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Sub Zero

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Everything posted by Sub Zero

  1. Well if you wanna do it go on ahead. Well, if you want the best stats possible for the children, you should worry a little bit about your pairings. But if you don't care about that than it doesn't really matter much.
  2. Until Dawn got me into horror games, the characters were memorable, the game is spoopy af, and the atmosphere is great; it's really all you want in a horror game; absolutely one of the best games ever released in recent years.
  3. I think the Tellius games are overrated, I'm not alone here...right? I mean, I see the appeal and everything, but it's really not as good as people say it is. yep, i'm alone here..darn
  4. Gears Of War 4: Being a long time Gears fan, I was very excited to hop into another era of amazing games..but it started off on the wrong foot..Gears 4 has boring characters, a mediocre Horde mode and bland story. The thing that rustled my jimmies the most was the supply crate system, I know this was gonna happen no matter what but I thought The Coalition was better than this. This system makes me miss the days where you can unlock characters and skins by actually playing the game and not throwing your money into a BS RNG casino type system. The Coalition better fix this, or it'll spell trouble for them. Fallout 4: Wow, Bethesda screws something up?! Never seen that before! -_- The story sucks and the characters are forgettable, If mod support didn't come to console this game would of bit the dust very quickly. Fallout 76: Do I even need to explain why this is on here? Moving on.. Fire Emblem Fates: I believe Thane says it pretty well, if you're curious check his post. Call Of Duty WWII: Why do I still give CoD a chance? I don't know, I just love the series too much just to let it go..the campaign is..well I'm using this word a lot but mediocre. The maps suck really bad, and I mean really bad. The multiplayer in general is just meh. The supply drop system isn't terrible, but they should've just stopped it with this game. Overall, not that disappointing.
  5. Worth playing? Most definitely! The soundtrack is good and it has a couple of good challenges. It doesn't suffer from old age as much as the original two, so, imo, it's definitely still worth playing.
  6. I don't know if you're into rap..but this is pretty good..I think Hopsin! The only good rappers out there, real af.
  7. I don't know if you're into rap..but this is pretty good..I think Hopsin! The only good rappers out there, real af.
  8. SRPG Studio is a negative, I don't have any money, and I'm using a school computer, so I don't know how far back that'll put me. But thanks for the suggestion! But I will try to use FEBuilder!
  9. Ok so first off, I'm sorry if this is in the wrong category, I've never done a topic like this before. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So I need help y'all, I'm looking for a program to use to make a fanhack, but I don't know which program works best. If you can give me a couple of suggestions, that'll be greatly appreciated, thanks.
  10. It's been awhile, but I'm still alive and kicking! So, what's your favorite FE boss theme? Idk if Everything into the Dark is necessarily a boss theme but if it is, than its that.
  11. It looks fine, could certainly be worse right? The game is certainly on the right track.
  12. Family Guy. The show, like many made during the time it debuted, became boring to watch. I grew up watching the show, and I thought it was one of the best shows ever, but the show suffers from fatigue, it hurts seeing this show fall into mediocrity, they should, if they haven't already, end it. It went as far as it will ever go, they should just pull the plug.
  13. Holy crap I haven't posted here in 2 months? Well, hopefully I can think of a topic for tomorrow...

  14. Oooohh! Fullmetal? Fantastic choice of Anime! I do have KH1 but I need to find some time before I play it, I've been too busy recently. Man, I only recognize 3 of them..I need to start watching YouTube again..
  15. Hello! :3 We seem to share a lot of interests! I do have some questions, if you don't mind answering them. Well..for starters..what's your favorite anime? (or what anime looks most appealing to you?) What games do you play? (other than FE of course) Who do you watch on YouTube? You seem interesting! I hope I see you more on the forums! :3
  16. I know what you´re talking about. Great movie btw
  17. I forgot alot of genres in my post....
  18. My 8 year old 360 still works! ;3 Believe it or not, I do have a rabbit's foot.
  19. Sorry, I don't know why I said mainly SNES games..I do have a 360 and the Xbox One, So you can give me suggestions from those consoles if you want.
  20. I'm having fun with it so far! The roster is great and the World Of Light mode is great! I can't find any big problems yet, game is amazing overall. A solid 9/10.
  21. I've been really bored recently...and I don't have any games to cure my boredom...any suggestions? (RPGS, Shooters and Strategy games only!) (Mainly games from the SNES era)
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