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Posts posted by buttmuncher.ops

  1. 1 hour ago, Fleece said:

    she basically keeps backing me into a corner by asking things that will make me look like an ass if I give an answer thats not a definite yes such as "you're not going to miss me if you live that far away?" or "you're really okay with not being able to see us much?" (though tbh I really don't want anything to do with them but I have to at least pretend I care since I still live under her roof for now and want to keep things civil) 

    soft tactics twerk best here

    suggestions include acting uninterested in california, "it wasnt that great anyway. bunch of weird buttmunchers;" along with steering the conversation to how mumsy wouldnt feel right in california "you wouldn't like it there mums. what about ur friends here. over there you'd have to wear uggs, drink starbucks and turn into a basic buttmuncher" etc. etc.

    although if you overdo it and don't believe what you're saying yourself..it might backfire :^)

    as far as being put into a corner, just have to put up with it and keep promising / saying i love you. if the visitation schedule is too much (for her,) you might have to promise a daily / weekly contact thing too ;/

    why does it feel like im giving advice for a clingy grillfiend

  2. 1 hour ago, Clarine said:

    Might you ever consider using a less unbecoming username or avatar? (For Buttmuncher.op)

    the avatar is very becumming and you know it. as far as the username / entire theme (including avatar) goes, sure, if

    1. the friend that called me a buttmunch revisits the forum and finally gets to see the name change joke

    2. you can call me a better insult that fits within my original initials of b, (m,) o

    goodluck :^)

    1 hour ago, GuardianGrarl said:

    What is your dream career?

    highest d level in the field, with over 60% of daily duties being dedicated to client-customer interaction. c (a.k.a. e) level in a corporate office isn't my thing, nor do i count being on a board as a career

    the industry or title doesn't really matter, although preferred divisions are sales, marketing, hospitality. distant 4th and 5th being finance / HR

    @Gemma is it pronounced "gehma" or "jemma"

  3. 1 hour ago, Fleece said:

    tfw your mom is so overbearing and wants to control you so badly she's willing to move across the entire country once you do

    anyway HI GUYS i'm home and tired as heck a lot sure has happened and I'm so used to seeing forests Cali is weeeeeeeee~! and I got to see a tumbleweed in person for the first time ever that was p neat

    fixed that for u

    i'm glad u enjoyed ur stay. tell ur mum i said hi, and that she doesn't need to move with u ;/

    establish a visiting schedule as a form of negoatiation

  4. 1 hour ago, Fleece said:

    tfw your mom is so overbearing and wants to control you so badly she's willing to move across the entire country once you do

    anyway HI GUYS i'm home and tired as heck a lot sure has happened and I'm so used to seeing forests Cali is weeeeeeeee~! and I got to see a tumbleweed in person for the first time ever that was p neat

    fixed that for u

    i'm glad u enjoyed ur stay. tell ur mum i said hi, and that she doesn't need to move with u ;/

    establish a visiting schedule as a form of negoatiation

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