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Posts posted by buttmuncher.ops

  1. 15 minutes ago, GuardianGrarl said:

    What is one place you would like to visit/live?

    i've already visited new york city / france but those are my top two places i've thought about living. nyc for career, france for retirement. preferably the hamptons / le midi, respectively

    tell me about the most fun time you had this year

  2. 14 hours ago, Clarine said:

    Such would simply be my private chamber, garden or perhaps even my parlour. I say, such a question was not very interesting.

    so says the hellish noble who refrained from answering the actual interesting question :^)

    15 hours ago, Aya Shameimaru said:

    How does it feel to live under Lachesis?

    absolutely wonderful. all my meals are free, although served in a wine glass and doggie bowl

    do you own a tophat and / or monocle? (this question was for rex)

    edit, i think we all posted at the same time so see below

    when did you realize i asked you the six W's (this question is for clarine)

  3. 4 hours ago, Nobody said:

    I can't recognize what the emoji in your member title is. What are you going to eat the booty like?

    On 9/4/2017 at 4:09 PM, buttmuncher.ops said:

    a friend i made on this forum once called me an asshole / buttmuncher for taking too long to reply. i ran with it, even adding related references

    click link, listen to lyrics

    i can't recognize your avatar. wat are u supposed to bodee

  4. 5 minutes ago, Clarine said:

    Oh my, one simply must not assume that I cannot condone any forms of fun. Such an image in my signature is merely a... jest, if you may. After all, I believe such is a representation of how many views my sentiments.

    And just what does your location of "Under Lachesis" insinuates?

    it means i am under her just as the knights of your noble house are under your ladyship

    where did you think i was insinuating?

    (edit, original question i wanted to ask: where is your favourite location to enjoy a novel)

  5. 4 hours ago, Sigismund of Luxemburg said:

    When I can. My schedule is quite hectic, so my playing schedule is irregular. 

    What great historical buildings have you visited?

    more than i remember

    usa - everything in washington d.c., statue of liberty

    london - big ben, buckingham, globe theatre (didnt catch a play,) shakespeare's haus

    france - effel tower, versailles, louvre

    italy - roma colosseum, leaning tower, everything in the vatican

    drink an arnold palmer lately?

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