting that sounds pretty generic. :<
  4. Even though I don't like the show all too much, that skit has got to be my favorite of them all. Anyway, to answer your question, I'd go with Bitch Pudding. 'Cause she b da sassiest bitch 'round MMMHM~
  5. This is what I'm talking about: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIISe2LgfD0&feature=related
  6. I'm not dressing up, but my dad's friend is having a party. :D
  7. If you think that's bad then check out the Battle Subway. It's chocked full of hax.
  8. I haven't been up to date with the Yu-Gi-Oh franchise in such a long time... I hear it's very unbalanced. Is that true? (Congrats on making 95$, by the way! :>)
  9. Fonts are only annoying if the color is as bright as a freaking quasar or as small as an atom. Other than that, I think they're alright.
  10. ...the cheese section at Whole Foods. Blegh. D: Now I can only wonder what skunk spray smells like.
  11. I'm so active my posts have muscles!
  12. Getting out of the restroom after eliminating and then realizing you still have more to go is just as awful. It's the reason why I stay on the porcelain throne for a few minutes longer. Just in case!
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